Showing posts with label Golden Retriever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Retriever. Show all posts

28 October 2016

Happy as a Golden Retriever

'There is something about the human condition. I don't think dogs are like "If only I was a poodle instead of a golden retriever, I'd be totally happy." Dogs are happy with who they are.'

~ Michael Ian Black 

24 September 2016

Naples Dog Park (Micky and Brandon)

There is a small enclosed 'dog park' in in the historic centre of Naples, in the grounds of the Church of Santa Chiara.  These two belong to the same owner.   Micky, the Beagle is an Italian Agility champion - he's 8 now and retired from aglity because he has a hip problem.  Brandon on the right is a mix of a Golden retriever and a Maremma sheepdog - he's 1 and a half year old and is currently undergoing agility training.  As you can see both these dogs are beautiful behaved.

05 September 2016

The dog who loves olives

Ambra love olives - and for a dog that enjoys life on the French and Italian rivieras, that's normal!  And of course her 'papa' removes the olive stone first.

20 June 2016

Lunch for three

Lunch for three by the port in Villefranche-sur-Mer.  (taken a couple of years ago).  Mussels - yummy!

02 April 2016


Goldens and little boys or girls go together, don't they?  This is Saphir and he belongs to a little boy in Gorbio village. He's outside the school and waiting for his young owner.

09 January 2016


A new puppy Golden Retriever puppy - nearly four months old and already chasing sticks on one of Menton's beaches. He's called Darwin. Adorable!

02 January 2016


Cali, a beautiful Golden Retriever, poses by the Coulée Vert in Nice at dusk.

06 November 2015

Offside in Airole!

Airole, Italy



29 October 2015

Balancing Act!

How does she not fall in!  Another shot of Ambra taking a drink in the fountain at Airole.

28 October 2015

Ambra and the Fountain

Ambra takes a drink at the fountain in the hill village of Airole in Liguria, Italy.

To follow our visit to this lovely visit, click HERE. 

19 August 2015


Is she guarding the car ... or hoping for a ride!  (this is Iris, the dog belonging to my friend and neighbour, Agnes)

08 June 2015


This is Iris, the lovely golden retriever belonging to my friend and neighbour, Agnès.  It is Agnès who corrects the French on my Menton Daily Photo blog each day. No mean feat!

02 September 2013


Meet Iris, my friend and neighbour Agnes' beautiful 5 month old Golden Retriever puppy.  She's having the best fun jumping for a stick.

Iris lives with her big brother, Shadow, who can you see in the last photo. More of Shadow another time.

12 February 2013


This is Raffa - she lives in Mouans Sartoux with Paisley who we met last time.  Raffa is a dog who half closes her eyes when she sees a camera - don't you just love that expression in the main photo. She'll be 13 in June.

09 February 2013


This is Paisley enjoying a little sunshine.  She lives with her buddy, Raffa in Mouans Sartoux, near to Grasse - famous for perfume.  Paisley is almost 14 years old. Isn't she a beautiful dog?  Next time, we'll meet Raffa.

27 December 2012

Hera, one little boy's dream

All I want for Christmas, tra la ... and it looks like one little Menton boy's dream came true. 

This is Hera, a 2 month old female golden retriever.  The boy's father told me they have had golden retrievers before and know what a perfect breed they are with children. This looks like a match made in heaven.

18 December 2012


Last time, we met Aston.  Today we meet his half-brother Bentley who is 9 years old. These two are such sweet adorable dogs and live in Monaco. 

13 December 2012


This is Aston, an 8 year old golden retriever who lives in Monaco. Obviously thinking that if he closes his eyes I won't take his photograph.

Aston lives with Bentley (got it? - posh cars!) - we'll meet  Bentley next time ...

08 October 2012


Ambra is a 5-month old Golden Retriever who lives at Mortola Superiore, just across the border in Italy - and in Germany.  So young and yet so well-behaved for a puppy Golden.  Very well trained by her owners, Sigi and Manfred!

Here you see her drinking out of the 'source' in the medieval village of Gorbio and in the last photo she wants to play with a male Golden she has just met outside the church - he's called Tom and lives in Monaco.

27 September 2012

Agillity! - the Golden

Another flying dog, this time a Golden Retriever about to land. The smaller photo shows him with the backdrop of the Old Town of Menton and in the last photo he's weaving in and out of the poles. Clever dog!


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