30 April 2014

Xena - a new life in Monte Carlo

This is Xena the English bulldog.  Xena is six years old and now lives a life of luxury with her owner, Lorraine, in Monte Carlo, but her earlier life wasn't so good. She was used as a brood bitch in a kennel at Aix-en-Provence. Although you can't see it in this photo, her teats hang very low, evidence of too many litters.  Fortunately for her she got to the age when she was no more use to the breeder and now here she is on the terrace of the Cafe de Paris, receiving admiring glances from everyone. (see small photo)  Good for you, Lorraine. One happy dog now.

23 April 2014

Boutchette and Galinette

Sometimes a girl just to have something large and warm to snuggle up to! 

Boutchette, the Basset Hound acts as a comfy pillow for her housemate, Galinette, the Shih-tzu. These two belong to the fabulous Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.

17 April 2014

Idyll and Paloma

We've met Idyll before on Riviera Dogs before.   She is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Bernese Mountain dog. Here she is today with her young owner, Paloma. They live in Gorbio village above Menton.

12 April 2014

Toby and Ylan

This is Toby - a three month old Staffordshire bull terrier pup who lives in Gorbio village. In the third photo you see him running across the square with Ylan. Is there anything nicer than a young boy and a young dog happy together. 

06 April 2014

Blu, the Clumber Spaniel

This beautiful Clumber Spaniel was walking through Menton's market with his owners. He lives in Menton and is a showdog - his next show will be in Monaco the first weekend of May.  Blue is just over two years old.

02 April 2014

Nose to nose

You never know who you'll meet, up close and personal, in Monte Carlo.

31 March 2014

Boy and Dog

This is a photo I put on Monte Carlo Daily Photo the other day.  Just a young man and his dog on Larvotto Beach in Monaco.  Summer's coming ...

25 March 2014

Silent witness

There's a reception in the village square of Gorbio following a baptism at the church. Guests gather outside the restaurant for an aperitif.  Meanwhile, one of the village dogs sits quietly by the fountain.

20 March 2014

Fluffy and Smooth

A Yorkie and a Jack Russell in Villefranche-sur-Mer on the day I went to photograph the Naval Battle of the Flowers.  I didn't stop and ask their names but they seemed quite happy to let me photograph them. Thanks, doggies. Woof Woof ...

13 March 2014

'En famille'

This little dog and her family were at the recent 'Naval Battle of the Flowers' festival in Villefrranche-Sur-Mer. 

06 March 2014

Spaniel and Confetti

This lovely cocker spaniel was enjoying the Combat Naval Fleuri at Villefranche sur Mer yesterday. Walking on a sea on a confetti!

01 March 2014


This beautiful Border Collie is relaxed, guarding his owners's bike, front legs gently crossed whilst he waits for his owner. He never takes his eyes off her as she takes her morning swim in the sea at Larvotto Beach. Flannel is 3 years old.

25 February 2014


This poodle is tiny -  one of the smallest I've seen. He was out walking with the young children of his family and the family nanny who told me he came from America and cost $6,000. Simba lives in Monaco and is 5 years old.

19 February 2014


This border collie wasn't remotely interested in Menton's Lemon Festival.  All she wanted was to have a stick thrown into the sea for her. 

13 February 2014


This is Sadie, a 9 year old English setter who lives in Monaco.  The box, attached to her collar, is an anti-bark collar. I met her at the Kermesse in Monaco last November.

09 February 2014


This is little Trudy, a French bulldog, I met at the veterinary surgery one day.  Like many Frenchies she seems to have a permanently worried expression but in fact she was probably thinking about going in to see the vet! Trudy is 3 years old and lives in Monaco. Such an adorable breed. They are all clowns!

02 February 2014


Aren't Beagle puppies just too adorable!  This is i'lemon -  he's 4 months old and lives in Monaco. I met him walking around Port Hercule.

27 January 2014


This beautiful black German Shepherd dog is called Spade. He's 8 years old. I met Spade by the English bookstall at the Kermesse in Monaco in November.

22 January 2014

The Look!

This is a dog I saw at the Kermesse in Monaco in December.  She was walking around with another dog - and their owner, of course. There were so many people around at this moment that I didn't ask her name. What a look she is giving me!

Is she a whippet or a greyhound. Looks too big for a whippet perhaps?

18 January 2014

Fidji, the Groendale

This beautiful Groendale (Belgian Shepherd Dog) is another I met in the veterinary surgery the other day.  She's called Fidji and is 3 years old. She lives in Cap d'Ail.  I love the beautiful sensitive faces of this breed.

14 January 2014

Hysathis, the Russian Toy Terrier

Meet Hysathis.  She is a Russian Toy Terrier.  First of this breed on Riviera Dogs.  It seems the breed was bred from the English Toy Terrier, now known as the Manchester Terrier.  Click link to read more.

Hysathis, cute as a button, is 15 months old.

10 January 2014

Billy, the lucky English Setter

This beautiful English setter, Billy, is one lucky dog!  He was abandoned on a motorway in Italy and then hit by a car.  There is a great organisation in Italy called Italian Setter Rescue who call around to all the refuges taking in any abandoned setters. He had to have a knee operation and was then ready for his 'forever home' and he has found it in Monaco.  Tiffaney is a wonderful young lady who adores setters, she's had Gordons, an Irish Red and white, other English setters and now, this lovely dog - he's around 4 or 5 years old -  is her latest.

In this photo (I met Billy and Tiffaney at the vet's office)  he'd only been with her for 4 days but give him a week or so and Tiffany will have worked her magic on him and made him feel secure after his ordeal.

Long life and happiness to Billy and Tiffaney.

07 January 2014


Dogs can see ghosts!

03 January 2014

Beau and his poor toe

Some of you know Beau, the oldest of my rescue dogs.  No idea how old he is but he's old and so much is wrong with him - he's had four operations on his ears - two eardrums removed, one inner ear - now he has open fistulas that ooze down his neck but that relieves pressure on his ears. He also has really bad seborreah which is greasy and smells awful. He should be bathed every 5 days. I do it as often as I have the energy to push him into the shower, which he hates.

Here he'd yanked a toenail and it had gone septic and had to be removed. Actually this was taken a week or so ago and now I've removed the dressing and it's healing up fine. He's very creaky, doesn't see well but still loves his food and isn't going anywhere yet. He's also a beautiful, kind, wonderful - so wonderful - dog. He's a Bruno de Jura, by the way - which is a Swiss Hunting Dog.

29 December 2013


This is Rupert.  He's a 12 year old labrador but still plays like a puppy. Rupert lives at Le Rouret.


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