Showing posts with label Shiba Inu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shiba Inu. Show all posts

13 November 2016


Micky, a 4 month old Shiba Inu, safely tethered whilst his owners enjoy lunch at Le Petit Port in Menton.

30 August 2012


This is Freezbee, she's one and a half years old and is a Shiba Inu.  A Shiba Inu is a Japanese hunting dog, in fact 'inu' is Japanese for dog. 

I met Freezbee in the village of Gorbio where she lives. Don't you just love her smile!

20 November 2007


I met this Shiba Inu at Cap 3000, the big shopping centre just outside Nice - beyond the airport. They are originally from Japan, although her owner told me that Honey was bred in the United States. Inu is Japanese for dog. The Shiba Inu is the smallest of the Japanese native breeds of dog and was originally developed for hunting by sight and scent in dense undergrowth. There are more Shiba Inus in Japan than any other breed and it was in 7000 BC that the ancestors of today's Shiba may have accompanied the earliest immigrants to Japan.


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