29 July 2012


This tiny Miniature Pinscher is just a handful of cuteness. She's called Greta, is 4 months old and she was running around Menton with her pretty owner.  She lives in Alassio in Italy.

26 July 2012


We've met Prickle before on Riviera dogs but that was four and a half years ago.  Prickle lives with her owner William at one of Menton's famous gardens, Le Clos du Peyronnet.  Here she poses near some of the beautiful old demijohns that appear to float on one of the pools in this magical garden.  

21 July 2012

Pippo, the High-Energy Jack Russell

This is Pippo, a high-energy one year old Jack Russell who lives in Italy. I met him walking through the medieval village of Gorbio where he wouldn't let go of his tennis ball and that is what he is doing here - clinging on to the ball, feet off the ground.  Ideally, I'd have used a different setting on the camera so the background was more blurred but it wouldn't deal with the speed of this little dog.

Perhaps I'll meet him again one day, with his charming owners, Mauro and Dimitri - then we'll settle him down and have another go at a portrait. But then how often is a Jack Russell calm and quiet?!

19 July 2012

Orazio from Lake Como

Is there anything more adorable than a 4 month old French Bulldog puppy?  Meet Orazio (italian for Horatio).  I bumped into him a couple of days ago in the Casino Gardens in Monte Carlo. He lives in Lake Como, Italy.

This post is for Véronique, a fellow-blogger (French Girl in Seattle) who recently visited Menton and Gorbio et moi.   We had such a good time together, putting the world to rights over a good bottle of rosé. (or was it half a bottle!) She adores French Bulldogs and one day wants to have one. I'm sure she will! 

16 July 2012


Camilla is only 10 months old and such a well-behaved dog - well we all know how crazy young labs can be at times.  Her owner (they live in Turin) told me she's always been a calm, well-behaved dog. They are on holiday in Menton.

12 July 2012


Her owner is having a coffee and croissant in Menton whilst she waits patiently.  All our dogs ever ask is to be with us - they don't mind how long they wait.

I wish I was as patient as my dogs ...

09 July 2012

Biscuit, who lives on a Yacht

This is Biscuit. She's five years old and was given her forever home when her owners found her in a refuge in California.  Now she lives on a yacht and shortly after these photos were taken (her summer haircut) was en route for a summer in Turkey. 

Biscuit is an adorable, kind dog who has really landed on her feet - or perhaps one should say 'sea legs.' I wonder if dogs get seasick?

05 July 2012

Julia at the Arabian Horse Show

You often find whippets at the Arabian Horse Show in Menton.  Julia is trying to keep cool in the shade of a tent. (see small photo) She comes from Brittany in northern France and is one year old.

Her young owner walks her past a stable from Oman. You can see pics of the horse show on Menton Daily Photo today. 

03 July 2012

Tompuss, the Market Dog

The owner of Tompuss was backing up his car when I snapped him.  In the smaller photo, you can see the pleasure on his owner's face, proud that his beloved dog is having his photo taken.  And beloved he is. He was found, abandoned outside his house. I'd say one lucky dog, wouldn't you? And he gets to be with his owner all day when he's selling at Menton's market.

29 June 2012

Bonnie the Large Munsterlander

Bonnie is a Large Munsterlander - a first for this breed on Riviera Dogs.  This is a German multi-purpose gundog - isn't she gorgeous?  Wise kind eyes, so gentle.  Bonnie is six year old and lives near to Frankfurt.  I met her under the dappled light of the plane trees in Place aux Herbes, Menton. Large Munsterlanders are apparently supposed to be black and white and the Small Munsterlander is brown and white, so technically she's not quite right. Personally I think she's perfect!  Click to see another photo of Bonnie (and me snapping her) on French Girl in Seattle. The lovely Véronique and I spent a day together yesterday doing what we both love doing - taking photographs ... well there was a long lazy lunch with a glass or two of rosé thrown in! You'll find some lovely shots of Menton and Gorbio on Veronique's blog. 

27 June 2012

Who is the loveliest?

Who is the loveliest?  This is yet another photo I took at the San Remo show.  I'm not sure but think the dog may be a Sloughi. Rather like a Saluki without the feathering on the ears.  Doesn't she look the part on her purple bedding? Pretty owner too.

21 June 2012

Boy or girl?

This little Papillon has a rather smart travelling case, don't you think?  She - or perhaps he? - was at the San Remo show. So bright, so pretty.

17 June 2012


Last time we had an English cocker spaniel, today meet Daisy, a 4 year old American cocker spaniel.  I met her in Menton where she lives.  Her owner told me she will soon be having her summer trim when perhaps we'd see her eyes a little better. No matter, she's still gorgeous.

14 June 2012


Hot sun, deep shadows at the moment.  This is Falbala. She's a one year old and lives in Menton.

10 June 2012

The Beautiful Blonde

This beautiful blonde Borzoi is waiting to go into the ring at the San Remo show.  Breeds are so different, aren't they?  Compare the long muzzle of this hound to say, the wide squashed face of a French bulldog. 

04 June 2012


Meet Gwen.  She was competing at the recent San Remo dog show. Really dramatic markings, don't you think ...

01 June 2012

Asleep on the Job!

Asleep on the job!  Two long-coat chihuahuas at the San Remo dog show.  One is too tired to wake up, even when she has an admirer!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...

28 May 2012

The White Poodle

San Remo Dog Show:

'Please will someone brush my head for me!'

25 May 2012

Alice's Scooter

This is Alice who is a Llasa Apso x terrier.  She lives in Monaco and like many dogs from the Principality, likes to get out of the place when the Grand Prix is on. Too many people and too much noise! Vroom, vroom ...

She arrived here yesterday on a pale blue scooter driven by her owner -  peeping out at me from the safety of his legs. 

21 May 2012


We're back at the San Remo dog show today.  I don't know this little dog's name but isn't she adorable.

17 May 2012

Jackson and 'Eyes to the Right'

This is Jackson, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. With those wavy ears you can really see why they are called Cavaliers.  Jackson is six years old and lives in Paris. 

In the last photo he's with Fanny, the poodle and Daisy, the labrador - all doing their 'eyes to the right' performance ...


14 May 2012

Flying Galinette

Yesterday we saw Boutchette, one of the Restaurant Beausejour dogs in Gorbio - with her bone.  Today, we see Boutchette's friend, the Shih-tzu, Galinette, who saw a dog across the square and decided she could fly!

You can see little Galinette as a puppy (small enough to sit in a mug) by clicking on the link.

She is called Galinette from the book Manon des Sources by Marcel Pagnol.

13 May 2012

Boutchette's Bone

There was a wedding in Gorbio yesterday afternoon and Boutchette, one of the Restaurant Beausejour dogs enjoys her bone whilst the tables are being prepared.  Hope no one tripped over it later ...

08 May 2012

Cutie Pie

How adorable is  this Jack Russell terrier. The first photo was taken at the Monaco dog show and the smaller one in San Remo, where he's standing on a table waiting to go into the ring.

04 May 2012

Valensia for Finn

This is the adorable Valensia, born in Moscow and living in Cannes.  She is 16 months old and we met at both the Monaco dog show and the San Remo dog show, which was a couple of days later.  The first two pics were taken in Monaco and the last one (better light) in San Remo. 

This post is for my friend Candy and one of her dogs, Finn.  Candy lived happily with her Old English Sheepdog, Blue and her Labrador, Big Mac and then - mad fool! - decided to buy an Irish Wolfhound - who of course is adorable. He's called Finn and he's now 12 months old. I rather think Finn and Valensia would enjoy each other ...


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