Showing posts with label English Bulldog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Bulldog. Show all posts

19 September 2016


This is Zoe, a totally adorable Old English Bulldog - she's two years old and lives in Naples and I met her in front of the Duomo where the Feast Day of San Gennaro was taking place.

05 August 2016

Hot Dog!

Hot dog! Hot English bulldog - but he's sitting in the shade cooling down.

18 July 2016

Larry and Haston

Larry and Haston - who seem to have different ideas of where they are going!

08 July 2016

24 May 2016

Bulldogs reign!

Who doesn't love a Bulldog! 

16 January 2016

Larry and Haston

Now this is an idea to save you walking the dog!  Meet Larry and Haston, two English Bulldogs who live in Menton. Here they are in Menton's beautiful Parc du Pian.

02 December 2015

In step

A bulldog and a bichon - in step - in Bari, Puglia.

06 September 2015


Larry looks guilty! Bulldogs are so expressive, witness this look!  Larry lives in Menton with his buddy, Haston.

31 August 2015


'Fall in love with a dog, and in many ways you enter a new orbit, a universe that features not just new colors but new rituals, new rules, a new way of experiencing attachment.'

~ Caroline Knapp (American writer)

English bulldog, Monaco Dog Show 2015

22 March 2015


Larvotto Beach, Monaco.   Don't we all feel like this sometimes...!

03 November 2014

Haston and Larry

Meet Haston and Larry, two English bulldogs who live in Menton. Bulldogs are such fun and have the most beautiful temperaments and of course are such clowns. Look at the expression on the faces of these two! 

Thanks so much to my friend Sylvie who arranged for me to meet these two and their lovely owner Celine in the Parc de Pian in Menton. 

30 April 2014

Xena - a new life in Monte Carlo

This is Xena the English bulldog.  Xena is six years old and now lives a life of luxury with her owner, Lorraine, in Monte Carlo, but her earlier life wasn't so good. She was used as a brood bitch in a kennel at Aix-en-Provence. Although you can't see it in this photo, her teats hang very low, evidence of too many litters.  Fortunately for her she got to the age when she was no more use to the breeder and now here she is on the terrace of the Cafe de Paris, receiving admiring glances from everyone. (see small photo)  Good for you, Lorraine. One happy dog now.

08 April 2013


Three pugs and one bulldog walking along Avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco. 

21 April 2011

Lord Byron

This gorgeous bulldog is called Bryon (Lord Bryon to be precise...) He's 5 years old and lives in Menton but on the day we met he was outside the market of Ventimiglia, across the border in Italy.

22 December 2010


Is he a Boxer or a Bulldog? This 9 months old pup caught my eye walking through the Christmas Fair in Menton. Legs are too long for a bulldog yet too short for a boxer and right, he's a mix of the two. Isn't he gorgeous?

Spike lives in Genoa, Italy - just along the Ligurian coast from Menton.

29 July 2010

The Bulldogs?

This was published on Menton Daily Photo a few days ago and it was suggested I should put it on Riviera Dogs.

This guy works on a clothing stall near to the market in Menton and was more than happy to have his tattoos photographed. Left to right - Lady, Churchill and Petula. He insists all three are English Bulldogs but the one on the left looks like a Boxer and the one on the right a bit like a Pit Bull.

Tomorrow - a real dog!

06 March 2010


Is it the face only a mother could love? Some people think English Bulldogs are ugly. I adore them! I once looked after a puppy for three weeks before she travelled from Wales to Australia and from that moment on, I was in love with the breed.

Meet Ursula - hey, wake up Ursula! She was walking around Menton with her owners until they stopped to chat and then she thought she'd have a nap. Ursula is six years old and lives with her family in Brescia, Italy.

03 June 2009


Kaila was resting in the shade with her owner - just around the corner from the market building. English Bulldogs have such gorgeous temperaments but if they are naughty and you have to get hold of them, goodness, they are strong. I've had one or two at Pension Milou who have thought it great fun to eat a door frame!

Kaila is three and lives in Milan - on holiday here in Menton.


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