Riviera Dogs has featured Boutchette, the Bassett Hound before. Last August she was 6 months old - the resident Beausejour dog - and sitting in the sunshine. Do click to see a better photo than today's because after endless heat and sun, it clouded over and even rained about three drops, but I'm not complaining other than lack of light in photos.
Today she is sitting outside the Beausejour, the great restaurant in Gorbio village and what she doesn't know is that tomorrow she gets a new sister - a miniature shih-tzu.
If you wonder what is on the paving stones behind her, well it's hopscotch - French hopscotch - bright colours and not a child goes by without hop, skipping and jumping on it.
Ha ha...she looks like she's melting. So cute.
What beautiful ears she has, they look so soft. The hopscotch is quite interesting. We played for hours as children long before computers and cell phones.
She looks so cute...very heart touching moment...her eyes means so much...
Ah, what a face. She looks like a sweetheart. And wow, the French can even make hopscotch more colorful and artistic! I remember playing this at length as a child too and, as Glenda mentioned, being perfectly content without the computer and the cell phone.
This dog has so much character.
I thought your readers might like to know that today and tomorrow I have a photo of puppies on the beach on my site.
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