22 April 2007


Taken in the beautiful garden of the Clos du Peyronnet in Menton, this little Jack Russell is having fun hunting amongst the pots. This was taken on the day the owner of the Clos was awarded the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. Felicitations, William.

21 April 2007

Fu Man Chu

This dog is not a Riviera dog. He was entered at the Monaco Dog Show, and comes from Normandy. No matter, he was a Riviera Dog for a day at least. With his whiskers hanging over the edge of the table, he reminds me of Fu Man Chu!

19 April 2007

La Chienne des Toilettes

This lovely cocker spaniel is owned by the lady who looks after les toilettes at the Circus in Monaco - this time, not for the circus, but for the Monaco Dog show. Very apt.

10 April 2007

Scottish dog, Scottish trousers

I wonder if this lady is Scottish. She could be, dressed as she is in tartan to complement her Scottish breed: a West Highland White terrier. Here they are crossing the road in Carnoles at Roquebrune cap Martin.

08 April 2007

Train Two

This cute Papillon (Butterfly Dog) was sitting on her owner's lap on the Menton to Nice train. I asked if she had to buy a ticket for her and she said that in theory she should have one but that she never bothered. It seems the inspectors are kind and allow her to travel free. I'd hope so! Don't these two belong so well together. Proud owner, proud dog. The dog is so small but she has a certain confident dignity, don't you think?

07 April 2007

A bruno de.......?

This gorgeous creature looks just like my beautiful Beau, a Bruno de Jura, except this one is a different colour and her tail is docked. Go to this link to see Beau. I don't know what breed this lovely dog is. If anyone knows, do please write to me. She looks like a 'bruno,' with her 'bloodhound' sort of face - and doing an impersonation of a Thurber dog.

This was taken above Menton, near to the cemetery at a 'viewing place' at the beginning of the Boulevard de Garavan.

August 2007: - Thankyou to Zeljko who has told me that this dog is a Bracco Italiano. (see comment below) This beautiful dog is now correctly listed under the list of breeds on this blog.

06 April 2007

A good fit

This young labrador and his mistress stike me as a good fit - they somehow belong together, don't they?

05 April 2007

A walk in a beautiful garden

This dog has found something good to sniff in the garden in Fontvieille, Monaco - just along from the Princess Grace Rose Garden.

03 April 2007

Fidgety fiddle

Apologies for chopping this dog's tail off. He was rather fidgety and if you want to know why, look in the next photograph, where he peed against the entrance to Menton's Vieille Ville. I hope he didn't pee on his lead...

31 March 2007

Shar-pei in Menton

Happily walking along the Menton walking street, this little chap seems quite content. Wonder what he's thinking...

28 March 2007

Market dog

This beautiful labrador lies all day surrounded by the plants and flowers that his owner sells in Beausoleil market. There has to be a worse way of spending one's life...zzzzzzzzzzz

26 March 2007

Waiting for mother...

This little Jack Russell terrier is not a happy camper. Waiting outside the shop with his Dad, he wants his Mum. A few minutes later, she came out of this Menton supermarket. Result: one happy little dog.

21 March 2007

A walk in the port of Monaco

Man and dog walking in the main port of Monaco. Is the dog his? Is he walking the little dog for the owner of a yacht? Is he a yacht owner himself? Did the dog scratch his eye?

19 March 2007

Who is a beautiful dog, then?

This beautiful setter was standing with his owner in the centre of Menton. What a truly beautiful face.

13 March 2007

A young man and his dog

Young man, young Labrador walking past the Casino in Menton. The barrier on the right is there because of the Menton Lemon Festival.

11 March 2007

Ever alert

This boisterous young German Shepherd was quite a handful for his owner who was walking along with his family. I was sitting outside a café in the main square of Menton, sipping a noisette (small strong espresso with a dash of milk) when he stopped and held on to the dog whilst his wife and child went into a shop. The dog, ever alert, waits for them to return.

09 March 2007

Monaco morning stroll

This rather smart Miniature Schnauzer is walking near to Place des Moulins with his owner - interesting both have the same colour hair. Wonder if they go to the same coiffeur?

06 March 2007

Monaco meeting

When dogs meet, so do their owners. These two owners look on, proudly, politely and with big smiles on their faces. A 'Hello' that took place near the gardens opposite the Place des Moulins in Monaco.

03 March 2007

In harmony

Don't these two look as if they really belong together? Such an alert yet relaxed dog. They are waiting on a Menton street for the procession of children to pass by. You can see photographs of the Fête du Citron on Menton Daily Photo.

01 March 2007


This beautiful dog was waiting opposite the entrance to the Fête du Citron in Menton. The man is probably waiting for his wife to come out as dogs aren't allowed into the display area. I'm not sure what he is - perhaps a German Shepherd crossed with a Husky. Whatever he is, isn't he beautiful?


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