With no mother to train them they don't react quite like normal dogs. I've cared for two of them now at Pension Milou and both share similar characteristics. They are needy, incredibly hyper but adorable, they can open every door in the place (grrrr...) and they bark like crazy if other dogs play but they'll run for a ball endlessly. They have to be temped to eat at first but later they do well. They seem to be a mix of pointer - perhaps there is some whippet with that tuck-up. I don't know about those ears tho and the undershot jaw.
This is Tess, who lives with a guy and his wife-to-be, both of whom work on yachts in the south of France. They adore her. Lucky Tess eh?
"Lucky Tess" is right. These stories are always heart-wrenching, and unbelievable. The carelessness in breeding and underlying greed is beyond comprehension. I worked at an animal refuge here in the US for five years and had to stop because I was becoming a little too cynical and misanthropic. It's difficult to not succumb to shelter "burnout."
So thankfully there are people like yourself, who continue to offer hope to some of these less than fortunate animals. It's always uplifting to hear a happy ending. Thanks, Jilly.
Lucky Tess. She's a beautiful dog.
What a great shot you captured of Tess. her coat looks as soft as velvet. She is in fact a lucky girl.
man can be so shocking and then you get people like Tess's new owners who love and adore her!
Beautiful dog!
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