Showing posts with label Miniature Pinscher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniature Pinscher. Show all posts

03 September 2016

04 August 2016


Ika wasn't too happy posing for a photo.  Cute though!

30 April 2016

27 March 2016

Ice breaker on four legs

You're never lonely with a dog ... not only is he a great companion but he'll be an ice-breaker as you walk around your neighbourhood.  These three old man - and a Min Pin - are chatting in Beausoleil.

24 February 2016

Min Pin waiting

A little Miniature Pinscher tied up outside the bakery.  Don't worry, his owner wasn't away for long.

19 February 2016

Gypsy and Halie

Look at the cuties I met in Gorbio village yesterday.   On the left, Gypsy, a Papillon mix and on the right Halie, a Miniature Pinscher.  They are currently in Menton for the Fete du Citron and come from the Cantal region of France - where the cheese comes from!

18 November 2014

First Outing for Lola

Dogs are not allowed into the Palace de l'Europe in Menton but much depends on the security guys. On the day this Miniature Pinscher came to visit 'PhotoMenton' with her owners, they allowed small dogs in, provided they were carried.  So meet tiny Lola, only 4 months old and on her very first outing. She lives in Menton.

16 July 2014

A Handful of Dog

Don't you love the gorilla t-shirt on this macho guy and then how delicately he holds his little dog in one hand?  We met in Ventimiglia.  I reckon the dog is the tough one tho!

31 March 2014

Boy and Dog

This is a photo I put on Monte Carlo Daily Photo the other day.  Just a young man and his dog on Larvotto Beach in Monaco.  Summer's coming ...

08 September 2012


This little Miniature Pinscher is called D'squard (without the 'e' - as in D'squared) - don't you love it. D'squard is 6 years old and lives in Gorbio village.

Like all Min Pins he's really active - I took two or three shots but it was hard to get him reasonably still and then later, there he was. standing next to his owner and her handbag on a wall. Voila!

Matching handbag too!

29 July 2012


This tiny Miniature Pinscher is just a handful of cuteness. She's called Greta, is 4 months old and she was running around Menton with her pretty owner.  She lives in Alassio in Italy.

05 January 2011


It seems all the little dogs in the south of France are sporting rather smart coats these days. This is Rufus, a little Min Pin, who is 18 months old. He comes from Milan so no wonder he's stylish! He posed on a bench in Place aux Herbes in Menton.

You can see another smart Min Pin on Menton Daily Photo today.

06 November 2010


This little Min. Pin is called Portugais because he comes from Portugal and lives with a Portuguese family in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

22 November 2009

Chloe - à la mode

Chloe was walking around Casino Square yesterday. Well, no, I'll rephrase that - Chloe was being carried around Casino Square. A 4 year old Min.Pin who lives in Monaco.

Seems to me that Min Pins are getting very à la mode lately - along with Yorkies and Chihuahuas.

The touch of red you glimpse in the background is from the flags on display throughout the Principality for Monaco's National Day. Click on the link to see more.

14 September 2009

The Tourist Shop Dog

This is Zita - taken on a very sunny day on le rocher in Monaco - too much sun bleached the shot a little.

Zita, a Miniature Pinscher, sits just inside her owner's shop all day. She has one bed inside the door and another outside so she can choose where she likes to sleep. After lunch, like many good people from the south, she takes a nap. Then her owner displays a sign above her bed asking people not to wake her. Zita was a rescue dog who had had far too many litters before she ended up being so loved.

Zita's owner, Rosie, is one of Monaco's characters. Her shop is called Rosie's Memories. You can see a photo of her on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

15 March 2009


One of the things I so love about living here is the proximity to Italy. Walk around Menton and sometimes you hear more Italian than French. And of course the Italians bring their dogs when they visit.

So meet little Kika, an Italian Min Pin, two years old - in Menton for the Lemon Festival.

06 November 2008


We've had storms for ten days now. Suddenly this morning, after early rain, the sun broke through and I drove down the valley to the sea. Who should I meet but this little cutie...

Meet Nico. He's a 5 year old Miniature Pinscher from Pisa in Tuscany - on holiday with his owners. I don't believe I've met a brown and white Min Pin before - they are normally black and brown - at least the ones I've met on the Riviera are.

That's the Old Town on Menton you can see in the distance.

15 September 2008


A smart young man - well actually, not so young - 9 years old - but looking quite the opposite. So bright eyed and never blinking. He was standing in front of the casino of Monte Carlo, watching the beautiful people walk by. Leo is a Miniature Pinscher and comes from Clermond-Ferrand.

26 June 2008


A little Min Pin in Menton. With his little willy sticking out! His harness looks almost too heavy for him, doesn't it? I'm sure tho it's hard to get just the right size collars or harnesses for such a little dog.

26 January 2008


This is Jackye, a 3 year old Min Pin who lives in Monaco with her Italian owners. Named after Jackie Kennedy, she's sitting on her owner's lap on a bench just down from the casino area of Monte Carlo.


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