12 July 2008


Blame the failing light, blame a pup who only kept still for one second - no, blame the photographer for chopping off the top of his ears! This gorgeous 4 month old German Shepherd Dog was irresistible. Walking along the promenade of Menton - squashed can in his mouth - he's called Diego and lives in Menton.

11 July 2008


Meet Dad, a beautiful Tibetan Terrier I met along the seafront in Menton. He is immaculate, the white so white, the black so black - he's 3 years old and is visiting Menton from Turin.

10 July 2008

Bobby - me and my shadow

The sun is low, a walk along the beachfront of Menton. Bobby poses for a photograph but the sun is too bright, so what would any self-respecting poodle mix do, but squint. Bobby is 12 years old and is on holiday from Brussels.

08 July 2008


Meet Boogie, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He lives in the medieval village of Gorbio, which is near to Menton. My village, in fact. His young owner picked him up for the photo. He looks awkward, doesn't he, but he is a much-loved dog who follows his owner everywhere. Isn't that a beautiful Cavalier head?

I think he's saying 'put me down' or 'who is that lady photographing me?'

07 July 2008


This is Yappa - on a wall near to the beach at Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Yappa was a nervous little dog - very wary of strangers so you see her here, tail down, not too happy at having her photograph taken. Her owner, one of the characters of Roquebrune, can be seen on Menton Daily Photo today - and you'll find her there too, much happier alongside her owner.

Apologies for lack of posts recently. I've been in America for three weeks. Was very tempted to post some of the lovely dogs I found in Ohio and Utah but decided, however beautiful, they weren't Riviera Dogs. Normal service has now been resumed. Woof-woof.

29 June 2008

Old boy

This old Miniature Schnauzer looked up at me in the market area of Carnoles - this is part of Roquebrune and adjoins Menton. His owner told me he's 15 and doesn't see too well. Like all Miniature Schnauzers tho, he has plenty of spirit.

26 June 2008


A little Min Pin in Menton. With his little willy sticking out! His harness looks almost too heavy for him, doesn't it? I'm sure tho it's hard to get just the right size collars or harnesses for such a little dog.

23 June 2008

The Menton Yorkie

This gorgeous little Yorkie has been featured on Menton Daily Photo before but always with his elegant owner. You see the owner in the small photo which was taken at the display of antique cars in Menton a few months ago. The lady normally dresses completely in white so it was unusual to see her in colours on this day. She walks with a stick, always with her Yorkie, of course, and always so friendly and happy.

On the day I took these photographs, I asked the name of the little dog but I'm in America at the moment and the note of his name is in Menton. Duh!

20 June 2008

Coco - Dachshunds Rule!

Photographed in Menton, Coco lives in Monte Carlo. She knows she's beautiful, doesn't she?

17 June 2008


Bouba, most Yorkie as you can see, is three years old. Photographed here in the walking street of Menton, just outside the Maison du Patrimoine.

15 June 2008


Outside Le Balico in Menton, a beautiful French bulldog: Raymond, aged 9. He lives in Sospel, which is a beautiful village 20 ks above Menton in the mountains.

11 June 2008


This is Clara, one year old and bright as a button. She is sitting at a restaurant in Rue Princesse Caroline, the walking street - in Monaco. Water provided by the management. Cotons are lovely little dogs - originally from Madagascar.

07 June 2008

Bon Bon and Marco

We've gone back to the Monaco Dog Show for this photo. Meet Bon Bon, a beautiful female Chow Chow, aged two and half and her owner, Marco, who is 8 years old. He'll have all the girls sighing one day, won't he? Marco and Bon Bon come from Varese, in Northern Italy.

04 June 2008

Street dogs

Tied to a tree, these dogs belong to street people - or at least people I often see hanging around Menton who appear to be street guys They were sitting on a nearby bench and spoke very proudly of their dogs. These pups appear to be well-fed and have smart collars.

02 June 2008

Nose to ground

A smart beagle, doing what it does best, sniffing...searching for a scent.

31 May 2008


One hot pup here. It was on Brocante Day in Menton. Hot afternoon sun and this little (what am I saying?) boy is only 4 months of age. A beautiful Newfoundland. When they are black and white like this they are called Landseer.

29 May 2008


Meet Minnie - taken at dusk - 8 p.m. above Larvotto Beach, Monaco. Minnie, a long-coat chihuahua, lives in Monaco and was taking her evening promenade. I've noted chihuahuas do this - close up their eyes tight as I photograph them. Perhaps they think if they can't see me, I can't see them!

27 May 2008

His Master's Voice Dog?

A patient little Jack Russell type of dog at the Brocante in Menton. He reminds me a little of the His Master's Voice dog - remember those adverts...you'll need to be old!

26 May 2008

The Wrinkly Puppy

This lovely puppy - 4 months - was at a Bring and Buy sale in Garavan, Menton. You can see another photo of this puppy, with his owner's shadow (!) at Menton Daily Photo. Just click on the link.

25 May 2008


Rosine looks very comfortable in her carrying bag, doesn't she? She's a seven and a half year old, long coat Chihuahua on holiday in Menton. Normally lives in Alsace. Here she's sitting on the wall alongside the beach in Menton.


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