29 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Honey

The Kooikerhondje - or Kooiker Hound is a spaniel from Holland. Originally used as a working dog, particularly in duck hunting. This beautiful dog is called Honey.

28 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Moth Dog

There are two types of Papillon - the Papillon (Butterfly or prick-eared) and the Phalène (Moth or drop-eared). The American Kennel Club consider them to be one breed but in other countries they are two separate breeds. The lady who owned these dogs told me that the Phalène was the original Butterfly dog.

27 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Ready to go Home...

A gorgeous Pyrenean Mountain Dog (Great Pyrenees) at the show. Does he want to be there? I wonder?

26 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Pimpy

Meet Pimpy the Pumi, who lives in Padua in Italy. I wrote about Pimpy's owner, Aurora in an earlier posting. Click on the link to read about this lovely young lady who adores dogs and shows them so well.

Or click on Aurora's Pumi website - a rare Hungarian breed. Isn't she gorgeous.

25 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Cacharel

This puppy, at 4 months, was too young to be exhibited but nevertheless was walking around the exhibition space, naturally close to where the American cockers were being shown. He is related to the beautiful American we saw yesterday. He lives in the Bouches-du-Rhone. How cute is he?!

24 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Best-in-Show

I always have a very soft spot for American cocker spaniels. My Milou was an American cocker bred by the La Vigie kennel in Switzerland, which is where this lovely dog comes from. Milou was black tho. Look at the way this dog swishes his head - he knows how gorgeous he is. And look how beautifully presented he is too.

23 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Pipo

Meet Pipo, a lovely chocolate Labrador who lives in Peille, a hill village above Monaco. Pipo is two years old. What a love!

22 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Lowchen

I don't know the name of this dog - just snapped him or her at the show. The Lowchen is a member of the Bichon family. and shares, with the Pekinese, the name of Little Lion Dog. This is because it's always shown in a 'lion clip' complete with mane and fluffed tail, giving it the appearance of a lion in miniature. It is an affectionate, happy, healthy little dog, known in Europe for several centuries.

21 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Ally & Vzan

Two Shar-peis at the show. Above you see Ally - she's the girl. And with her below, is Vzan, the male. Just look at Ally's wrinkles. Enough to make you look in the mirror and feel your own skin is perfect! These two come from Toulouse in south-western France.

20 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - the Borzois

Such beautiful creatures waiting patiently for their turn at the dog show. I always find it fascinating why we choose the breed of dog we do. Somehow the small lady sitting in the chair and her Borzoi don't seem to go together - which is nonsense of course, because obviously they are more than happy. I also got the impression (could be wrong) this lady is very much a 'doyen' of the breed as people kept coming up and talking to her.

19 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Cuddled up

Lots of exhibitors keep their dogs in cages when they are not preparing them for the ring or showing them. The dogs are used to it and it's a sanctuary from the chaos of the exhibition hall and the owners know their dogs are safe.

Here you see two Old English Sheepdogs. These made the long journey from Holland - one a champion and one a puppy - both girls. How's this for togetherness?!

18 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Austin

Sitting with a friend who has a Springer Spaniel, I looked to my left and saw this face under the chair next to me. He's a two and a half year old English Setter - just look at that expression!

17 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - 'And God Created Dog'

Perhaps they are fed up with all that brushing? These two shih-tzus are taking a rest from the exhausting business of looking beautiful. The one on the left - see below - has a hairstyle I've never seen in the showring before, but perhaps I've not looked at Shihtzus in the ring lately - true. Sure she must think she's Brigitte Bardot and we've gone back to the sixties. Have you ever seen the 1956 film - And God Created Woman?

16 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Arak

Sitting in the sunshine, waiting for his class, this is Arak, a beautiful Sloughi. Arak lives in Nice.

15 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show: a Campervan Dog

This lovely soft-coated Wheaten was staying in a campervan for the duration of the show. Anyone who comes to the Monaco Dog Show in a campervan will have a million-dollar view as they are allowed to park just along from the Heliport, right on the sea and looking over to the lovely port of Fontvieille.

14 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Appaloose

This beautiful St. Bernard, Appaloose, comes from Aix-en-Provence and is two and a half years old.

13 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - a gaggle of dogs

Whilst at the dog show I had the good fortune to meet such a nice Italian young lady, Aurora. How pretty is that name! She's a professional handler from Italy, spoke perfect English, and she kept bringing more and more dogs into an empty ring for me to photograph - rare breeds such as a Pumi and a Kooikerhundje - you'll meet these dogs over the next days. In this photograph, whilst walking to the carpark I saw her with these five dogs - two Pugs, a French bulldog, A Griffon Bruxellois (that's the little furry one - front left) and a Petit Brabancon (also a type of Griffon - front right).

Do click on the link to see a photograph of Aurora on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today. And for Aurora's own website, please click on the link in the next paragraph.

As I wrote on Monte Carlo Daily Photo, Aurora is the best sort of dog handler, enthusiastic, loves the dogs yet handles them in a calm and professional manner. Hardly surprising as she's won an enormous amount of Junior Handling Awards. She also speaks perfect English.

12 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Bundle of love

Look at this great big baby! And look at the size of his water bowl. This is yet another mastiff - this time the Neopolitan Mastiff. Last year's photos of the breed were probably better, although not so soppy and adorable (!) so please click on the link to take a look. Possibly the same dog.

11 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show: Jinng

Here's another mastiff, this time a Tibetan Mastiff called Jinng. Too much sun on her face to really see those eyes but she's a beauty, as you can see. Jinng lives in Italy. Tomorrow a Neopolitan Mastiff, then a smaller breed.

10 April 2008

Monaco Dog Show -Tundra

Tundra is a Spanish Mastiff who lives in Italy and came to Monaco to compete at the dog show. Just look at that amazing, massive head. I was allowed to approach - but not too close. They were bred to herd, but also to guard, after all. There are many different types of mastiff and I'll feature another seen at the Monaco Dog Show in a few days. Valázquez featured a Spanish mastiff in his famous painting, Las Meninas. Click on the link.


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