19 June 2010


Will someone please take me shopping like this? It can't be bad, can it? Carried around is a comfortable bag, put down from time to time, loved and fed and walked. This little dog - a long-haired chihuahua called Keno - has got life pretty much worked out. And so has his charming owner. They obviously adore each other.

15 June 2010


Jago is having the best time watching the model boats whizzing past him. Click HERE to see what he's looking at in the small photo - it's fun!

Jago was in Menton but lives in Italy.

12 June 2010

'Here's looking at you, kid'

This little shih-tzu lives with Riva, the bling-bling Labrador we saw on Avenue Princesse Grace in Monaco the other day. Look at his expression...would you say he's looking down his nose at me? His name - Berlioz.

10 June 2010

Monte Carlo Bling

If you think it's just little poodles and chihuahuas who wear jewelled collars, think again. This is Monaco after all. Meet Riva, the Labrador who was walking sedately along Avenue Princesse Grace one morning. Next time, we'll meet Riva's buddy, Berlioz.

08 June 2010


We've gone back to the Monaco Dog Show today, even tho it took place in April!

This is Iroquio, who at the time was only 4 months old. He's a Belgian Shepherd Dog - Tervuren - and comes from Belgium - meaning he lives in Belgium and of course the breed originated in Belgium. His name, by the way, is Indian but I don't know what it means. I do know he is cute!

04 June 2010


This old dog lives in the Old Town of Ventimiglia. Bare patches on his skin, perhaps he has leishmaniosis or perhaps he's just old - which he is - he's 13.

To see the whole street where he lives - and it's a wonderful Old Town - do click on Menton Daily Photo today.

01 June 2010

No High Heels

This yacht was in Menton for the recent Festival of Offshore Racing boats.

See the sign? Do you think this little Yorkie is wishing she'd been allowed to bring her high heels on board?

29 May 2010

The Pug and the Baby

Two-tier travel going on here. Baby up top, pug below. And look how hard this young mother is working to drag the pram off the beach in Ventimiglia. We offered to help but she said she was fine. Mothers constantly amaze me with what they have to do each day.

26 May 2010

The Handover

This looks like one lucky puppy who has landed on his feet, don't you think? I'm not sure if he's a specific breed or not. Not a pointy enough face for a Jack Russell? And he looks young and will grow somewhat bigger.

This 'handover' from mother to daughter took place during the day of Street Theatre in Menton. Click on the link to see more.

23 May 2010

The Peruvian Hairless Dog

A first for Riviera Dogs...this is a breed called the Peruvian Hairless Dog. As you can see he is completely hairless save for a few coarse hairs on his face.

He's called Estrello and is 5 months old. These photos were taken just at the beginning of the Corbusier walk from Cap Martin to Monaco.

Do click on the photo below to enlarge it and really see his skin which his owner likened to an elephant's skin.

21 May 2010

Street Theatre - Dog Watch

When your owners are sitting on the Place du Cap in Menton watching Kids' Street Theatre the only place to be is tucked up at the back and ignore the whole thing...

To see more of Menton's Street Theatre please click on the link.

17 May 2010

The Monaco Grand Prix Ferrari Dog

You might have noticed that yesterday was the Monaco Grand Prix when the world descends on the Principality. So no surprise this dog did too.

She's called Ebony and along with her Australian owner has been travelling around the world in a camper van for 3 years. She was rescued from the Washington State Shelter where she was one day from being euthanized. She's crossed the Atlantic 4 times so she's well up to wearing a Ferrari t-shirt and posing for admirers by the Ferraris on display in rue Princesse Caroline.

13 May 2010

Up in Arms

This little long-haired Chihuahua was in the arms of the secretary of the Monaco Dog Society - at the recent show held in the circus tent in Fontvieille.

11 May 2010

The Comfy Corner

Dogs have that wonderful ability to make themselves comfortable in any corner, don't they? This dog is tucked up close to the wall of the bar, near to his owner of course - and patiently waiting whilst she has her coffee and chats to a friend who stopped by her table.

07 May 2010

Elios, the Brocante Dog

Last Sunday - a very dull day but happily no rain - there was a brocante in Menton - this happens on the first Sunday in May every year with hundreds of stalls spread out through the town and along the promenade. People rummage through their attics and sell what they don't want - but also there are antique dealers selling their wares.

Little Elios, who is six months old and lives in Menton - well, he thought it the best fun to rummage in his owner's bag of toys.

02 May 2010

Tchaou, the cartoon dog

Who loves pugs?! This is Tchaou, which is the name of a cartoon character in Japan. She's 4 months old and lives in Brussels but was on holiday in Menton.

As you can see in the smaller photo, she didn't want to keep still - would you at 4 months? - and so her owner kindly picked her up so I could grab a shot.

30 April 2010

Neo's Historique Grand Prix of Monaco

Looks fierce, doesn't he? In fact he's a gentle soul. This is Neo, a 5 year old English Staffordshire Bull Terrier who lives in Switzerland with his owner Christophe. Christophe is in Monaco for the Historique Grand Prix with the Fancy Racing Team and their BMW 328. In the smaller photo, Christophe and a friend are looking down on the stands that face the pit lane.

28 April 2010


Choupette lives in Menton. She was sitting on a bench by the sea, blending rather nicely with the colour of the wood. This little bundle is 5 years old and looks as if she's recently been to the coiffeur, don't you think?

25 April 2010

Monaco Dog Show - 'Napszem'

Meet Napszem, a Hungarian Puli youngster of 13 months. He lives in Mougins and was entered at the Monaco Dog Show.

The dog in the smaller photo is an adult version of the same breed, where the coat has been formed into cords, although I'd have thought the cords we see on the rear are perhaps a little too thick. The important thing tho is that the cords are even in size and shape.

The cords will start soon on this puppy and during that time the owner has the most work in guiding their formation.

22 April 2010

The Apricale Dog

We are in Apricale, a medieval hill village in Italy - about 28 kilometres from Menton. This dog is walking down the village pretty quickly and I wasn't fast enough - he's slightly blurry in the main photo but you get the feel of him, I think. A hunting dog, nose down, intent on where he's going.

In the small pic you see me attempting to take his photo - this was taken by the delightful Nathalie from Avignon who was visiting for the weekend.

19 April 2010

Frimousse and the Interloper

So there I was photographing this adorable Cavalier King Charles puppy, when up strode the smooth-haired dachshund wanting to know what was going on!

I never did get to ask the name of the dachshund but can tell you that the puppy is called Frimousse and she is a Ruby coloured Cavalier aged 5 months. She was on holiday near to Menton, staying in Tende in the mountains and comes from the north of France.

17 April 2010

Monaco Dog Show - the Meeting

This is a photograph that went onto Monte Carlo Daily Photo the other day but here it is on the 'Dog Blog.' Just as an experiment I changed the ISO setting on the camera to 2000 which has given this grainy effect, rather as if the photo is printed on canvas. Hope you like the moment when these two Shelties met a Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

15 April 2010

Monaco Dog Show - the Yorkies

Almost ready to be shown - he just needs those rubber bands removed from his whiskers. Yorkshire Terriers exhibitors always seem to have lots of dogs with them - I suppose it's not so difficult as they are small. So in the small photo we see 'three little ones all in a row' and in the last photo - well this one has given up and gone to sleep!


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