22 December 2009

Anderson, the Market Dog

This little Cavalier sits by the edge of his owner's stall at the Menton Christmas market. He's called Anderson and is 4 years old.

18 December 2009

Georgio for Kenzo and Moi...

This is Georgio who is 10 years old and lives in Menton. As you can see he's got little cysts on his eyes but he's under veterinary treatment and will be fine.

This post is dedicated to Melissa who lives in Australia. She has two little dogs and this morning photographs of her gorgeous pastels arrived in my mail box. She wrote...

'I like to do pastels and I have a great love of anything French . A couple of years ago I saw the movie Marie Antoinette - the costumes alone were fabulous and the movie was set in Versailles which was something else! So - here are Kenzo and Moi a la' Marie Antoinette! I do serious stuff but .... sometimes I go a little "silly!' I really like Melissa's silly, don't you?!

14 December 2009

Dodge, the Flatcoat

This lovely - and very obedient, as you see - Flatcoat Retriever was walking around Monaco. He's 2 years old and lives in Aix-en-Provence. Doubt he wasn't remotely interested in the posh shops you see below - sensible dog!

10 December 2009


Gigi is a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, a French breed. He's 5 years old and lives in the Old Town of Menton. His owner says he doesn't like other dogs!

08 December 2009

Chips, the street dog

You see a lot of street dogs in Menton - dogs who live with the SDF (sans domicile fixe) - which means 'of no fixed abode.'

There's quite a community of young guys with dogs, some of whom live around Garavan railway station, near to the Italian border.

This is Chips, who is a Malinois/Staffie mix and is 18 months old. His eyes are closed in the photo - in fact everytime clicked he shut his eyes but the rest of the time they were open. He's well fed, with a comfy bed to lie on whilst his owner hopes for money in his jar.

Take a look at this clip to see a brilliant Golden Retriever surfing with an 'adaptive surfer' - go on, you'll see a great short video. Thanks to Michael J. Rosen.

06 December 2009


This Doberman was walking around the market area with her owner. She was rather nervous - you can see the way she stands in the smaller photo, rather hunched. When lying down tho she was a little more relaxed.

I'm always a little wary approaching some of the 'guarding' breeds but Toscane - she is 6 and lives in Menton - although a little wary of me, didn't seem to mind the camera.

04 December 2009


This is Nico who lives in Menton. He's 12 years old - looks good, doesn't he? I met him on my way to photograph a cat show (cat? did she say 'cat' on a dog blog?) - you can see coverage of the cat show on Menton Daily Photo at the moment.

English Setters are such soft, soppy dogs and beautiful, of course.

30 November 2009

Cali at the Coiffeur

Oh - the indignity of it all! A strap under my nether regions...

This is little Cali, she's two years old and lives in Menton and is, as you see, getting a cut and blow dry at the Salon de Toilettage near to the market.

27 November 2009

Maggie the Model

Setters always make me think of models or beautiful film stars and they always know they are beautiful too. Maggie is more than happy to pose, to show her profile and most of all, to look sad - when she's not!

Maggie is a 4 year old Red and White Irish setter who lives in Monaco.

25 November 2009

Gorda - the dog from the past...

It's so unusual to see an Old English Sheepdog around here. Gorda is 10 years old and lives in Menton and so do I yet had never seen her before - or had I?

Gorda was born in Italy and lived there for much of her life. Now she lives with her owner's mother. She's got some spinal/incontinence problems that are mostly solved with medication.

Funnily enough years ago I used to look after an OES puppy called Gorda, who belonged to an Italian guy in Monte Carlo --- I wonder if it's the same Gorda? It was about eight or nine years ago so the timeline works. I wish I'd thought of it and asked.

P.S. I found this old snapshot of Gorda as a puppy - taken in 2001. I think it's her! Don't you?

22 November 2009

Chloe - à la mode

Chloe was walking around Casino Square yesterday. Well, no, I'll rephrase that - Chloe was being carried around Casino Square. A 4 year old Min.Pin who lives in Monaco.

Seems to me that Min Pins are getting very à la mode lately - along with Yorkies and Chihuahuas.

The touch of red you glimpse in the background is from the flags on display throughout the Principality for Monaco's National Day. Click on the link to see more.

19 November 2009

Cappuccino anyone?

I posted two different photographs of Lou on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today but had to show her to you here as well.

This is Lou, the French bulldog who belongs to Mister Brian - owner of Monaco's best known delicatessen. They are taking a coffee by the port - or rather Lou is allowed to taste Mister Brian's cappuccino - off the spoon, of course. Not that Brian would mind sharing the cup with Lou - he's besotted.

Lou is celebrated in Monaco - she's appeared in a book about the Principality and if you saw Piers Morgan's television programme you will have seen him interview Mister Brian - and Lou.

And remember when Lou was stolen? If not, you can read about it by clicking on the link.

16 November 2009

Wot, No Sheep in Monte Carlo?

You don't expect to see a Border Collie in Casino Square in Monaco. They would seem to belong in the Welsh hills where I lived a lifetime ago.

Yuna is a 5 year old smooth-coat Border Collie and wasn't remotely interested in having her photo taken. Despite my making all sorts of fascinating noises, she mostly turned her head away as you see in the smaller photo. I expect she was dreaming of hills and sheep, not Monte Carlo ladies and their smart clothes. Yuna was on holiday but normally lives in Trieste.

14 November 2009


It's getting towards dusk in Monaco and I notice this lady putting her little dog into a carrying bag.

Meet Shelby, a tiny Yorkie, and 15 months of age. She lives in Antibes. Her owner told me Shelby is her fifth Yorkie, or did she say her seventh. I forget. So often when we love a particular breed, there is no other for us. Don't you love Shelby's matching bow and blanket.

Note - in the background of the smaller photo you can see Monte Carlo's famous casino.

12 November 2009


Well, you'd give a strange look if someone took your photo whilst you were taking a pee...

Jarvis is a wire-haired dachshund from South Africa, staying on the French Riviera, prior to coming to the UK with his sister, Tallulah.

You can see the dog who lives on a boat on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

10 November 2009

Buzz plus Bone

It amazes me how some dogs can carry a bone half the size of them - well I exaggerate, of course.

Meet Buzz, a 2 year old Cavalier King Charles spaniel who lives in Antibes, just along the coast from Nice.

08 November 2009

'Don't Mess with ME!'

He looks fierce, doesn't he? This is Baro who is a Cane Corso Italiano and is guarding his owner's truck in Ventimiglia market.

Bet he's a softy at home.

06 November 2009

Close Encounters of the Two-Feet Kind

Guest photographer today! John Carroll follows Riviera Dogs and kindly sent me this photograph taken in Peyriac de Mer - not technically the Riviera but in France and on the Mediterranean so we'll cheat and call this little Yorkie a Riviera Dog. Peyriac de Mer is in the Languedoc-Roussillon.

Don't you love the mixture of feet here and John's title.

Take a look at talented photographer, John's website Winding Road Photography. Thanks John.

03 November 2009

Hunter, the Mutt

Don't you just love mutts like this? Somehow he's a mutt, as opposed to a crossbreed (same of course). He'd be the naughtiest and most adorable dog in a film, wouldn't he? We'd all be in tears at the end as he saves his master from the devastating fire and everyone lives happily ever after...

Hunter was born in England and now lives in Menton. In England he was known as Mr. Hunter, now of course he is Monsieur Hunter or more often, Monsieur 'unter!

30 October 2009

The Annonciade Bichons

On Menton Daily Photo we are currently on a walk to the Monastery of l'Annonciade. On the way, half hidden behind a gate, we found these three Bichons Frisés. I know nothing about them but they obviously spend a good part of their day keeping an eye on the visitors and pilgrims who make this trek to the monastery. You can see more by clicking on the link.

26 October 2009

Tipsy and Natine

Brittany Spaniels and hard to tell them apart. In the smaller photo, we see Tipsy on the left, she's 7 and smaller than Natine who is 11 years old - on the right.

I'm not sure which one is in the main photo. They were in Gorbio village for the recent festival but they live in Mandelieu which is along the coast near to Cannes. We saw one of them, nose to nose, with a chihuahua HERE.

24 October 2009

Shogun and Tokyo

We seem to be on a small dog roll, don't we?

Here - one long haired chihuahua, Shogun, and one smooth-haired chihuahua, Tokyo, in arms of their owner, a lady from Ventimiglia. Macho names for such little dogs. They were visiting a festival in Gorbio.

Both are boys - Shogun is 8 years old and Tokyo only 9 months. Go to Menton Daily Photo today - where little Tokyo meets a Brittany spaniel at the Fête de la Branda.

And to see some touching memorials to dogs, take a visit to the Paris Dog Cemetery with talented blogger, Owen, at The Magic Lantern Show.

20 October 2009

The Three Papillons - part 2

Yesterday, we met Fiore - now meet Ventos, who is ten and looking gloriously windswept as if he's posing with a fan blowing his hair for effect.

And in the last photo, this is Bijou and he's 5 years old.

See yesterday's post for a photo of all three Papillons together.


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