28 September 2007

Black and white

These two adorable French bulldogs were waiting to see the vet. Don't you love that they are looking in exactly the same direction and with the same expression in their eyes?

22 September 2007

The White Collar

There's a lot of Jack Russell's about. More of this type - broken coated. This little chap was very perky, sitting alongside his owner in a Menton square. The white plastic collar, put on by his caring owner, is a Scalibor collar - against Leishmaniosis which is rife in this part of France.

18 September 2007

The 'Doriana' Dog

This perky little wire-haired dachshund is a Very Important Dog and lives in total luxury on a beautiful classic yacht currently moored in the harbour of Monte Carlo . You want to see him aboard his boat - then please click on THIS LINK.

16 September 2007

Ol' blue eye

Isn't this the bluest eye you ever saw? Is it real? Could it be a glass eye? I've seen eyes as blue as this in Old English Sheepdogs but I've never seen it before in a Shih-Tzu and apparently it's not acceptable in the breed standard. Perhaps his eye was damaged as this can result in it turning blue - I suspect this is the case here. Owner and dog are taking a rest outside a pharmacy in Menton.

07 September 2007


These two little Yorkies are patiently waiting. Dogs are not allowed in the beautiful Japanese Garden in Monte Carlo so their 'mother' is enjoying the gardens, whilst their 'father' waits outside. Later I saw the couple walking along - one Yorkie in a basket, another on lead.

03 September 2007

Ricky, the blind dachshund

This is Ricky, a totally blind 6-year old wire-haired dachshund in one of the squares of Menton. He was blinded by cruelty. Although the photo doesn't show it, his eyes are green and opaque. His lovely owners are in the photo below and at the point I took the photo, see how proud the wife is of her beautiful dog. The husband was telling me how impressed he was that as a French person I spoke such good English! I'm English of course so perhaps he was having me on! Meanwhile, I'll pretend he thought I spoke really good French at the beginning of our conversation...pass me my French grammar book!

28 August 2007


When I've the time I like to shop in Latte, which is just across the Italian border from Menton. There's a big and very good supermarket there called Conad and outside is a bar/restaurant. A good place to have a cup of real Italian coffee. The other day I bumped into this gentleman - it was a warm day (read hot) and he was a Hot Dog, even tho he and his owner sat under a shady umbrella. Some breeds, particularly bulldogs and pugs, find the heat difficult. French bulldogs do a little better but they can still have problems if they are not kept sufficiently cool and only exercised in the early morning and evening.

24 August 2007

By Le Lido

Menton: a busy summer evening. Our hero sits with his owner on the wall right by Restaurant Le Lido. In the photo below he stands by a tree in the square near to the restaurant - presumably waiting for someone - his Mama I expect?

22 August 2007

Jules et Jim

Jules (the labrador who is 6) and Jim (the Golden Retriever who is 13) live in the village of Gorbio and had come down to the main square for the Blessing of the Animals. Below you see their owner telling them to look at the camera. In the background is the archway leading to the medieval village.

19 August 2007

Bébé and the Blessing of the Animals

Today is the Fête patronale de la St. Barthélémy in Gorbio, a village near to Menton. The day began with the blessing of the animals and today there were several horses and many dogs present. This beauty - see below - is called Bébé which is what he was called when his owner took him from the SPA Refuge de Monaco. She told me he is an American poodle, which (unless you are referring to Mr. Blair!) is apparently a mix of a white poodle and a black poodle but my understanding is that when you do this mating you get either black or white poodles, not a mix like this one. No matter, he is a beautiful dog with a lovely presence. You can see more photos of today's blessing on my Menton Daily Photo blog.

18 August 2007

Dogs at Dusk

This photo, plus another of the same dogs, has been published before on Menton Daily Photo but I felt I had to put it on Riviera Dogs. This is taken on the beach in Menton - at dusk - where this lady is exercising her dogs - or are they exercising her? She has a belt around her waist to which are attached three of the dogs and on the Menton Daily Photo link (above) you'll see they are pulling her along the beach.

15 August 2007

Taking a break

Taking a break from the heat, this Bassett Hound is watching the world go by in the Casino Gardens of Monaco. The small towel is presumably to keep his face dry - bassett hounds have a habit of drooling!

14 August 2007

Easy Rider

This golden retriever is riding the escalator of the Parc Palace shopping centre in Monte Carlo. I always worry when I see dogs on escalators: worry they will catch their paws or coat in the mechanism as they get on or off. However, this isn't an unusual scene - you often see dogs, large and small, on escalators in the Principality. Happily his owner has a protective hand on him, so in this case, I'm sure he'll be OK - and indeed he was.

10 August 2007

Disgusted of downtown Carnoles

Can't you just see the disgust in this dogs face? Catsan! Perhaps he's waiting for his 'Mum' to come out of the supermarket in Carnoles with something a little more interesting - like dog food!

02 August 2007


This dog is very much a sheepdog type. Her so nice and so proud-of-her-dog Italian owner said she is a mix - 'pastoral' she said. I don't speak Italian and she spoke only a little French. I understood though that Pinky is hot in Menton (aren't we all, at the moment?) - and that she prefers living in the mountains. A couple very much in tune with each other.

These photos were taken near to the main market of Menton - above, you see the bay of Cap Martin in the distance.

27 July 2007

I want some TOO!

Apologies for this beautiful Flatcoat Retriever being slightly out of focus - I made a sound to attract his attention, he looked at me for one second, then back to what really interested him: the food on the table at this Menton seafood restaurant! Hence, he's slightly out of focus. Below, you'll see the shot I eventually got but this dog wasn't remotely interested in posing. I wonder if he got given a treat. Personally I don't feed a dog from the table - ever. They get their treats just before bedtime - Biccies at Bedtime, I call it.

23 July 2007

Dogs at Menton's Arabian Horse Show - 6

One man - two dogs. Are they tired and fed up? Probably not. Most dogs would rather be with their owner, even if they do have to wait whilst he watches the Arabian horses. Dogs need to be with us and we with them. They are family, after all.

20 July 2007

Dogs at Menton's Arabian Horse Show - 5

This beautiful dog - is it an Italian Greyhound or a Whippet? Yes, I know I should know. Well I think it's an Italian Greyhound by way of its size. Yet another dog seen at the Arabian Horse show in Menton. In the last photograph you can see one of the horses being taken out for exercise prior to exhibition.

18 July 2007

Chico, the dog from Orvieto

This little dog belongs to Don, a friend of mine who lives in Italy. Below you'll see Don and Chico outside the church in Gorbio village. Chico appeared one day at Don's house in Orvieto and despite a long search, the owner was never found - so Chico now has his forever-home. Lucky dog! Lucky Don!

11 July 2007


This little dog has got the art of being cute down to a 'T.' Only 8 months old, she's as bouncy as you'd expect a puppy to be. She wouldn't sit still until I make squeaky noises which made her sit up and take notice. Here she is with her owner outside a café in Carnoles, which is a suburb of Roquebrune-cap-Martin.


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