Showing posts with label Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. Show all posts

11 December 2010


This lovely dog is giving me the 'do-I-have-to-do-this?' look. Gigi is a 6 year old Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen and lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

10 December 2009


Gigi is a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, a French breed. He's 5 years old and lives in the Old Town of Menton. His owner says he doesn't like other dogs!

09 May 2008

Yopi and Janus

It'll be the Historique Grand Prix in Monaco this weekend and wandering around photographing the beautiful old cars, I came across these two lovely dogs. They have the most beautiful eyes and I wish the photo was slightly sharper - the sun was too strong for my camera setting. Perhaps I should say my camera setting wasn't right!

The pale one of the left is Yopi, a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen who is two and a half. The other one, a mix, is Janus and he's 10. Both were found at SPA refuges in France and they live with their very nice Dutch owners in Monaco. They told me that Yopi can get very scared - suddenly scared - and it's probably because of something that occurred in his life earlier. Hopefully he'll grow out of it. He is a beautiful dog, wagging his tail at me - you'd not realise he can be so scared at times.

27 January 2008


Meet Gigi. I met him whilst having a haircut in Menton the other day. He sat patiently by his owner's chair. I thought he was a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen but his owner tells me he is a cross between a PBGV and a Griffon Vendeen. Nevertheless, considering his size, I've listed him as the former - as I had to make the choice between one or the other. Gigi is 3 years old and lives in Menton.

I lay on the floor to get this shot and when Isabelle, who cuts my hair, went to help me up, Gigi snapped at her (missed!) - not because he is nasty but because he mistakenly thought she was attacking me. We all need to be dog psychiatrists, don't we?

'The world was conquered through the understanding of dogs; the world exists through the understanding of dogs.' Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)


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