Showing posts with label American cocker spaniel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American cocker spaniel. Show all posts

27 October 2016

Mutual admiration

Mutual admiration... in black and white.

26 May 2016

Hair Colour

Ever noticed how people choose dogs with the same colour hair? 

20 May 2015

Strutting his Stuff

A gorgeous American cocker spaniel strutting his stuff at the recent Monaco Dog Show. 

11 June 2014

Xtase - Milou

The doggy love-of-my-life was an American cocker spaniel called Milou.  Of course, I loved all my wonderful Old English Sheepdogs, and all the rescue dogs since, but Milou shared my early years in France and we grew so close. I've never forgotten him. He lies under a rose bush in my garden with his ball near the roots.

This is Xtase, a girl, and bred by the same breeder as Milou - Laurent Pichard in Switzerland. She could be Milou - or at least his sister.The snood (I think it's called) is to protect her long ear before going into the showring at the Monaco Dog Show.

17 June 2012


Last time we had an English cocker spaniel, today meet Daisy, a 4 year old American cocker spaniel.  I met her in Menton where she lives.  Her owner told me she will soon be having her summer trim when perhaps we'd see her eyes a little better. No matter, she's still gorgeous.

26 February 2012


This is 14 month old Buddy, an American cocker spaniel who lives in Monaco. Too cute and with a tail that never stops wagging.

24 December 2008


The larger photo looks as if it's simply a cropped version of the small one, doesn't it? But it's not. This adorable 7 year old American cocker spaniel didn't move - she was a scaredy cat as you see. Her owner, who lives in Menton, told me she's a very nervous dog.

The love of my life was an American cocker spaniel - Milou - so I've a very soft spot for this breed.

In Europe, we call English cocker spaniels simply 'cocker spaniels.' And so, in Europe, Tequila is called an 'American cocker spaniel.'

In America, it's the other way around. Tequila would be called a 'cocker spaniel' and the others are called English cocker spaniels. Confused?

24 September 2008


What's a girl to would you like if someone came along and took your photograph when you were bang in the middle of being made beautiful?! Things aren't what they used to be....

Prune, a buff coloured American Cocker Spaniel, in a Menton Salon de Toilettage.

25 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Cacharel

This puppy, at 4 months, was too young to be exhibited but nevertheless was walking around the exhibition space, naturally close to where the American cockers were being shown. He is related to the beautiful American we saw yesterday. He lives in the Bouches-du-Rhone. How cute is he?!

24 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Best-in-Show

I always have a very soft spot for American cocker spaniels. My Milou was an American cocker bred by the La Vigie kennel in Switzerland, which is where this lovely dog comes from. Milou was black tho. Look at the way this dog swishes his head - he knows how gorgeous he is. And look how beautifully presented he is too.

08 June 2007

Summer hair cut

I'm a sucker for an American cocker spaniel and this one is a cutie. Funny haircut, but who cares and he's nice and cool for summer. I'd far rather see this, than a dog full of knots and uncomfortable. This was taken in the walking street of Menton. Pension Milou is named for Milou who was an American cocker spaniel. You can read his story here.


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