17 March 2013


A brisk wind meant this little 4 year old Chinese Crested needed her tartan jacket. She's called Cleo and lives in Menton.

12 March 2013

Ugly Mia?

After all those beautiful dogs at Crufts, how about an ugly one! She's actually rather beautiful but the beginnings of a yawn can create a weird expression like this.

This is one of my rescue dogs, Mia, who is a Bassett Ariegois - a French hunting dog - sort of like a Bassett but with long legs.   She used to be terrified of the camera. She still is terrified of other people.  But now, when I'm photographing another dog, she'll push her way in and stare at the camera.

05 March 2013

Sleepy Abby

This is little Abby, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel who lives in Beaulieu-sur-Mer - currently asleep on my coffee table!

02 March 2013

Shaka (2)

If you've got a good memory you might recognise little Shaka. He made his first appearance on Riviera Dogs in September 2008. (click link) when he was 9 years old.

Here he is again, this time in his winter coat and of course an older gentleman now but looking really fit.   He's a mix between a Shihtzu and a Yorkshire terrier and lives in the village of Gorbio with his really nice owner, Muriel. 

27 February 2013


This is Eole, she is from Brittany and was in Gorbio for a short visit with her owners.  Eole is 3 years old with such a gentle, steady, kind look in her eyes,  don't you think?

22 February 2013


Benny is an immaculate 5 year old white Scottish terrier. who I passed on the way to the Fete du Citron in Menton.  Of course I had to stop and chat to him and his owners as they rested on a bench by the sea.  Benny and his family live in Luxembourg and are in Menton for the festival.

I thought he was a Westie with a long foreface and understood his owners to say he was a Westie but am now assuming I'm wrong, so have changed the words here. 

19 February 2013

Tina, hunting dog of the future

Meet Tina, she's a three and a half month old hunting dog (she's a mix of hunting dog and terrier) and is being trained to hunt sanglier (wild boar).  She lives with a young hunter in the medieval village of Gorbio.  As you can see she does what all good hunting dogs do - walks along with her nose glued to the ground!

17 February 2013

Fanny and Emma

Some of you will remember Fanny, the little poodle, who was abandoned outside my gate nearly three years ago.  She was in a sorry state at the time, an old lady of 13.  As you see, she is in much better health now although she still has problems including a dodgy heart.  She's a happy camper though and now that she barks less, I'm a happy camper too ...!

She's found an adorable friend in little Emma who is the daughter of the family who own Paisley and Raffa, the golden retrievers we saw in the last post.

When they collected their dogs, Emma fell for Fanny and it seems the feeling was mutual.

12 February 2013


This is Raffa - she lives in Mouans Sartoux with Paisley who we met last time.  Raffa is a dog who half closes her eyes when she sees a camera - don't you just love that expression in the main photo. She'll be 13 in June.

09 February 2013


This is Paisley enjoying a little sunshine.  She lives with her buddy, Raffa in Mouans Sartoux, near to Grasse - famous for perfume.  Paisley is almost 14 years old. Isn't she a beautiful dog?  Next time, we'll meet Raffa.

05 February 2013

Maya the Mastiff

I met Maya, an English Mastiff, whilst shopping in Menton this morning.  Maya has appeared on this blog before - 4 or so years ago - but as she is the only English Mastiff in Menton I couldn't resist photographing that lovely slobby face once more. She's now 7 years old.

Click link to see Maya in 2008.

01 February 2013

Speed on the Beach

This little Jack Russell pup was having the best time flying around Larvotto Beach in Monaco a couple of days ago.

30 January 2013

Beagle time ...

A cute Beagle puppy who was enjoying the late afternoon sun with his young owner in Menton.

He's not at all sure he wants his photo taken ...

26 January 2013

Giada - the glamour of Italy

Pink leopardskin coat, pink hair slide - the glamour of winter - she has to be Italian!

And she is. This is 13 year old Giada, whose owners will be selling bric a brac at the Broc Troc in Menton this weekend.

25 January 2013

Hémy, the Havanese puppy

Meet Hémy, a Bichon Havanese puppy.  Isn't she too adorable!  She lives in Monaco with an old blind cocker spaniel called Goldy - click to see Goldy's photo.

18 January 2013

Hunique - the Restaurant Les Terrasses Dog

Meet 5 months old Hunique.  She's Vanessa's new puppy at the Restaurant Bar Les Terrasses in Gorbio.  Hunique is a long haired German Shepherd Dog and already is such a sweet, well-behaved puppy but is one who guards the restaurant at night.  Look at those beautiful eyes.

14 January 2013


Meet Darius.  He's a 4 year old Welsh Terrier from Normandy, on holiday in Menton. Welsh Terriers are incredibly active dogs - it took about 8 photos to get one where he sat still for a moment. Typical of this beautiful breed.

10 January 2013

Lily, the Springer Spaniel

This is Lily, an English Springer Spaniel who lives just along the coast in Villefranche but also spends a lot of time in Paris.  I've been caring for Lily since she was a very naughty puppy - she's still naughty even tho she's now 9 years old.  She's losing her night sight now - in fact, in low light she sees almost nothing.  She has an appointment soon with a Paris eye specialist so hopefully something can be done. 

It's not so easy, on a long-nosed dog, to get the eyes and nose both in focus.  I succeeded in the second shot but prefer the first! 

Click on the link above to see Lily as she was a few years ago.

06 January 2013


You don't see many Australian Shepherds in Menton but I bumped into Titus along by the sea the other day.  His owner was sitting on a bench, studying and he, considering he's only a baby of six months, was patiently waiting.   Beautiful, don't you think?  Titus lives in Menton.


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