13 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - a gaggle of dogs

Whilst at the dog show I had the good fortune to meet such a nice Italian young lady, Aurora. How pretty is that name! She's a professional handler from Italy, spoke perfect English, and she kept bringing more and more dogs into an empty ring for me to photograph - rare breeds such as a Pumi and a Kooikerhundje - you'll meet these dogs over the next days. In this photograph, whilst walking to the carpark I saw her with these five dogs - two Pugs, a French bulldog, A Griffon Bruxellois (that's the little furry one - front left) and a Petit Brabancon (also a type of Griffon - front right).

Do click on the link to see a photograph of Aurora on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today. And for Aurora's own website, please click on the link in the next paragraph.

As I wrote on Monte Carlo Daily Photo, Aurora is the best sort of dog handler, enthusiastic, loves the dogs yet handles them in a calm and professional manner. Hardly surprising as she's won an enormous amount of Junior Handling Awards. She also speaks perfect English.

12 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Bundle of love

Look at this great big baby! And look at the size of his water bowl. This is yet another mastiff - this time the Neopolitan Mastiff. Last year's photos of the breed were probably better, although not so soppy and adorable (!) so please click on the link to take a look. Possibly the same dog.

11 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show: Jinng

Here's another mastiff, this time a Tibetan Mastiff called Jinng. Too much sun on her face to really see those eyes but she's a beauty, as you can see. Jinng lives in Italy. Tomorrow a Neopolitan Mastiff, then a smaller breed.

10 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show -Tundra

Tundra is a Spanish Mastiff who lives in Italy and came to Monaco to compete at the dog show. Just look at that amazing, massive head. I was allowed to approach - but not too close. They were bred to herd, but also to guard, after all. There are many different types of mastiff and I'll feature another seen at the Monaco Dog Show in a few days. Valázquez featured a Spanish mastiff in his famous painting, Las Meninas. Click on the link.

09 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. de Mille

Combs, bands to hold up this apricot poodle's top-knot - and don't you love the coloured bags which I can only assume are poop bags. Maybe I'm wrong but I love the idea of a different colour poop bag for each day of the week!

You can see a French Bulldog being judged on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

08 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Rouchka and Visconte

The Monaco Dog Show was held in the circus tent in Fontvieille last weekend and so lots of opportunities for me to add breeds to this blog that I might not otherwise see. Meet two beautiful Bloodhounds from an area around Montpellier and Sete in south-western France, who made the trip to Monaco - and won! Look how adorable they are together!

This was a lucky encounter for me as I got talking to their owner, Lisa, and we got to discussing the problem I have with Beau, my Bruno de Jura (a breed not so far removed from a bloodhound, after all). I told her how Beau gets abscesses every few months in the area under his ears. Indeed, the vet has already removed both eardrums. She told me that these breeds get an infection of the salivary glands that can't be cured by operation or by antibiotics and she is going to give me a homepathic remedy that works. Soon as I've posted this, I'm emailing her.

Sheri, a regular reader (thanks, Sheri) has a painting of hounds which she's posted on her fascinating blog about the art of quilting. This photograph reminded her of the painting. Take a look. I so agree.

I'll be posting dogs I met at the show over the next week or so. Tomorrow - a smaller breed!

07 April 2008


It's 2 p.m. and whilst it's only March, it's a warm day in the sunshine. Time for this caring owner to give her lovely Mastiff a drink. Maya is two years old and lives in Menton. I love the gentle hand on that beautiful and massive head in the last photograph.

05 April 2008


Meet Sophie, a three year old Golden Retriever I met in the port of Garavan in Menton. Please click on the link to see this beautiful laid-back dog with her young owner. He thinks she's a horse!

02 April 2008


No, he hasn't broken his leg. This is Bilbo, an Old English Sheepdog, who became a Riviera Dog for a couple of days. He lives in Barcelona and came to the Riviera to compete in a dog show, just across the Italian border, in San Remo. He and his owners, good friends of mine, stayed here for a couple of nights. Here he is on the lower terrace.

And he won - so he's now an International champion! And the socks? That's to keep his feet clean prior to the show.

31 March 2008


Bill, this bright-as-a-button 2 year old Yorkie was sitting by his owner's shopping basket whilst she took a coffee break near to the market in Menton.

29 March 2008


Meet Lady, the Sheltland Sheepdog. I saw her lying by one of the tables at a Bric a Brac fair in Menton. Her owner wasn't there but a nearby stall holder told me her name.

27 March 2008


I first spied this little dog asleep under a table alongside the Port of Monaco. A little bundle of fluff, you couldn't tell which end was which - see the small photograph.

Later I saw her walking along with her owners and asked if I might photograph her. She's a little bichon maltais (Maltese Terrier) only 4 months old and so well behaved. After I'd told them about this blog, her nice English owners mentioned it was their daughter's 9th birthday today and how thrilled she'd be to see Snowy featured. So here she is, Happy Birthday Emily! You've got a beautiful little puppy.

25 March 2008


This is Ristick, a fine looking 8-year old Pyrenean Shepherd Dog. His owners were surprised I knew the breed as they say most people don't. This is because I lived for a year in the Pyrenées and saw many - and also my neighbour has a bitch of this breed. At the same table, sitting by the sea, was a lady - a friend of the couple who own Ristick. You'll find her adorable little dog Chico, on Menton Daily Photo. Please click on the link.

21 March 2008

Black eyes

Waiting in the queue to buy some bread, I couldn't miss this little bichon staring at me with his big black eyes. I don't know his name, just he was happy to gaze at the camera with so much trust. Aren't dogs wonderful!

19 March 2008


This handsome dog caught my eye. Look at him in the small photograph with his Italian family, sitting by the sea in Menton. What a fine looking dog. He is a mix of German Shepherd and Italian Spinone and he lives in Bordighera which is just beyond Ventimiglia across the border in Italy. I don't speak Italian so just as well this lovely family spoke perfect English.

I usually tell owners that they will find a photograph of their dog on 'Riviera Dogs' although sometimes, when I quickly grab a shot, it's not possible. In Ciappi's case, I did and received an email and some photos of Ciappi at home. I'm posting my favourite below - thank you, Stefano, Elena and Luca - and of course, Ciappi.

17 March 2008


A hot day in Menton yesterday, and one hot pug. I didn't ask why his owner was carrying him but presumably cos he'd got hot - and pugs can have breathing problems if they get overheated. Look at that lovely lolling tongue! Gribouille, 4 years of age, lives in Castellar - a beautiful old village above Menton. Gribouille looks heavy for his nice owner to carry. Pugs are small but very solid little dogs. What wonderful characters they are.

I've not seen a dog lead like that before - have you?

11 March 2008


This is a really tiny poodle - a toy. Called a caniche nain in France. I met her walking along the Corbusier walk between Cap Martin and Monaco. I was told her name, wrote it somewhere and can't find the piece of paper - very inefficient of me - but I did take this photograph in January - so forgive. If I find her name - and I remember it was a pretty name - of course I'll add it.

07 March 2008


Macy, this lovely 8 year old Boxer, was patiently waiting (see side photo) for her owner to have her nails done in the prestigious Metropole Centre in Monte Carlo.

She's owned by a very nice English lady who lives in Monaco. I didn't trim the top photo just so you could see the beautiful ironwork and marble floors and walls in the shopping centre.

Hasn't Macy got the most beautiful eyes?

03 March 2008


Meet Canelle, a six-month old Yorkshire terrier. She was at the Corso in Menton yesterday. The Corso is the 'parade of floats' that takes place during the Lemon Festival. You'll be able to read about this, from tomorrow, on Menton Daily Photo.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to see 9 dogs, sitting absolutely still in a New York street, with no one holding their leads, please click on the link. The blog belongs to a great guy, Ming, who posts a photo of New York City every day.

02 March 2008


Time for Nutella to have a haircut. She's in the Salon de Toilettage of my friend, Carla, in Menton.

Nutella is 4 years old and is the mother of Carla's own shih-tzu, Billy - named after Billy Jean King, the tennis champion. Billy is in the pic on the left.

Nutella, by the way, is the name of a chocolate spread in France!


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