23 December 2012

Billy and Bach

Billy and Bach are litter brothers who live in Menton. They are a Jack Russell X poodle mix - and they look it, don't they?  I met them in Place aux Herbes this morning.  That's Bach in the first photo with the blue harness, Billy with the red one.  They are five years old and you see, bright as buttons.  

21 December 2012

The SDF's dog

This lovely dog belongs to an SDF ('sans domicile fixe') which translates as 'homeless.'

The majority of SDFs seem to have a dog and those I've seen are well fed.  The local vets will treat these dogs free when it's  necessary. This dog has a blanket, bowls, even cardboard underneath her so she won't get chilled. Cynically I suppose one could say she is displayed in this way to encourage people to give money.  Who knows?  The truth is that often a dog is the only friend a homeless person has. 

I asked her owner if I could take her photo and he let me but insisted I didn't take his - so of course I didn't.

18 December 2012


Last time, we met Aston.  Today we meet his half-brother Bentley who is 9 years old. These two are such sweet adorable dogs and live in Monaco. 

13 December 2012


This is Aston, an 8 year old golden retriever who lives in Monaco. Obviously thinking that if he closes his eyes I won't take his photograph.

Aston lives with Bentley (got it? - posh cars!) - we'll meet  Bentley next time ...

08 December 2012


This is a Toby, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  He lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Isn't he a beautiful specimen of this lovely breed ...

05 December 2012

For Chihuahua lovers

A chihuahua at the recent Kermesse (church/charity bazaar) in Monaco.

02 December 2012


How adorable is this little boy!  He's a mix between a poodle and a Jack Russell terrier and is called Croque-Monsieur.  He's two years old and lives in Antibes although I met him at the Kermesse in Monaco yesterday.

A croque monsieur is a ham and cheese grilled sandwich which originated in French cafés and bars. He's so-called because his owner likes to eat them!

Two years ago at the Kermesse, (church and charity bazaar) someone had pinned a piece of paper on a pillar advertising pups for sale - with a photograph. Jenny, his owner read the sign ... one of those pups was Croque-Monsieur.

29 November 2012

Sniff, sniff ...

The fluffy white dog is a Coton de Tuleur and the one in the foreground is a Jack Russell mix.  They were having fun playing together by the sea at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin this morning. I didn't ask their names.  Simply because I was trying out a new lens and didn't think the photo would be any good -  but I quite like the shape they make together with the terrier's legs all over the place ... and he's got such a lovely face.

24 November 2012

The Monte Carlo Westies

Two Westies hoping for a morsel from their owners who are having a coffee and a croissant in the luxurious Metropole centre in Monte Carlo. 

They are mother and son.  Mother in the foreground is called Twiggy and she's 5 years old. Her son is 2 and he's called Tuky.

They live in Monaco. 

20 November 2012

San the Chow

This is San, a soulful looking Chow.  She's 8 years old and posed by the fish stall in Carnoles, where her owner was working. 

Note her blue/black tongue which is typical of this ancient Chinese breed.  The Chow is easily recognizable in pottery and sculptures of the Chinese Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to 22 A.D.).

15 November 2012


In the last post, we met little Victoria, who had been found in a rubbish bin at 4 weeks and now lives in the mountain village of Sospel, above Menton. 

This is her new friend, Tess.  Tess was bom in the house next door and Victoria's family just had to have one of the pups.  She's now three years old and as you see, a wonderfully gentle soul.

13 November 2012

Victoria who was found in a rubbish bin

This is Victoria who, at the age of four weeks, was found in a rubbish bin in Monaco - dumped in a plastic bag.   That was in 2001 and since then has had the happiest of lives.  You can read Victoria's story and see photos when she was younger, by clicking on the link.

Victoria is now 10 years old and  lives in Sospel, a village above Menton.  She now has a canine housemate who we'll meet in the next post.

08 November 2012

Lilou and Poupi

These two Cavaliers - two years old and half-sisters -  were competing at the Agility competition in Menton.  I'm really not sure if the little beauty in the main photo is THIS DOG (flying over the fences)  or not. What do you think?

They are called Lilou and Poupi and live in Cannes.

02 November 2012

Flying Staffie

A flying Staffie at this year's Agility Show in Menton.

29 October 2012

Flamme - the 'Moth' Dog

This is Flamme, an eleven year old Phalene who lives in Switzerland. I met her in Menton.

A Papillon (butterfly) has its ears UP and a Phalene (moth) has its ears DOWN.

27 October 2012


This little dog lives in the medieval village of Gorbio and can often be seen under her owner's chair in the Bar/Restaurant Les Terrasses. When I asked what mixture of breeds she is, her owner told me she s a 'Gorbarine' - as she said, you often see small dogs who look like Nourse.  A wiry coat, terrier like face but with an undershot jaw.  And oozing intelligence.  Nourse is 18 months old.

22 October 2012


Jen, the dachshund, was guarding her bench and really didn't want her photograph taken ... grrrrrrrr

19 October 2012


Eros is a beautiful Tervuren I met at the Agility competition in Menton.  He's three years old and lives in Menton. A beauty.

16 October 2012


Meet Bramble - a cute Cairn Terrier.  Bramble is just over a year old and lives in Monaco.

13 October 2012


This is one tough little puppy.  Only 3 month old and just a handful in size, but she thinks she's a fully grown big dog! I met her at the Fete de la Branda in Gorbio.

Hanoi is her name and she lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Adorable!

08 October 2012


Ambra is a 5-month old Golden Retriever who lives at Mortola Superiore, just across the border in Italy - and in Germany.  So young and yet so well-behaved for a puppy Golden.  Very well trained by her owners, Sigi and Manfred!

Here you see her drinking out of the 'source' in the medieval village of Gorbio and in the last photo she wants to play with a male Golden she has just met outside the church - he's called Tom and lives in Monaco.

03 October 2012

Double Cream

This lovely whippet competed at the Agility competition in Menton.  He's four years old and he's called Double Cream but his owners call him DD. He lives in Cannes. 


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