20 June 2009

Dog Training - Bandit takes a nap

Of course, I'm kidding. Bandit, the Border Collie, isn't napping but closing his eyes to the sun.

Border Collies are so intelligent, but they do need training. They need to feel they are working.

This lovely boy is 3 years old and lives in the hill village of Sospel which is 20 kilometres above Menton.

18 June 2009

Dog Training - Pepsi

Pepsi is an intelligent little dog, bright as a button and enjoying his training class - you could see how he wanted to please his owner. You can see him in the Sit/Stay a couple of postings ago.

He's 2 years old and is a mix of a Pinscher and an Australian Terrier. He lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

16 June 2009

Dog Training - Vickie

This beautiful German Shepherd was so well-behaved and look at those intelligent, kind eyes.

Vickie is 5 years old and lives in Menton. You can see her in the Sit/Stay exercise on the previous posting.

13 June 2009

Dog Training - Myle

The other evening I popped along to watch the dog training class in Roquebrune. It's called Amicale du Chien and is run by a really nice lady called Miriam.

Meet a 13 month old Newfoundland called Myle. And see how good she is in the smaller photograph where she and three others are practicing their 'stays.' Myle lives in La Turbie. Isn't she gorgeous? - like a big cuddly black bear.

We'll meet these other three dogs another day and several more too.

11 June 2009

Khalie, who loves the Sea

I met Khalie walking along the seafront in Menton and took a few photos but she wasn't settled and her owner told me she was anxious to get to one of the dog beaches, so a little later I caught up with them.

Here you see this gorgeous 5 year old Labrador, who lives in Menton, waiting for the ball to be thrown into the sea. 'Throw it, throw it!'

In the last photo she's bringing the ball back for MORE.

Labs just love water, don't they?

06 June 2009

The Dog who Guards the Heliport in Monaco

Meet Rocky the Rottweiler. A working dog, he guards the Heliport in Monaco. And when he's not working? He lives in the Medieval village of Gorbio which is where we see him today.

He is a beautifully behaved, well-trained, eight year old dog with a lovely temperament. His owner told him to jump up on the stone bench and he did - he told him to turn his head towards the sun, he did. Super dog.

Riviera Dogs has been honoured by being mentioned in Owen's fascinating blog of great B and W photographs and much more. Go to The Magic Lantern Show or...Mr. Toad's Travel Diary.

05 June 2009

Tony, the Drathaar

This large bundle of energy is a German Wire-haired Pointer, sometimes known as a Drathaar.

He didn't want to keep still for his photograph - he's only one year old, after all - so I'm sorry but his nose is out of focus in the smaller pic.

Tony lives in Megève in the Haute-Savoie region of France and was enjoying a holiday in Menton.

Update on Mia on Postcards from Pension Milou today.

03 June 2009


Kaila was resting in the shade with her owner - just around the corner from the market building. English Bulldogs have such gorgeous temperaments but if they are naughty and you have to get hold of them, goodness, they are strong. I've had one or two at Pension Milou who have thought it great fun to eat a door frame!

Kaila is three and lives in Milan - on holiday here in Menton.

31 May 2009


This little poodle has the most wonderful eyes and expression, doesn't she? So direct, so trusting, so interested.

She was on holiday in Menton from Belgium - she's two and a half years old and her name - Bijou - means jewel. She is well-named.

26 May 2009


This lovely Miniature Bull Terrier is called Kâlî, which means Indian goddess. She's only 15 months of age and lives in Roquebrune-cap-Martin.

24 May 2009

The Dog in the Car

This lovely dog stared at me as I walked along the promenade in Menton. His car was stuck in traffic so it was an easy shot. Isn't he or she lovely? I adore that direct gaze with soft gentle eyes.

22 May 2009


There are three dog beaches in Menton and on this day, there were loads of dogs. This little one, tucked up close to her owner and watching the swimmers in the sea.

Maeva is a mix of a Yorkshire terrier and a Poodle and you can see it, can't you? Bright as a button at ten years of age, Maeva lives at Le Touquet.

20 May 2009


This lovely old dog was happy to flop down whilst I took her photograph. She's 14 years old which is a really good age for a Dalmatian. She has her aches and pains of course but she manages very well.

Camilla lives part of the time in Milan, with her charming Italian owner. The rest of the time she is in Menton - overlooking the sea in Garavan - so she doesn't have far to walk for her morning stroll.

18 May 2009


Snoopy is waiting with his owners for the Marathon to pass by. This is a 10 kilometre run along the beachfront - Menton to Roquebrune and back - that took place yesterday.

Snoopy, a mix of a spaniel and a pointer, is a male of 8 years and lives in Cannes. It was busy in Menton yesterday but not nearly as crowded as it would have been in Cannes, where the Film Festival is currently taking place.

14 May 2009


This little Pomeranian is from Turin. Far more interested in her bowl of water from the fountain in Places aux Herbes, Menton, than me. She's 13 years old - looks in good form, doesn't she?

11 May 2009


How adorable is this little dog! Millie is only 4 months old and lives with Boulli, the dog we met last time. You can see them both in the smaller photo, taking in the Tourism office of Menton - (not a good photo but shows how tiny Millie is).

09 May 2009


This lovely dog was sitting in the Menton Tourism office. He's 7 year old. Not alone tho, he has a little friend - only 4 months - who you'll meet next time. Boulli is not a tourist tho - he lives in Menton.

07 May 2009

Black and White Frenchie

Black and white French bulldog in a black and white photo - walking along the promenade. I so admire people who can cope with a dog and a baby in a pram. This little dog is beautifully behaved.

05 May 2009


Monoi is 6 years old and was in Menton with her young owner. Funny ears, eh? A lab mixed with something ... I wonder what? A cutie.

Manoi lives at Cagnes sur Mer, along the coast from Menton.

03 May 2009

Chippie - who knows she is Cute

You can almost hear this little dog saying... 'I'll pose with the yachts in the background, as befits my beauty. And if you don't think I'm beautiful enough, then I'll put my head on one side so I look really cute.'

This little Maltese Terrier (Bichon Maltais in French) is called Chippie. She's 3 and lives in Menton. Her owner is a great lady who sells crystals of all sizes and colours. She has a shop in the pedestrian street of Menton but also a stall not far from the Place du Cap, which is where I took this photograph.

28 April 2009


Oscar was sitting on a bench by the sea in Menton, his owners alongside. He's 14 years old and does really well for an old man. A lovely wire-haired dachshund who lives - forgot to write it down - but I think in Germany.

Don't you love the smaller photo - eyes squeezed tight - either against the sun or the photographer!

23 April 2009

Emma, the Show Dog

Emma looks so fierce, doesn't she? In fact, she's a total softie. She's big - I thought 'she' was a 'he' until his owner told me 'he' was called Emma. She's only 14 months old so isn't really much more than one big gorgeous puppy.

Emma, a beautiful Dogue de Bordeaux (one of the oldest French breeds) was in Menton having been exhibited that day at the San Remo show, just along the coast, in Italy. She lives near to Draguignan in the Var. See how she matches her owner's shoes!

19 April 2009

Tequila, the Guitarist's dog

This is Tequila who sleeps on the guitar case. She lives in a van with her owner, Virginie. You see Virginie often in Menton playing her guitar and tapping those feet with bells on.

Tequila has recently been sterilized as Virginie has another dog, a Jack Russell - and guess what, Tequila had five pups. Virginie doesn't want to castrate the Jack Russell as he guards her and her van.

You can see more photos of Virginie and Tequila on Menton Daily Photo today.


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