Showing posts with label Griffon Bruxellois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffon Bruxellois. Show all posts

11 February 2016


This is Charlie, a Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon - also known as a Monkey dog.   Charlie lives in Monaco and is a totally adorable character.

15 July 2013

Charlie, the Griffon Bruxellois

This is Charlie and he's one of the sweetest little dogs I've met. He's a Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon which is a breed of toy dog, named for their city of origin: Brussels, Belgium. The Griffon Bruxellois may refer to three different breeds, the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon. Identical in standard except for coat and colour differences, in some standards they are considered varieties of the same breed.  You can see two of them HERE - photographed at the Monaco Dog Show. Sometimes they are called 'monkey dogs' presumably because of their cute expressions.

The little wire-haired dog in the foreground of the Jan van Eyck painting The Arnolfini Marriage is thought to be an early form of this breed.

Charlie is 10 years old, although you'd never know it and he lives in Monaco. Absolutely adorable. 

13 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - a gaggle of dogs

Whilst at the dog show I had the good fortune to meet such a nice Italian young lady, Aurora. How pretty is that name! She's a professional handler from Italy, spoke perfect English, and she kept bringing more and more dogs into an empty ring for me to photograph - rare breeds such as a Pumi and a Kooikerhundje - you'll meet these dogs over the next days. In this photograph, whilst walking to the carpark I saw her with these five dogs - two Pugs, a French bulldog, A Griffon Bruxellois (that's the little furry one - front left) and a Petit Brabancon (also a type of Griffon - front right).

Do click on the link to see a photograph of Aurora on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today. And for Aurora's own website, please click on the link in the next paragraph.

As I wrote on Monte Carlo Daily Photo, Aurora is the best sort of dog handler, enthusiastic, loves the dogs yet handles them in a calm and professional manner. Hardly surprising as she's won an enormous amount of Junior Handling Awards. She also speaks perfect English.

06 July 2007

Dogs at Menton's Arabian Horse Show - 4

This little cutie - only three months old - is proudly held by her owner. Yet another dog and a very small one this time, snapped at the Menton Arabian Horse Show.


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