15 October 2008


Lara simply wouldn't keep still so I'm sorry her foreface is rather fuzzy. And she's the old lady! Lara is a 12 year old Welsh Terrier who lives with Yelka, who you met yesterday - also in the lower photograph. Welsh terriers obviously have energy to spare all their lives. Taken in the pedestrian street in Menton.

14 October 2008


Yelka, a beautiful 17 month Airedale terrier. She lives with her American owner in Luxembourg alongside an older Welsh terrier, which we'll see tomorrow. Here she is walking in Menton.

12 October 2008


A beautiful Leonberger in Menton. She's 3 years old and her family moved to Menton only one month ago - they live in the Old Town.

11 October 2008

Sweetie Pie

This is Sweetie Pie at the toilettage before her haircut. She lives in Menton and belongs to an English lady.

08 October 2008


Coquinne was holidaying in Menton from Cologne in Germany. She's 5 years old and suffers from a condition where the eye is always dry and so she needs daily eye-drops - for life. Her owner said she is also rather hard of hearing.

So a couple of problems for this lovely Cavalier but isn't she beautiful. I love that soft sweep of jaw.

07 October 2008


Sometimes you look at a dog and think you know the mix. Now this one has Corgi ears, doesn't she? Or so I thought. Her owner tho, who lives in Rome and was on holiday in Menton tells me she is a mix of a Bassett and a Pinscher.

Betty 6 years old. Look at the hearts on her collar and lead - one adored dog.

06 October 2008


Meet Dolly, a two month old English setter puppy. She lives in Gorbio village, near to Menton. She attracted lots of attention as she was carried around the village during the recent Fête de la Branda - the annual festival that celebrates the distilling of eau de vie or Grappa.

How adorable is she!

04 October 2008


Isn't she gorgeous. This is Sandy, a mix from Milan in Italy. She's 4 years old. She was in a refuge before her family found her. Lucky dog, lucky family. Don't you love her beautiful eyes.

In these photographs she was walking around Menton with her owners.

03 October 2008


This 5 year old poodle, who lives in Menton, was being carried around the plant fair that took place a week or so ago.

02 October 2008


Meet Pablo, a gorgeous smooth haired dachshund. He lives in San Remo, across the border in Italy. I met him in Menton.

01 October 2008

Tess or Nina?

See yesterday's posting - is this Tess or Nina?

30 September 2008

Nina or Tess?

On the day of the Plant Fair in Menton I photographed two Yorkies. Nina who is four years old and Tess who is two and a half years old - both live in Menton. And guess what, I can't remember which photo relates to which little girl. As I've probably said before, I need a secretary!

Tomorrow - Tess or Nina.

27 September 2008


Daisy was taking a turn around the Casino Gardens when I stopped her owners and asked if I could photograph her. In beautiful condition, as you can see - she is 10 years old and lives in Germany.

24 September 2008


What's a girl to do...how would you like if someone came along and took your photograph when you were bang in the middle of being made beautiful?! Things aren't what they used to be....

Prune, a buff coloured American Cocker Spaniel, in a Menton Salon de Toilettage.

23 September 2008

Mother and daughter

Mother, Celeste, is on the left and daughter, Tina on the right. I bumped into these two Cavalier King Charles beauties walking in the Casino Gardens in Monte Carlo.

20 September 2008


This bright little bundle of beauty is called Ziya and she lives opposite the beautiful restored Chateau in the village of Gorbio. Last year I photographed her with her puppies and if I can find those photos I'll show you another time. Ziya lives with a great lady called Leticia.

Don't you just love Ziya's beautiful dark eyes and that gleaming coat.

19 September 2008


A handsome Shar-pei who lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. This 7 year old was out for a run along the promenade with her owner.

18 September 2008

Whisky - the Lingerie Dog

Whisky, the West Highland White terrier, belongs to one of the luxury lingerie shops in the Metropole Centre in Monte Carlo. Find a shop called Elle and you'll find Whisky. Whisky is 7 years young.

17 September 2008


A lovely old dog - he's 15 - standing outside the boulangerie in Carnoles. A Corgi I was told. He is on holiday from Paris.

15 September 2008


A smart young man - well actually, not so young - 9 years old - but looking quite the opposite. So bright eyed and never blinking. He was standing in front of the casino of Monte Carlo, watching the beautiful people walk by. Leo is a Miniature Pinscher and comes from Clermond-Ferrand.

14 September 2008


Morris, a beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog. His owner was taking a rest on a bench and he was quite happy to pose for a shot. Morris - such a beauty - is 6 years old and lives in Sweden.

12 September 2008


Meet Shaka - a Shih-tzu crossed with a Yorkie. Cute mix. 9 years old and living in Gorbio, near to Menton. I met this adorable bundle when I walked up to the village to the see the art exhibition there.

Funnily enough Lucky (see the post a few days ago) is also a Shih-tzu X Yorkie but quite a different colour and look.

09 September 2008

The Railway Station Dog

This dog sat and waited - and waited - outside Menton's railway station. And in the road too, as you see in the smaller photograph.

I imagine his owner was inside buying a ticket, making an enquiry, perhaps getting a newspaper. But nothing would distract this dog - just waiting, waiting, waiting. I tried to distract him, get him to look at the camera. No way. How faithful our dogs are.

06 September 2008

Willy - the Scooter Dog

This is Willy, a Berger Pyrénées (Pyrenean Shepherd Dog). He rides around Menton on a scooter with his owner. Willy is 13 years old - you'd not know it, would you? See Willy on his bike on Menton Daily Photo today.

This small sheepdog of the Mountains of the Pyrénées is considered the oldest of the French herding dogs. They were used in concert with the large white sheep guardian dogs, the Great Pyrénées (Pyrenean Mountain Dog) of the region. The little dog herded the sheep. The big dog watched over them. The natural abilities of this shaggy shepherd are legend - flocks being entrusted to the two different dogs without a human handler. They were officially recognized by the French Kennel Club in 1921.

The breed is also called a Labrit in France.
You see many in the south of France.

05 September 2008


This is Lucky. He's a Yorkie/Shih-tzu mix. Unusual coloured dog, I think - a beautiful grey. Lucky lives in Gorbio and is 8 years old. Cute 'mix' eh?

04 September 2008


Meet Jicky, a 14 year old Wire-Fox Terrier. In the smaller photograph (click to enlarge) you see the granddaughter of Jicky's owner. Lois loves Grandma's dog. She lives in Orleans, the daugher of a Scottish father and a French mother so she will grow up to be bi-lingual - not struggle like the rest of us. Grandma, granddaughter and Jicky were in Gorbio for the Blessing of the Animals.

03 September 2008


Sissy is a gorgeous 4 year old Irish Setter who lives near to Milan. On holiday in Menton, she was brought along to the recent Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio.

01 September 2008


Just a pup. 10 months old and adorable. Canaille lives on the Route de Gorbio in Menton. Seen here in Gorbio village, she was brought up for the Blessing of the Animals.

Canaille has several meanings but here it means 'rogue' or 'little devil' - in other words a term of endearment.

30 August 2008


This is Baboo - a male labrador, who lives in Gorbio village and had been down to the main square for the recent Blessing of the Animals. He's two and a half.

28 August 2008


Venus, the German Shepherd Dog, lives on a boat in the port of Garavan in Menton. Actually, not on this boat - but on one a little further along. On the day I took the photo, she and her owner were visiting a friend on another boat, hence her being on the wrong boat. She seems quite at home tho, doesn't she? Venus is 4 years old.

26 August 2008


The Papillon - or Butterfly Dog - so named because of the enormous ears with their fringes. If the ears are 'down' then they are known as Phaelene - or Moth Dogs.

Meet Myrtille - very much a Papillon - who lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. She's 9 years old and looking very well for her age, don't you think?


Vanille is a pocket-sized Yorkshire terrier as you can see and what a pretty one. She's 4 years old, lives in Menton and her owner runs with Les Foulées Roquebrunoise - a running group you perhaps read about on Menton Daily Photo - remember Woolite, the sheep who swims in the sea and who is their mascot?


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