Showing posts with label Saint Bernard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Bernard. Show all posts

31 December 2015

Dog walker

A dog walker in Nice last night.  She has seven dogs in her charge, although two are hidden.  I nearly got run over!

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

29 August 2015

A Saint's slobber

A Saint Bernard I met at this year's Monaco Dog Show.  Yes, I know they slobber but all the same, they are gorgeous ...

16 January 2015

Two by two

A couple of beautiful Saint Bernards and their family at the Monaco Dog show last year.

21 October 2008


How would you like this doggy sitting on your lap?! Meet Yorek, a Saint Bernard puppy of 8 months - yes, just a pup and already weighing 72 kilos.

You can see his meeting with yesterday's bull terrier, Nanou in the middle photo.

14 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Appaloose

This beautiful St. Bernard, Appaloose, comes from Aix-en-Provence and is two and a half years old.


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