Showing posts with label Maltese terrier (Bichon Maltais). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maltese terrier (Bichon Maltais). Show all posts

29 August 2016


Proud parents to little Loona who is a Yorkshire terrier/bichon mix.

26 August 2016

Loona - ever young

She looks a puppy, doesn't she? In fact this little Maltese Terrier is 11 years old! She's called Loona and lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.  Loona was in Gorbio village for the Blessing of the Animals.

23 August 2016

Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio

The Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village.  Looks like the Jack Russell has mistaken the aspergillum (in French goupillon) for a tasty bone!

02 March 2016

Let's go shopping!

No dogs allowed in the supermarket ...


Accès interdit aux chiens dans le supermarché ...

03 January 2016


Whisky is a Maltese terrier who lives in Nice.  Don't you love his 'direct at the camera' look.  So much in those eyes.

12 February 2015


It was a glorious day here yesterday and these two little Maltese terriers were having the best fun on the Promenade le Corbusier at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. I nearly got run over!
Hier ici, c'était une journée magnifique et ces deux petits bichons maltais s'amusaient énormément sur la Promenade Le Corbusier à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. J' ai presque failli me faire renverser!

22 August 2012

Off to the Flamenco!

This may look a rather strange way of walking the dog but in fact it's sensible. This lady is waiting to get into the Flamenco Festival in Gorbio village - naturally pooch comes too - and with her own little carrying bag she has somewhere to sit comfortably - and feels secure -  whilst the performance is on.

If you want to see photos of the flamenco dancing please click on Menton Daily Photo.

17 December 2011

Trolley Dog

This photo was on Menton Daily Photo yesterday but here it is again for readers of Riviera Dogs.

France welcomes dogs almost anywhere. No problem taking a dog to a restaurant, of course - a water bowl will be is provided. This is Danette, a 3 year old Bichon Maltais (Maltese Terrier) making sure her owner has bought the right dog biscuits in the supermarket.

You often see little dogs in a shopping trolley in a supermarket in France - or hanging off it, like Danette.

13 January 2011

Patience in pink and purple

Everywhere I look there is a small dog tied up outside a shop - or simply waiting, off lead, as we saw the other day. This little bichon waits patiently outside a fruit and veggie shop. Smart jacket!

26 November 2010


This adorable Maltese Terrier (bichon maltais in French) was sitting on a bench overlooking Larvotto beach. She's called Ritzy. A good name for a Monte Carlo dog, don't you think. Such a little character and only 3 months old.

03 May 2009

Chippie - who knows she is Cute

You can almost hear this little dog saying... 'I'll pose with the yachts in the background, as befits my beauty. And if you don't think I'm beautiful enough, then I'll put my head on one side so I look really cute.'

This little Maltese Terrier (Bichon Maltais in French) is called Chippie. She's 3 and lives in Menton. Her owner is a great lady who sells crystals of all sizes and colours. She has a shop in the pedestrian street of Menton but also a stall not far from the Place du Cap, which is where I took this photograph.

27 March 2008


I first spied this little dog asleep under a table alongside the Port of Monaco. A little bundle of fluff, you couldn't tell which end was which - see the small photograph.

Later I saw her walking along with her owners and asked if I might photograph her. She's a little bichon maltais (Maltese Terrier) only 4 months old and so well behaved. After I'd told them about this blog, her nice English owners mentioned it was their daughter's 9th birthday today and how thrilled she'd be to see Snowy featured. So here she is, Happy Birthday Emily! You've got a beautiful little puppy.

19 November 2007

Bichon or bichon?

We at the Saturday market in Menton today. This market is held outside the main covered market. This little dog is a Bichon Maltais, I believe - what is called in other countries, a Maltese Terrier. It's hard to tell - perhaps it's a Bichon Frisé but with rather a straight coat. Anyway she's cute.

22 October 2007


This couple very kindly posed with their dogs in Gorbio village - it was the day of the Fête de la Branda. Don't you love the intensity of expression in the dogs' faces?

04 May 2007

Brocante in Menton

Every year on the 1st May there is an enormous brocante in the streets of Menton and every year it gets more and more crowded. This owner has the right idea - her bichon maltais in her arms - and her son on the shoulders of her husband.

09 February 2007


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