Showing posts with label Flatcoat Retriever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flatcoat Retriever. Show all posts

14 December 2009

Dodge, the Flatcoat

This lovely - and very obedient, as you see - Flatcoat Retriever was walking around Monaco. He's 2 years old and lives in Aix-en-Provence. Doubt he wasn't remotely interested in the posh shops you see below - sensible dog!

27 July 2007

I want some TOO!

Apologies for this beautiful Flatcoat Retriever being slightly out of focus - I made a sound to attract his attention, he looked at me for one second, then back to what really interested him: the food on the table at this Menton seafood restaurant! Hence, he's slightly out of focus. Below, you'll see the shot I eventually got but this dog wasn't remotely interested in posing. I wonder if he got given a treat. Personally I don't feed a dog from the table - ever. They get their treats just before bedtime - Biccies at Bedtime, I call it.


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