08 November 2009

'Don't Mess with ME!'

He looks fierce, doesn't he? This is Baro who is a Cane Corso Italiano and is guarding his owner's truck in Ventimiglia market.

Bet he's a softy at home.

06 November 2009

Close Encounters of the Two-Feet Kind

Guest photographer today! John Carroll follows Riviera Dogs and kindly sent me this photograph taken in Peyriac de Mer - not technically the Riviera but in France and on the Mediterranean so we'll cheat and call this little Yorkie a Riviera Dog. Peyriac de Mer is in the Languedoc-Roussillon.

Don't you love the mixture of feet here and John's title.

Take a look at talented photographer, John's website Winding Road Photography. Thanks John.

03 November 2009

Hunter, the Mutt

Don't you just love mutts like this? Somehow he's a mutt, as opposed to a crossbreed (same of course). He'd be the naughtiest and most adorable dog in a film, wouldn't he? We'd all be in tears at the end as he saves his master from the devastating fire and everyone lives happily ever after...

Hunter was born in England and now lives in Menton. In England he was known as Mr. Hunter, now of course he is Monsieur Hunter or more often, Monsieur 'unter!

30 October 2009

The Annonciade Bichons

On Menton Daily Photo we are currently on a walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade. On the way, half hidden behind a gate, we found these three Bichons Frisés. I know nothing about them but they obviously spend a good part of their day keeping an eye on the visitors and pilgrims who make this trek to the monastery. You can see more by clicking on the link.

26 October 2009

Tipsy and Natine

Brittany Spaniels and hard to tell them apart. In the smaller photo, we see Tipsy on the left, she's 7 and smaller than Natine who is 11 years old - on the right.

I'm not sure which one is in the main photo. They were in Gorbio village for the recent festival but they live in Mandelieu which is along the coast near to Cannes. We saw one of them, nose to nose, with a chihuahua HERE.

24 October 2009

Shogun and Tokyo

We seem to be on a small dog roll, don't we?

Here - one long haired chihuahua, Shogun, and one smooth-haired chihuahua, Tokyo, in arms of their owner, a lady from Ventimiglia. Macho names for such little dogs. They were visiting a festival in Gorbio.

Both are boys - Shogun is 8 years old and Tokyo only 9 months. Go to Menton Daily Photo today - where little Tokyo meets a Brittany spaniel at the Fête de la Branda.

And to see some touching memorials to dogs, take a visit to the Paris Dog Cemetery with talented blogger, Owen, at The Magic Lantern Show.

20 October 2009

The Three Papillons - part 2

Yesterday, we met Fiore - now meet Ventos, who is ten and looking gloriously windswept as if he's posing with a fan blowing his hair for effect.

And in the last photo, this is Bijou and he's 5 years old.

See yesterday's post for a photo of all three Papillons together.

19 October 2009

The Three Papillons - part 1

This family have three Papillons - 'butterfly' dogs and so called because of the pattern created by their beautiful ears and the design running down their faces).

Today we meet Fiore, who is seven years old and a male. All three are males and I met them in Menton where they were holidaying from Basle in Switzerland.

Come back tomorrow and meet the other two.

15 October 2009


Hmmmmm....not the easiest dog to photograph. All hair and he wouldn't keep still. I was lunching at Le Balico in Menton and saw this dog walking past so of course I had to get up from the table and run after him to take his photo.

He's a Hungarian Puli called Nero, which seems a good name for a black dog - he's 4 years old and he lives in Germany.

I remember when I used to show Old English Sheepdogs and would often see the Pulis and Komondors nearby - both corded dogs like this. The most important time is when the cords start to form - you have to twist them into even-sized cords else they will break. Once corded, that's it for life. When bathed I know they take a very long time to dry.

You'll find a French Bulldog at Ventimiglia Market on Menton Daily Photo today.

12 October 2009

The Market Pom

This little Pomeranian was walking around Ventimiglia's busy Friday market - sometimes carried, as you see in the smaller photo.

I don't know his or her name but a cute little dog, don't you think?

09 October 2009


Looks like this little puppy is where she wants to be. Her owners were walking her around crowded Ventimiglia market one Friday.

Kendra is two months old and lives in Ventimiglia. She is a Jack Russell Terrier and it looks like she's landed well and truly on her feet.

To see photos of Ventimiglia and its famous Friday market, do click on the link to Menton Daily Photo.

06 October 2009

Candy the 'chocolat'

Poodles look so cute to me when left in a 'puppy cut' athough it's hard to see this little one's eyes.

Candy is a two year old chocolate poodle - a miniature or 'nain' as they are called in France. She lives in Toulon and was in the village of Gorbio for the recent Fete de la Branda.

02 October 2009

Snoat, who loves ice-cream

The only thing this dog, sitting here in Place aux Herbes in Menton, is interested in is his owner's ice-cream and eventually he got a cone as a reward for waiting - as he knew he would.

Snoat is 10 years old and was on holiday in Menton from his home in Holland. I didn't recognise him as being a specific breed, but he is - he's an Epagneul Bleu de Picardie which translated means a Picardy Blue Spaniel - a French hunting dog.

He knows how to melt his owners with those beautiful eyes, doesn't he? And the ice-cream...

28 September 2009

Betty and Classic Week

Copyright 2009 Riviera Dogs. All rights reserved

Betty was standing with her owner by the port of Monaco during Classic Week. Classic Week is when all the famous sailing yachts of the world take part in competition. Also you see the Tall Ships - all much more fun than the massive mega yachts of the rich and famous, although you still have to be rich to own a sailing yacht.

Betty is one year old and lives in England and was visiting Monaco specially for the event.

24 September 2009

Elementary, my dear Watson

Snuggled up in his owner's arms is this lovely old whippet called Watson. Watson is 12 and lives near to Paris.

I hardly have to tell you where we are as you can see the Casino of Monte Carlo in the background.

I've just realised Watson is the first whippet to appear on this blog. I've always loved this breed and isn't Watson adorable.

19 September 2009


Copyright 2009 Riviera Dogs. All rights reserved

Anubia is the house-mate of Robbie who we met in the last posting.

Anubia is a 4 year old Shih-tzu and she lives with François, the gentleman you see on the right of the smaller photo. He, like his father, used to run the Restaurant Beausejour in the village. It's now run by his son, Yvan. You get great food at the Beausejour. The gentleman on the left is François' friend Michel.

17 September 2009


Robbie is a cross between a Shih-tzu and a terrier and he looks it, doesn't he? He's 4 years old and lives with Anubia, a girl Shih-tzu, who we'll meet next time - both are owned by the father (we'll meet him too) of Yvan, proprietor of the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.

14 September 2009

The Tourist Shop Dog

This is Zita - taken on a very sunny day on le rocher in Monaco - too much sun bleached the shot a little.

Zita, a Miniature Pinscher, sits just inside her owner's shop all day. She has one bed inside the door and another outside so she can choose where she likes to sleep. After lunch, like many good people from the south, she takes a nap. Then her owner displays a sign above her bed asking people not to wake her. Zita was a rescue dog who had had far too many litters before she ended up being so loved.

Zita's owner, Rosie, is one of Monaco's characters. Her shop is called Rosie's Memories. You can see a photo of her on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

11 September 2009


Dogs are so patient. I often say this and I suppose, on a lead, they don't have much choice. Knowing dogs tho, they'd probably not stray far, even off lead. Look at the patience of this little dog - happy to be with his owner.

The owners of all those feet are watching the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village. You can read about it by clicking on the link.

07 September 2009

Wrong Move

I don't know the name of this dog but I do know that he used to live with his owner in Gorbio, which is where the photograph was taken. She decided she wanted to live in the country (many would say Gorbio is country, but I know what she meant - to live in real deep countryside). So she moved way up into the mountains, Tende, I believe. Today she and her dog are back in Gorbio for the Fête Patronale and she says how much she misses Gorbio and perhaps wishes she'd never left - she misses her friends and the way of life of the village. It's not so easy to make a new life in a new place, especially when you are older.

I wonder where the dog would prefer to live? The answer of course is easy - with his owner - wherever that might be.

03 September 2009


There was far too much going on at the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio for Olfen to want to pose for a photo. I took a few and they weren't any good.

Much later I saw him on a road leading out of the village and snapped these two. He just wanted to go home! Olfen is 12 year old and lives in Gorbio village and I think when a dog gets to 12 he's entitled to not want his photo taken, don't you?

30 August 2009

Boutchette, the BAD pup!

Who can resist a Basset Hound puppy only six months old. It's the day of the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village and many horses are the main square. Boutchette has stolen a beautiful round oh-so-tasty horse dropping and is happily munching her way through it - see small photo.

Soon she'll be booted back inside - no, not booted - her owners adore her, of course.

Boutchette lives at my favourite restaurant in the village, Le Beausejour and she's called Boutchette because the owner's previous Bassett was called Boutch - so she is 'little Boutch.

How adorable is she? You know, I've yet to meet a dog who doesn't love to either eat horse droppings or roll in them - or better still, both!

27 August 2009

The Boat Dog

Unlike the last posting of a labrador, I don't know this one's name. I was on a boat and the sea wasn't calm - our boat was moving, the labrador's boat was moving - and so zooming in brings an image not quite a sharp as it might be. We were moored in Latte, a village just across the border in Italy - not much sun that day either - just as well else I'd have got burnt!

Seeing a dog on a boat for hours like this made me wonder when he pees but I suppose he's used to it and pees when he gets off!

25 August 2009


Copyright 2009 Riviera Dogs. All rights reserved.

Do you think if this labrador put her nose any nearer the ground, she could smell the scent any better?! This is 3 year old Maya, a yellow Labrador who lives in Lille, in northern France but was on holiday in the camping grounds of Gorbio village.

Isn't she gorgeous and isn't she having a good holiday?

The smells that day were particularly interesting as Maya had attended the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village alongside a lot of horses and I suspect, in the top photo, she has picked up a the scent of a horse.

22 August 2009

Gator, the Service Dog

Gator is known as a Goldendoodle. A mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle, specially bred for allergic people - many breeds are mixed to produce such a dog. In addition, Gator is a Service Dog and so was able to fly from Florida (that's why he's called Gator!) to Nice, in the cabin and 1st class, of course.

Gator lives in Monaco and is two and a half years old. I've written Gator's story on Postcards from Pension Milou - just click on the link. You'll also find a 'Mia' update.


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