Showing posts with label English Setter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Setter. Show all posts

19 October 2016

Setter beauty

If this was my dog he'd have snatched the bread by now!  A beautiful setter I met in Naples.

19 August 2016


A beautiful English Setter in Gorbio village.

29 May 2016


English Setter love ...

05 October 2015


This beautiful English setter is called Ascot and lives in Gorbio village with his owner, Rénée - a well-known local lady who used to run the village shop.

13 February 2014


This is Sadie, a 9 year old English setter who lives in Monaco.  The box, attached to her collar, is an anti-bark collar. I met her at the Kermesse in Monaco last November.

10 January 2014

Billy, the lucky English Setter

This beautiful English setter, Billy, is one lucky dog!  He was abandoned on a motorway in Italy and then hit by a car.  There is a great organisation in Italy called Italian Setter Rescue who call around to all the refuges taking in any abandoned setters. He had to have a knee operation and was then ready for his 'forever home' and he has found it in Monaco.  Tiffaney is a wonderful young lady who adores setters, she's had Gordons, an Irish Red and white, other English setters and now, this lovely dog - he's around 4 or 5 years old -  is her latest.

In this photo (I met Billy and Tiffaney at the vet's office)  he'd only been with her for 4 days but give him a week or so and Tiffany will have worked her magic on him and made him feel secure after his ordeal.

Long life and happiness to Billy and Tiffaney.

31 December 2012


How adorable is Dora?  She's an English Setter puppy aged three months who lives with a delightful young couple in Italy.  I met her at the Christmas Fair in Monaco.

07 December 2010


This lovely English Setter was walking along by the sea in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin this morning. He's 3 years old. I love this breed - look at the gentle, trusting look in his eyes.

10 September 2010

Dolly ... again

At the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village I snapped this English setter but forgot to ask her name - but when I looked at the shot on the computer, suddenly I remembered who she is. Almost two years ago I took a photograph of her as a puppy and looking at her markings she identical.

In the smaller photo you see the robes of the priest who conducted the ceremony.

Take a look at Dolly aged 2 months. She was adorable then and adorable now.

04 December 2009


This is Nico who lives in Menton. He's 12 years old - looks good, doesn't he? I met him on my way to photograph a cat show (cat? did she say 'cat' on a dog blog?) - you can see coverage of the cat show on Menton Daily Photo at the moment.

English Setters are such soft, soppy dogs and beautiful, of course.

06 October 2008


Meet Dolly, a two month old English setter puppy. She lives in Gorbio village, near to Menton. She attracted lots of attention as she was carried around the village during the recent Fête de la Branda - the annual festival that celebrates the distilling of eau de vie or Grappa.

How adorable is she!

26 July 2008


Meet Bach - a beautiful but rather hot English setter. He's 8 years old and was abandoned so he's one lucky dog to be with his caring owner, a lovely young lady from Bergamo, which is near to Milan in Italy. They were on holiday in Menton.

18 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Austin

Sitting with a friend who has a Springer Spaniel, I looked to my left and saw this face under the chair next to me. He's a two and a half year old English Setter - just look at that expression!

19 March 2007

Who is a beautiful dog, then?

This beautiful setter was standing with his owner in the centre of Menton. What a truly beautiful face.


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