18 June 2016


Beautiful Maggie, a Red and White Irish Setter enjoying a comfortable armchair.

16 June 2016

Fun in the Sun

Theoule-sur-Mer: Chihuahuas rule!

15 June 2016


The fountain in Gorbio's square offers a welcome drink for this beautiful Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

14 June 2016

Sunset Boulevard

"Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."

13 June 2016


Throw a ball into the sea ... total joy for a Labrador.

12 June 2016

Ear admiration

Oh what beautiful ears you have! 

11 June 2016

Here's Looking at you ...

Love the direct look of this wire-haired dachshund in Aix-en-Provence.

09 June 2016

Allez les Bleus!

I guess this little guy must be a France supporter. Allez les Bleus!

08 June 2016

Poodle pleasure

A little old lady poodle, whose only wish in life is to please her owner.

07 June 2016


This is a feisty Jack Russell terrier I photographed in Menton in 2011. I don't know his name. Perhaps he was trying to tell me at the time and I wasn't listening ...

06 June 2016


L'amour ...he's a Cane Corso Italiano.

04 June 2016

Baïka and Antoine

We met Baïka a couple of days ago - at the time,  looking rather scare. Here she has settled with her gentle owner, Antoine.  They live in Gorbio.   The rapport between these two is lovely to see.  Lucky dog, lucky owner.

02 June 2016


Baïka is one and a half and lives in Gorbio.  A beautiful gentle dog who really didn't want to look at the camera.  Come back tomorrow and you'll see she did eventually settle thanks to her owner.

31 May 2016


Fiston is the Croc'antine dog.  Croc'antine is a small restaurant in Menton, opposite the Cocteau Musuem, where you'll eat lovely freshly food, cooked and served by Fiston's charming owners.  I don't think dog biscuits are on the menu though ...

29 May 2016


English Setter love ...

27 May 2016

Muriel, Nina and Emma

How to get a dog and a child together ... hide behind them!  Here (although you don't see her!) is Muriel in Gorbio village, with her little Yorkie, Nina - and Emma who thinks it's all the best fun.

26 May 2016

Hair Colour

Ever noticed how people choose dogs with the same colour hair? 

25 May 2016

Proud Mama

Proud Mama with her Llasa Apso ready to go into the showring in Monaco.

24 May 2016

Bulldogs reign!

Who doesn't love a Bulldog! 

23 May 2016


L'amour at the Monaco Dog Show.

22 May 2016


Just got this shot in time as a split second later, Vegas got too close and I got a lick of love.  Vegas, a 4 month old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, was in on the Croisette in Cannes enjoying the passing parade for the Film Festival -  film stars and wannabe film stars.

21 May 2016

Cannes Film Festival

It's not just pretty girls at the Cannes Film Festival - beagles go too!

20 May 2016

19 May 2016

Hoping ...

Looks like someone is hopeful ... woof!

18 May 2016


Showing off her tricks!

15 May 2016


'Joy' on the beach at Menton.  She's 4 years old and lives in Switzerland.

14 May 2016

Dogs galore

Not content with six Shelties, this lady has dogs on her handbag - and what's she got painted on her fingernails? Perhaps dog faces ... 

13 May 2016


Tofu, an adorable toy poodle was with her owners at the Beausejour restaurant in Gorbio yesterday.  I thought she was a puppy - but, no, she is three years old and lives in Nice.  So cute.

12 May 2016

11 May 2016

...it's for you

Monaco Dog Show

...it's for you.'

10 May 2016

Pippi Longstocking

Monaco Dog Show - Pippi Longstocking perhaps ... ?

09 May 2016

Giving the eye ...

Here's looking at you, kid.  A Bearded Collie is giving the eye at the Monaco Dog Show.  Prior to going into the ring, her whiskers are tied in rubber bands so that she can drink without the fur getting wet.

08 May 2016

Red and Black

Accessorized in red at yesterday's Monaco Dog Show. The dog pulling her along is a Giant Schnauzer.

06 May 2016


A chihuahua puppy from Ventimiglia, Italy.  She's called Tokyo and is giving a 'don't mess with me' look!

05 May 2016


Maybe a Papillon or a Papillon mix.  Cute anyway ...

04 May 2016

Double Irish

Two gorgeous Irish Wolfhounds in my garden.  I took this photo in 2009 with the camera before the camera before the camera before .... so there's not a lot of definition but aren't they gorgeoous creatures!

03 May 2016

Norfolk terriers

How cute are these two!  They are Norfolk Terriers. 

There are identical to a Norwich terrier except the Norwich has prick ears.  A good way of remembering the difference is to think of the spire of Norwich cathedral and then the 'up' ears of the Norwich terrier.

02 May 2016


Typical Jack Russell pose of waiting to pounce!  But in this case, Prickle will have no luck as the bantams are protected by wire-netting. Prickle (she's 15 years young) - and the bantams - live in the beautiful Clos du Peyronnet in Menton.

01 May 2016

Pink Ribbon Chihuahua

This long-haired chihuahua is walking in Monaco's 'Pink Ribbon' parade in aid of breast cancer awareness.

30 April 2016

28 April 2016

Attack Dog

An 'attack' dog is grabbed by his handler after stopping a 'baddie' and downing him - part of a display at Monaco's dog show last year. 

26 April 2016

Black biker

Motor bike poodle!

25 April 2016


French Bulldogs melt my heart.  This is Spirou, he's 4 years old and lives in Gorbio. 

Unfortunately he has leishmaniosis, but with regular treatment he will continue to live a normal life, albeit sometimes with a bit of weakness. For anyone that doesn't know, leishmaniosis is caused by a bite from a phlebetome (a type of tiny mosquito) that puts parasites into the blood. There is no cure, but with drugs it is kept in remission.

Isn't he adorable!

23 April 2016


This is Marie.  She's a black labrador or perhaps a lab mix - she's around 3 or 4 years old and lived in a refuge until she was given her forever home by a family in Gorbio. 

22 April 2016

Well-travelled Daisy

Daisy, the Labrador, was born in England, lived in the south of France, moved to Australia and then moved back to the UK - where she now lives.  But one time, she was indeed a Riviera Dog.

21 April 2016

Roxy and grass

Spring is here and with it comes tasty young grass.  Roxy, who lives in Monaco, likes it!

20 April 2016

18 April 2016


A cool iron foot-scraper keeps Pepper cool on a hot day. Pepper is two years old and lives in Gorbio village with his young owners, Mary and Amy.


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