29 May 2008


Meet Minnie - taken at dusk - 8 p.m. above Larvotto Beach, Monaco. Minnie, a long-coat chihuahua, lives in Monaco and was taking her evening promenade. I've noted chihuahuas do this - close up their eyes tight as I photograph them. Perhaps they think if they can't see me, I can't see them!

27 May 2008

His Master's Voice Dog?

A patient little Jack Russell type of dog at the Brocante in Menton. He reminds me a little of the His Master's Voice dog - remember those adverts...you'll need to be old!

26 May 2008

The Wrinkly Puppy

This lovely puppy - 4 months - was at a Bring and Buy sale in Garavan, Menton. You can see another photo of this puppy, with his owner's shadow (!) at Menton Daily Photo. Just click on the link.

25 May 2008


Rosine looks very comfortable in her carrying bag, doesn't she? She's a seven and a half year old, long coat Chihuahua on holiday in Menton. Normally lives in Alsace. Here she's sitting on the wall alongside the beach in Menton.

24 May 2008

Wheeeeeee - catch it!

A beach and a stick - and a someone to throw it. What more could a dog ask for? This lovely Golden Retriver is having the best fun with his young owner at Roquebrune-cap-Martin.

23 May 2008

A Jack Russell Terrier on a Gorbio balcony.

22 May 2008

The Olive Mill Dogs

These three live and protect one of the olive mills in Gorbio - it's also a caravan park for visitors. Gorbio is a Medieval perched village above Menton.

21 May 2008


Meet Bibi - 15 years old and comfortable on a chair in the Salon de Toilettage of a friend of mine in Menton.

20 May 2008

Doggone Easy

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels must be one of the easiest dogs to own. I always say I could have twenty Cavaliers en pension and not know it! Here you see a pup at the Brocante in Menton a week or so ago. I think she's ready to have a game with a ball but she's being patient. All dogs would rather be with their owners than left at home - so all in all, fine. She's too cute, isn't she? All legs and arms like a colt.

18 May 2008

Beam me up, Scotty

This Scottish terrier was at the Brocante in Menton, standing near to his owner's stall. I love the way he doesn't move, his lead loose on his back. Look at that eye.

Forgive the title!

16 May 2008

A Market Dog

A beautiful Golden Retriever - belonging to one of the stallholders at the Brocante in Menton.

15 May 2008

The eyes have it

Naturally when one dog looks right, the other one decides to face the other way! So we have two photographs. These two dogs were at the May 1st Brocante in Menton. I don't know their names - their owners were busy buying stuff. I loved the look in this brown dog's eye - we met, I asked him to pose - he did - I thanked him and I left... Just look at those eyes.

14 May 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Didi

Look at this beautiful head - not to mention the collar! This beautiful Saluki is called Didi. He's two and a half and lives in Italy. I don't know if he won or not but I hope he did.

13 May 2008

Monaco Dog Show - The Look

Such an adorable look from this beautiful Italian Greyhound.

12 May 2008

Monaco Dog Show - Chablis

Like all Springer Spaniels, Chablis wouldn't keep still! So her lovely nose is slightly out of focus. Chablis is young, so she doesn't see why she should keep still? She belongs to Nicky, the hard-working lady in charge of the Refuge de Flassans.

11 May 2008


A rather wet Bearded Collie, Bianca, rests below a wall by the beach in Menton. Her pretty owner has just received a sprig of Lily of the Valley from a young man - see them both on Menton Daily Photo. Lily of the Valley is traditionally given in France on the 1st of May - to apporte bonheur - give good luck. Bianca is only 18 months old and quite hyperactive - it took a lot of shots to get one of her reasonably calm. Typical Beardie behaviour! She lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

10 May 2008

The WC Dogs - America & Banjo

Meet the two chihuahuas who belong to the friendly lady who looks after the toilets on the Sablettes Beach in Menton. The smooth coat in her bed is an old lady called America - she is 17 years old. The beautiful young one with the long coat, is Banjo and he's only 3. You can see where they spend their days on Menton Daily Photo today.

09 May 2008

Yopi and Janus

It'll be the Historique Grand Prix in Monaco this weekend and wandering around photographing the beautiful old cars, I came across these two lovely dogs. They have the most beautiful eyes and I wish the photo was slightly sharper - the sun was too strong for my camera setting. Perhaps I should say my camera setting wasn't right!

The pale one of the left is Yopi, a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen who is two and a half. The other one, a mix, is Janus and he's 10. Both were found at SPA refuges in France and they live with their very nice Dutch owners in Monaco. They told me that Yopi can get very scared - suddenly scared - and it's probably because of something that occurred in his life earlier. Hopefully he'll grow out of it. He is a beautiful dog, wagging his tail at me - you'd not realise he can be so scared at times.

08 May 2008


Nora is 11 years old and I had the pleasure of meeting her walking around the market in Menton. You can just see cheeses in the background! Actually she wasn't walking but was being carried in her owner's arms. Hardly surprising with all the crowds and anyway an old lady deserves a bit of consideration, wouldn't you say? Nora was on holiday in Menton from the north of France.

The small photo is slightly out of focus but with that expression and her tongue out, I had to show it.

07 May 2008


I know nothing about this dog except he stood here, alone, whilst I took his photo. He looks rather windswept, doesn't he? So that's what we'll call him. In fact it was a lovely day - no wind! He's cute, isn't he? He was hanging around the Old Town of Menton - probably lives around there somewhere.


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