This Shar-pei ran from one gate to another as he guarded his house by the sea in Cap Martin, but at no point did he bark at me. Perhaps he's used to people walking past him and is a bit blasé about the whole thing. The breed originated in China and has deep wrinkles and a blue-black tongue.
27 February 2007
25 February 2007
Carnival dog
This little dog, walking through the confetti, is dressed and ready to take his part in the Menton Fête du Citron (Lemon Festival) - along with all the school children of Menton. You can see more photographs of this renowned festival at the Menton Daily Photo blog - here.
23 February 2007
One, two, three...
This English lady had travelled from Monaco with her husband to see the Fête du Citron in Menton. Dogs are not allowed inside the exhibition enclosure and so when I took these photographs, she was waiting with the dogs whilst her husband went in to the see the displays. All three of her Cavaliers come from England - two were, I believe, only eleven months old. I told her that I'd seen several dogs inside but then probably it takes a Frenchman to ignore rules or perhaps they do allow dogs in if they are carried. Three Cavaliers around would have been too heavy. She told me she'd not go in and leave her husband with the dogs as she felt, by then, the young dogs had tired. You can see some photographs of the Fête du Citron at this link.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
22 February 2007
Waiting for customers...
This lovely Chow belongs to the café you see in the following photograph. It's a couple of streets in from the sea in Menton. You can see his water bowl under the menu sign. He stood, four square, not moving, whilst I took half a dozen shots. I've no doubt when a customer arrives, he'll run in to inform his owner. The 'look out' dog!
21 February 2007
Yorkies at the Fête du Citron
This couple live in Nice and had brought their two little Yorkies to Menton for the Fête du Citron. I love the colour of the husband's dog. Another man had his older Yorkie there and the three were chatting Yorkie-chat. A sign at the entrance clearly said No Dogs but perhaps if a dog is carried, it's OK. Rules are made to be broken... Click here if you would like to read more about the Fête du Citron.
Yorkshire terrier
20 February 2007
Metropole Chien
This lab blinked in surprise when I took his photo. As you see, he's got his bowl of water whilst his owners partake of morning coffee and croissants. This was taken in the luxurious Metropole Centre in Monte Carlo and if you look carefully at the following photograph you can see our hero, asleep on the floor.
19 February 2007
This beautiful dog stands waiting patiently for his owner to leave a bank in Roquebrune-cap-Martin. At one point, I made a sound to get his attention and he came running to me, wagging his tail - too close, in fact, to take a photo. I told him to go back and wait for his owner and he did. A dog with a beautiful temperament.
German Shepherd Dog
17 February 2007
No dogs allowed!
Dogs are forbidden in supermarkets in France but as you can see, not everyone abides by the rules. Madame has to shop, after all, and so she walks the aisles with her petite chienne and fills her chariot with the week's food. This was taken in a supermarket in Carnoles, a suburb of Roquebrune-cap-Martin.
Bichon Frisé
16 February 2007
This beautiful dog, part Portuguese Water Dog, with his friendly Italian family are in a new pâtisserie in Carnoles, which is a suburb of Roquebrune-cap-Martin.
Portuguese Water Dog
15 February 2007
Have towel, will travel
This little Yorkie was sitting outside the bakery by Carrefour, the supermarket in Fontvieille, Monaco, sharing a table with a handsome, brawny young man. When I asked if I could take a photograph the young man got up so fast he nearly knocked his beer over. Perhaps a famous footballer? I didn't know who he was, but he was very keen not to be photographed. No matter, a cute dog. Note how he travels with his own yellow towel to cover wherever he sits. Very correct.
When I walked past later, the dog was still on the chair, but standing on his hind legs, his front feet on the table. I didn't like to ask if I could take another photo.
When I walked past later, the dog was still on the chair, but standing on his hind legs, his front feet on the table. I didn't like to ask if I could take another photo.
Yorkshire terrier
14 February 2007
A flurry of Griffons
The owner of these dogs actually had five - the other two were running around off-lead. This was taken by the market in Carnoles, which is near to Menton and Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Five griffons would be quite a handful, I'd imagine, as they are quite a highly strung breed and barky, but also affectionate and charming which doubtless compensates. They always have an undershot jaw and a monkey-like expression.
13 February 2007
Young Dobermann

This playful young Dobermann thinks chewing his lead is the best fun. This was taken in the walking street of Monaco - you can see the port of Monaco in the distance. Note the cropped ears, a practice forbidden in many countries now.
12 February 2007
SDF dogs
Sans domicile fixe or SDF, as they are known - means people with no fixed address. Here are some Menton dogs.
Cross breed
11 February 2007
Pretty Girl
This little shih-tzu is called Pretty Girl - which equally applies to her owner.
She'd called into Anubis, the Salon de Toilettage in Menton, to present her new puppy. She'd had a shih-tzu before and when she died, she said she'd never have another dog. And now - here's Pretty Girl.... we all need another dog...we owe it to the memory of our previous dog to give a loving home to a new one. We don't forget the first dog - our hearts simply expand to make room for another.
10 February 2007
09 February 2007
08 February 2007
Boston terrier - Monaco
Boston terrier
07 February 2007
Good citizens
They walk their little poodle along the seafront in Roquebrune-cap-Martin - a view of Menton before them. It's now against the law not to pick up after your dog in France...
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