23 March 2010


Today I was in Ventimiglia, across the Italian border. Sitting on a bench by the sea was this lovely boxer. He looks pretty comfortable, doesn't he. Arturo is six years old and lives just across the street from where he was sitting.

This post is for Glenda who has two dogs, one of whom (I believe) is a white Boxer. I've been looking for a white Boxer for you for ages Glenda but have a feeling I might never find one, so here's Arturo, the nearest I could get. All this by way of saying thankyou for being such a loyal reader of Riviera Dogs. I so appreciate it and I'm sure Arturo would give you a big wet sloppy lick if you were here.


Drew said...

This is a beautiful photo Jilly.

Anonymous said...

I love a beautiful, regal boxer! He looks comfy, but in that close-up his eyes look so sad. I hope I've just imagined that part, and that he's actually a happy boy who is just a little tired.

glenda said...

Thank you, Jilly for thinking of me and my lovely white boxer. Arturo is just fantastic. That face, what a love.

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I just got a phone call from Glenda excitedly asking if I had seen your blog yet. I had just gotten home form work so I had not, and I see now why she was so excited. Thank you for rewarding her devotion to your three websites and to every dog on the planet.

We had dinner with Glenda last night (for her son's/Julie's brother birthday) and a topic of conversation was four recent incidents in which Glenda has been walking her dog in her neighborhood and cars driving down the street have slowed down and a person has told her how handsome her white boxer is.

Although she thinks her white boxer is regal in appearance, I told her that I was skeptical that they were motivated by admiration for her dog, but that they were probably "hitting on" her.

That probably never happens on the Riviera, right?

lady jicky said...

He is one cool dude!

Julie ScottsdaleDailyPhoto.com said...

what a cute face.

joanna said...

Jilly the close up of this handsome looking boxer is adorable a beautiful healthy coat he is sporting -- I do not think I ever came across a white boxer? Are they albino?

If I could take my dog on the plane I would be there by Fall... Could not bare to have him below in the cargo -- he is 23 pounds or 50.6 kilos.


Neva said...

Boxers are the cutest. They just look so happy and goofy you have to love them! Our neighbors growing up had a boxer named "Major" and he was insatiable in his playing "stick". what fun to see Arturo. A current neighbor had a white boxer -not sure if they are albino --but his eyes were always running and red... not so pretty.


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