Showing posts with label Pug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pug. Show all posts

09 November 2015

The dog who thinks it's a cat!

Titine, the French bulldog, thinks she's a cat!  She and her owner Denis, who live in Gorbio, are at Sini's restaurant in Menton - a great place for a light lunch - perhaps a slice of pissaladiere and with a glass of wine, of course!


Titine , ce bouledogue français, croit qu'elle est une chatte!  Elle et son propriétaire Denis, qui vivent à Gorbio, sont au  Sini, restaurant à Menton - un endroit idéal pour un déjeuner léger - par exemple  une tranche de pissaladière avec un verre de vin, bien sûr!

08 April 2013


Three pugs and one bulldog walking along Avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco. 

08 April 2012


Doesn't she look fierce - or wise - or cross! Pugs have the most incredible range of expression on their adorable squashed up faces, don't they?

Meet little Karaly who lives in Mougins, near to Grasse. She's around 10 months old now.

20 December 2011

Mr. Chips

Pugs - you either love 'em or find them ugly. I happen to love them.

Meet Mr. Chips who lives in Monaco - I met him one day walking near Larvotto Beach.

16 August 2010

Romeo's Dreams

Romeo is ten and is paralysed so any thoughts of being a Romeo again will be in his dreams. Presumably, because he's an old sick dog he can't have a 'calmant' so that his teeth can be cleaned.

He's a much-loved dog though who lives in Grenoble and was with his owner in Gorbio village for the Flamenco Festival yesterday.

15 June 2010


Jago is having the best time watching the model boats whizzing past him. Click HERE to see what he's looking at in the small photo - it's fun!

Jago was in Menton but lives in Italy.

29 May 2010

The Pug and the Baby

Two-tier travel going on here. Baby up top, pug below. And look how hard this young mother is working to drag the pram off the beach in Ventimiglia. We offered to help but she said she was fine. Mothers constantly amaze me with what they have to do each day.

02 May 2010

Tchaou, the cartoon dog

Who loves pugs?! This is Tchaou, which is the name of a cartoon character in Japan. She's 4 months old and lives in Brussels but was on holiday in Menton.

As you can see in the smaller photo, she didn't want to keep still - would you at 4 months? - and so her owner kindly picked her up so I could grab a shot.

01 March 2010


Here's one for the pug lovers! Meet Darcy who is 15 months old and was in Menton on holiday. Darcy and his family live in Bandol in the Var. Bandol produces some of the best Provence rosé wines.

His owner warned me that he was unlikely to keep still for a photo and I had visions of the Westie we saw last time. In fact, Darcy was an angel.

04 August 2009


Copyright 2009 Riviera Dogs. All rights reserved.

You either adore pugs or you don't - and if you own one, likely as not, you are obsessed with them. There is probably more pug paraphernalia for sale than for any other breed.

Meet Choupette who is one year old and lives in Monaco. She was bred in a very good kennel but unfortunately she suffered from several serious illnesses in her young life and thanks to her caring owner and a great vet has pulled through and is now in excellent health.

This is for 'Lady Jicky' who loves pugs - so do I, even though they snore!

13 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - a gaggle of dogs

Whilst at the dog show I had the good fortune to meet such a nice Italian young lady, Aurora. How pretty is that name! She's a professional handler from Italy, spoke perfect English, and she kept bringing more and more dogs into an empty ring for me to photograph - rare breeds such as a Pumi and a Kooikerhundje - you'll meet these dogs over the next days. In this photograph, whilst walking to the carpark I saw her with these five dogs - two Pugs, a French bulldog, A Griffon Bruxellois (that's the little furry one - front left) and a Petit Brabancon (also a type of Griffon - front right).

Do click on the link to see a photograph of Aurora on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today. And for Aurora's own website, please click on the link in the next paragraph.

As I wrote on Monte Carlo Daily Photo, Aurora is the best sort of dog handler, enthusiastic, loves the dogs yet handles them in a calm and professional manner. Hardly surprising as she's won an enormous amount of Junior Handling Awards. She also speaks perfect English.

17 March 2008


A hot day in Menton yesterday, and one hot pug. I didn't ask why his owner was carrying him but presumably cos he'd got hot - and pugs can have breathing problems if they get overheated. Look at that lovely lolling tongue! Gribouille, 4 years of age, lives in Castellar - a beautiful old village above Menton. Gribouille looks heavy for his nice owner to carry. Pugs are small but very solid little dogs. What wonderful characters they are.

I've not seen a dog lead like that before - have you?

06 December 2007

Peggy and Dotty

Peggy is just twelve weeks and Dotty, of course, is older. I don't normally publish photographs of dogs I look after in my home but couldn't resist this. And anyway they are indeed Riviera Dogs. These two live in Monte Carlo but you see them here on my step. Pugs often sit in the position that Dotty is in. Too funny. Do you like pugs?


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