Showing posts with label Pyrenean shepherd dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pyrenean shepherd dog. Show all posts

11 November 2015


This bundle of fluff, sitting on her owner's feet for security (!) is a Pyrenean Shepherd dog, known in France as the Berger des Pyrénées. She's called Lady, is two and a half months old and lives in Menton.

04 August 2011


Pepita is a Pyrenean Sheepdog (sometimes called a l'Abri here). She belongs to my neighbour and she looks a ragamuffin because I just trimmed her - rather badly - with scissors, but in my defence we always have a bit of a battle on trimming day. I'll tidy up those wispy ends...

She lives with her friend Shadow, a Golden Retriever, who guards her jealously. We'll meet Shadow another time.

09 February 2009


Maya was waiting for her owner outside the veggie shop in Carnoles. She's old and he is too. When he came out I had a chat and he confirmed her breed - a Pyrenean Shepherd Dog, sometimes called a Labrit here. He said she is 12 years old and his second dog of this breed. They obviously adore each other. Dogs are good for all of us but so good for an older person living alone.

See how patiently she waits for him.

30 December 2008

Who are you?

My neighbour has a Berger Pyrénées (Labrit) so maybe that is what this dog is - although I think the legs are too short. Perhaps she's a Tibetan Terrier? Perhaps SHE is a HE? I wish now I'd asked but it was just a quick shot and on we went. Snapped in a Menton square.

Today is a BIG DAY at Pension Milou as we are adopting two dogs rescued from a Hell Hole. Shut in a roughly 2 metre square run for 8 years, never let out and never cleaned out. Yes, living on 8 years of excrement. They were lifted out of there yesterday and are currently en route to me from the Languedoc - should be here in a few hours! Obviously, I've not met them - the first dogs given a home by email! If you want to follow the excitement please read more on Postcards from 'Pension Milou.'

06 September 2008

Willy - the Scooter Dog

This is Willy, a Berger Pyrénées (Pyrenean Shepherd Dog). He rides around Menton on a scooter with his owner. Willy is 13 years old - you'd not know it, would you? See Willy on his bike on Menton Daily Photo today.

This small sheepdog of the Mountains of the Pyrénées is considered the oldest of the French herding dogs. They were used in concert with the large white sheep guardian dogs, the Great Pyrénées (Pyrenean Mountain Dog) of the region. The little dog herded the sheep. The big dog watched over them. The natural abilities of this shaggy shepherd are legend - flocks being entrusted to the two different dogs without a human handler. They were officially recognized by the French Kennel Club in 1921.

The breed is also called a Labrit in France.
You see many in the south of France.

25 March 2008


This is Ristick, a fine looking 8-year old Pyrenean Shepherd Dog. His owners were surprised I knew the breed as they say most people don't. This is because I lived for a year in the Pyrenées and saw many - and also my neighbour has a bitch of this breed. At the same table, sitting by the sea, was a lady - a friend of the couple who own Ristick. You'll find her adorable little dog Chico, on Menton Daily Photo. Please click on the link.

17 February 2008

Bully at the Fête du Citron

I met Bully outside the Jardin Biovès in Menton, where work was in preparation for the Fête du Citron. Click on the link. When I asked his name -I wrote down Billy but his owner corrected me!- and then told Bully to do his party trick, which you see in the photo below.

26 November 2007


Lody's most helpful owner posed him for me several times but the sun was bright and the shadows were difficult. I hope, tho, you can see what a very smart Labrit he is. Yes, that's what they call a Berger de Pyrénées in France and Monaco. You see him here crossing Boulevard Albert 1 in Monaco below.

09 February 2007


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