Showing posts with label Maremma Sheepdog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maremma Sheepdog. Show all posts

24 September 2016

Naples Dog Park (Micky and Brandon)

There is a small enclosed 'dog park' in in the historic centre of Naples, in the grounds of the Church of Santa Chiara.  These two belong to the same owner.   Micky, the Beagle is an Italian Agility champion - he's 8 now and retired from aglity because he has a hip problem.  Brandon on the right is a mix of a Golden retriever and a Maremma sheepdog - he's 1 and a half year old and is currently undergoing agility training.  As you can see both these dogs are beautiful behaved.

12 September 2010

Siena, the Maremma Sheepdog

A new breed for Riviera Dogs. A Maremma sheepdog or more correctly, a Pastore Maremano Abruzzese from the Maremma region of Italy. They are guardians of a flock - independent-thinking dogs and incredibly intelligent. You can probably see that this breed was probably related to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Click on link to read more.

This is Siena, who is only 5 months old. She was born in Italy and now lives in Vence.


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