Showing posts with label Bassett hound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bassett hound. Show all posts

08 October 2016


Bouchette, the Bassett Hound asleep in the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio. 

03 February 2016

Begging Bouchette

This is Bouchette, the Bassett Hound who belongs to the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.  In fact, she's sitting on the terrace of the bar opposite, Les Terrasses, hoping for a morsel from the table and not getting it ...!

25 December 2015

Happy Christmas!

A very Happy Christmas to all my doggy friends and their humans!  (This is Bouchette, the Restaurant Beausejour dog from Gorbio)

15 September 2015

Galinette and Bouchette

Galinette, the Shih-tzu and Bouchette, Bassett Hound, outside their restaurant, Le Beausejour in Gorbio village.

24 June 2014

Bouchette and the Red Stilettos

Today's photo of Bouchette (from the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio) was taken by my friend, Lisa Luscombe.  Lisa loves to photograph her red stilettos wherever she goes.  I wonder if Bouchette is dreaming of them ...

23 April 2014

Boutchette and Galinette

Sometimes a girl just to have something large and warm to snuggle up to! 

Boutchette, the Basset Hound acts as a comfy pillow for her housemate, Galinette, the Shih-tzu. These two belong to the fabulous Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.

13 May 2012

Boutchette's Bone

There was a wedding in Gorbio yesterday afternoon and Boutchette, one of the Restaurant Beausejour dogs enjoys her bone whilst the tables are being prepared.  Hope no one tripped over it later ...

19 July 2011

The 'Beausejour' Dogs

Regular visitors to Riviera Dogs will have met the Beausejour dogs of Gorbio before. On the chair is Boutchette and at her feet is the most recent addition to the family, Galinette.

Seems to me that Boutchette has the most comfortable seat in the house! Not that all the seats aren't comfortable. We had dinner the night I took these shots and it was fabulous!

Naughty Boutchette tho appears to be pregnant and no one knows who the 'daddy fact tho, she isn't. Turns out she has a phantom pregnancy. Sigh of relief all round.

26 July 2010

The Beausejour Dog

Riviera Dogs has featured Boutchette, the Bassett Hound before. Last August she was 6 months old - the resident Beausejour dog - and sitting in the sunshine. Do click to see a better photo than today's because after endless heat and sun, it clouded over and even rained about three drops, but I'm not complaining other than lack of light in photos.

Today she is sitting outside the Beausejour, the great restaurant in Gorbio village and what she doesn't know is that tomorrow she gets a new sister - a miniature shih-tzu.

If you wonder what is on the paving stones behind her, well it's hopscotch - French hopscotch - bright colours and not a child goes by without hop, skipping and jumping on it.

30 August 2009

Boutchette, the BAD pup!

Who can resist a Basset Hound puppy only six months old. It's the day of the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village and many horses are the main square. Boutchette has stolen a beautiful round oh-so-tasty horse dropping and is happily munching her way through it - see small photo.

Soon she'll be booted back inside - no, not booted - her owners adore her, of course.

Boutchette lives at my favourite restaurant in the village, Le Beausejour and she's called Boutchette because the owner's previous Bassett was called Boutch - so she is 'little Boutch.

How adorable is she? You know, I've yet to meet a dog who doesn't love to either eat horse droppings or roll in them - or better still, both!

27 February 2009


Basset Hounds always make me laugh with their big soulful eyes. My Mia, who is a Basset Ariegois, has a similar look - wins me over every time.

Meet Charles-Henri (what a grand name). He lives in Belgium, but was in Menton with his family for the Fête du Citron and posed on the sea wall near to Roquebrune-cap-Martin.

15 August 2007

Taking a break

Taking a break from the heat, this Bassett Hound is watching the world go by in the Casino Gardens of Monaco. The small towel is presumably to keep his face dry - bassett hounds have a habit of drooling!

15 June 2007

Hot hound

This lovely Bassett Hound was proud to pose for his photograph at the entrance to Sospel: a beautiful mountain village 20 kilometres above Menton.


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