Showing posts with label Mastiff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mastiff. Show all posts

05 February 2013

Maya the Mastiff

I met Maya, an English Mastiff, whilst shopping in Menton this morning.  Maya has appeared on this blog before - 4 or so years ago - but as she is the only English Mastiff in Menton I couldn't resist photographing that lovely slobby face once more. She's now 7 years old.

Click link to see Maya in 2008.

07 April 2008


It's 2 p.m. and whilst it's only March, it's a warm day in the sunshine. Time for this caring owner to give her lovely Mastiff a drink. Maya is two years old and lives in Menton. I love the gentle hand on that beautiful and massive head in the last photograph.


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