Showing posts with label Bruno de Jura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruno de Jura. Show all posts

03 January 2014

Beau and his poor toe

Some of you know Beau, the oldest of my rescue dogs.  No idea how old he is but he's old and so much is wrong with him - he's had four operations on his ears - two eardrums removed, one inner ear - now he has open fistulas that ooze down his neck but that relieves pressure on his ears. He also has really bad seborreah which is greasy and smells awful. He should be bathed every 5 days. I do it as often as I have the energy to push him into the shower, which he hates.

Here he'd yanked a toenail and it had gone septic and had to be removed. Actually this was taken a week or so ago and now I've removed the dressing and it's healing up fine. He's very creaky, doesn't see well but still loves his food and isn't going anywhere yet. He's also a beautiful, kind, wonderful - so wonderful - dog. He's a Bruno de Jura, by the way - which is a Swiss Hunting Dog.

04 November 2008

Beau Votes!

Meet my dog, Beau - happy to loan one of his long ears to support Obama on this, America's election day.

Beau lived in a refuge in the Var for four years - he was called Bimbo then but I changed it to Beau the day we drove home together. He is a Bruno de Jura - a Swiss hunting dog - and the origin of the Bloodhound (you can see the resemblance I think). Three weeks after coming home Beau had both ear drums removed to try and cut down on the massive infections he had. He was four and a half hours on the table. He still gets abscesses from time to time but now he's a pretty healthy dog and this is his chair - which used to be 'my' chair. Huh! He's happy and so am I to have him here. He's a wonderful, funny dog with a howl you'd not believe. He's lived with me in Gorbio for 18 months and is probably about 10 years old although really no one knows his age or history. Taking him from the refuge was the best thing I ever did. Always rescue a dog from a refuge - there are so many and they reward you a trillion-fold.I adore this funny ol' boy.

Happy Election Day, America! Beau and I will be sitting up late and watching the results. If the polls are right, we want to be part of history in the making and welcome President Barack Obama, who I know is going to so good for America and the world. It's time for CHANGE!

(This is the same post as is on Menton Daily Photo today - something I don't usually do but today is an important day!)

And to see how you can vote with candies, please go to Monte Carlo Daily Photo.


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