Showing posts with label English Cocker Spaniel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Cocker Spaniel. Show all posts

12 November 2016

Dogs in cars

Dogs in cars. (Emmanuelle, Guillaume, Joe (the cocker spaniel) in Patrick's restored Renault 4. What wonderful friends I have.

18 August 2016

Emma and Joe

My beautiful friend, Emmanuelle, and her dog Joe.

18 May 2016


Showing off her tricks!

25 March 2016


I met 'Titouf' in Menton yesterday.  She's a dignified older lady now - 13 years - and is named after a French cartoon character.  Isn't she adorable!

14 February 2016

Emmanuelle and Joe

So proud that this photo was awarded 2nd place in the '7th Regard Photographique 'Concours Photo de La Rue - Club Photo St. Laurent du Var. Thank you to the judges and congratulations to my friend, Philippe Chiodi, who was awarded first prize.

Congratulations to the Club Photo St. Laurent du Var for the superb exhibition at the Hotel de la Ville, St. Laurent du Var - and for the warm welcome extended to us.

And thank you to Emmanuelle Deleuse and her dog Joe, without whom the photo wouldn't exist. Big hug, dear beautiful Emma. Woof woof to Joe. x

25 November 2015

Emma and Joe

My beautiful friend, Emmanuelle and Joe, the Cocker spaniel at the Coulée Verte in Nice.  This is one of the photos I'm exhibiting at PhotoMenton this year. (Palais de l'Europe, Menton until Sunday...) - do come along!

09 September 2015


Joe, the cocker spaniel, lives in Nice. 

The beautiful legs belong to his owner, Emmanuelle, who kindly agreed to ruin a pair of shoes posing for photos in the Coulée Verte in October last year.

I owe you a pair of shoes, Emma!

13 November 2014

Black and white in the water

On Saturday the Festival PhotoMenton opens its doors to 110 photographers. This year my theme is 'dogs' and here's one of the photos I'll be exhibiting.  If any of you are living near to Menton, do come along. You'll see so many varied and wonderful styles of photography from so many talented photographers. 

See for more info.

This is Joe, the cocker spaniel, along with his co-owner, Emmanuelle. We saw him in a beautiful old car, a 1968 Renault 4L in a recent post.   This was taken at the Coulée Verte in Nice.  Of course Emma is the perfect model and, indeed, she ruined a pair of tights to make these photos.  Thank you, dear Emma! xxx

19 October 2014

Emmanuelle and Joe

Turn right! Turn right! 'Joe, you are not looking in the right direction ...

Meet my beautiful friend, Emmanuelle and Joe, the cocker spaniel.  Joe is 4 years old and lives in Nice with Emma and Guillaume.

In the smaller photo you see Patrick, owner of this stunning 1968 Renault 4L.

My birthday was last Monday but yesterday these precious friends and Sylvie organised a surprise second birthday celebration! How lucky am I? Five of us plus Joe in this car, whizzing around Nice, an enormous bouquet of flowers and of course all our camera gear.  And a great lunch in the Old Town of Nice.  I thought we were all back in 1968!

Thanks so much everyone! I loved, loved, loved the day.

06 March 2014

Spaniel and Confetti

This lovely cocker spaniel was enjoying the Combat Naval Fleuri at Villefranche sur Mer yesterday. Walking on a sea on a confetti!

14 June 2012


Hot sun, deep shadows at the moment.  This is Falbala. She's a one year old and lives in Menton.

15 February 2012

Gin and Tonic

A three-month old cocker spaniel is irresistible... Meet Gin who lives in Montpellier but was in Menton this morning. Isn't she too adorable for words! Look at the blonde baby fluff on the sides of her face - that will disappear soon.

14 December 2008

Alpi - all wrapped up for Christmas!

Alpi, 3 years old, and all wrapped up for cold and rain - and today it's cold and it's raining. He's sitting at his owner's feet - she is running one of the food stalls at the Menton Christmas Fair. Alpi is well used to this - when he's not here, he'll be found in Menton at his owner's restaurant.

17 November 2007

Market dog - 2

This black cocker spaniel is often sitting here outside the main market in Menton and near one of the outside stalls whilst his owner works. He looks resigned - 'Okay, I'm here for the morning and I'd better make the best of it.' Dogs are great, aren't they? So long as they are with us, they are happy.

30 October 2007

Charlie at the Coffeur

This lovely cocker spaniel, Charlie, is waiting with her owner at the hairdressers. No, not for herself but Mum needs a hairdo. It's quite normal for dogs to go to restaurants, hotels, hairdressers, shops in France. They are not supposed to be in supermarkets but you often see a little one in the trolley. Everyone turns a blind eye. C'est la france!

19 April 2007

La Chienne des Toilettes

This lovely cocker spaniel is owned by the lady who looks after les toilettes at the Circus in Monaco - this time, not for the circus, but for the Monaco Dog show. Very apt.


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