Showing posts with label English Springer Spaniel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Springer Spaniel. Show all posts

04 September 2016


Milly belongs to friends of mine who live in Villefranche-Sur-Mer. She has to be one of the calmest, most adorable Springer Spaniels I've ever met and she's only 8 months old.

12 June 2016

Ear admiration

Oh what beautiful ears you have! 

10 January 2013

Lily, the Springer Spaniel

This is Lily, an English Springer Spaniel who lives just along the coast in Villefranche but also spends a lot of time in Paris.  I've been caring for Lily since she was a very naughty puppy - she's still naughty even tho she's now 9 years old.  She's losing her night sight now - in fact, in low light she sees almost nothing.  She has an appointment soon with a Paris eye specialist so hopefully something can be done. 

It's not so easy, on a long-nosed dog, to get the eyes and nose both in focus.  I succeeded in the second shot but prefer the first! 

Click on the link above to see Lily as she was a few years ago.

09 August 2009


Lily is a beautiful Springer Spaniel who lives just along the coast at Villefranche, which is a town next to Nice. Lily is much travelled dog. Sometimes she lives in Paris and sometimes in London and she even flies on her owner's private plane as if it's something all dogs do.

One time in Paris, when left with her dog carer, she was walking in one of Paris' beautiful gardens, when a firework went off. She took off, scared, and was lost for two days. A nightmare for both owner and carer. They plastered the park with posters and eventually she was found in the hands of an SDF (sans domicile fixe = of no fixed abode) on the end of a piece of rope. Happily, apart from very sore feet and some dehydration, she was OK. Of course she should not have been off her lead but it's easy to say - we do get to trust our dogs but personally I'd never let someone else's dog off lead in public. No way.

Like most spaniels, Lily's passion is a ball or any toy - so long as it's in her mouth.


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