Showing posts with label Royal Bourbon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal Bourbon. Show all posts

27 December 2015


This is Choupinette, aged 11 and blind in one eye. She is a 'Royal Bourbon' - a breed from the Isle of Reunion, from where she was rescued and brought into France for adoption.  Horrifically dogs are sometimes used as shark bait on the Isle of Reunion - yes, a hook fixed, often through the nose and thrown in the sea. 

05 December 2013

Priska from La Réunion

This beautiful dog had a bad start  in life, a very bad start. She was born on La Reunion where sadly and tragically dogs are often used by fishermen - a hook put through their noses and then thrown over the boat and used as bait. 

Priska, who is now 11 months old, was lucky.  She was brought into France by Tania Burrows who works tirelessly for abandoned and needy dogs and has now been adopted by the Manasse family in Monaco.  She was at the Kermesse in Monaco amidst a crowd of people as part of her training in getting used to the world.

Priska is a type of dog known as a Royal Bourbon on the Ile de la Réunion. Isn't she beautiful! 


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