22 March 2009


In the smaller photograph, and out of shot, is a bench - in the middle of Menton - and every day you'll find a group of men sitting here, chatting, passing the time of the day. And Tina, the 7-year old Brittany spaniel, is there too.

She's always ready for a game which is what is going on here amidst much laughter from the other men. He's pretending he's got a tennis ball, which he hasn't. Spaniels and tennis balls are inseparable, as we all know.

19 March 2009


Alia is a French bulldog from Cavaillon, which is in Provence. If you are French you'd know that Cavaillon is where the melons comes from! It's famous for the melons that I think are called Agen melons elsewhere.

Alia was in Menton for the Lemon Festival - she's three years old and looks wiser than her years, doesn't she? Her family are sitting around her, waiting for the Corso (parade) to begin.

15 March 2009


One of the things I so love about living here is the proximity to Italy. Walk around Menton and sometimes you hear more Italian than French. And of course the Italians bring their dogs when they visit.

So meet little Kika, an Italian Min Pin, two years old - in Menton for the Lemon Festival.

13 March 2009


You don't often see a Ruby Cavalier King Charles spaniel - more often it's a Blenheim or a Tri-colour. This little girl lives in Cagnes-sur-Mer - along the coast from Menton, beyond Nice and near to Cannes. She looks good for 10 years of age, doesn't she? I love her surprised, questioning look - one of those looks you could put alongside a quotation.

11 March 2009


This little Boston terrier pup - he's a year old - was playing around in the hardware shop in Carnoles (part of Roquebrune-cap-Martin) where his owner is the proprietor of the shop. Great place too - one of those great places where you can find anything and everything.

A little dark in the shop, so the photo is a little grainy - doesn't make him any less cute, does it?

08 March 2009

Confetti pup!

Snapped at the Corso (the parade of floats at the Fête du Citron in Menton) this lovely beagle pup was far more interested in playing with the confetti.

06 March 2009

Ortone and his Bad Hair Day

I'm only kidding - not really a 'bad hair day' - in fact rather a good one - I love that flick of hair over his eye.

This little dog is an interesting mix - a poodle crossed with a dachshund. Adorable, don't you think? Ortone lives near to Grenoble and is one year old, seen here walking along the sea in Menton.

04 March 2009


A handsome French bulldog walking along by the sea in Menton. Bounty is two and a half and lives in the Var, the next department along from the Alpes-Maritimes.

02 March 2009


Snapped at the Fête du Citron in Menton, this adorable dog is held in his owner's arms to protect him from the crowds - 25,000 this year at the Corso (parade of floats).

27 February 2009


Basset Hounds always make me laugh with their big soulful eyes. My Mia, who is a Basset Ariegois, has a similar look - wins me over every time.

Meet Charles-Henri (what a grand name). He lives in Belgium, but was in Menton with his family for the Fête du Citron and posed on the sea wall near to Roquebrune-cap-Martin.

24 February 2009

Ida - the SDF

I love this dog! See how patiently she sits by her owner in Menton. He told me she was a SDF, which means Sans Domicile Fixe (homeless) - well, it's obvious she now has a really good home, even if she has a rope lead - even that, seems to suit her adorable scruffy appearance.

Her name is Ida and she was rescued from the Antilles and now lives - obviously happily - in Nice. I've heard before of badly treated dogs being rescued from the island of Antilles. Ida was one of the lucky ones.

22 February 2009


All you can see is her nose! This lovely Briard was walking at the Place du Cap in Menton, on holiday with her owners who live in the Piedmonte area of Italy.

There's an update today on Mia and Mistral on 'Postcards from Pension Milou.'

19 February 2009

Cayenne and her orange ball

Walking along the Port of Monaco is Cayenne, a 16 month old female Cavalier King Charles. Cayenne played non-stop with her ball, continually bringing it back to her owner with a 'look' saying 'please throw it for me.'

She lives in Monte Carlo so I'm sure this is a regular game on the wide area of promenade above the luxury yachts.

17 February 2009

The Foot Ball

Using his owner's foot as a ball, perhaps this dog is a little confused. He was near to the Botero sculpture of Adam & Eve in Monaco yesterday.

14 February 2009


Meet little Thandie who is a miniature wire-haired dachshund and too cute for words. Isn't she adorable? She's only a year and a bit and lives with a standard smooth haired dachsy called Coco, who we met in Menton last June. Click on the link to see her.

Both live with their South African owners in Monte Carlo - Thandie is a South African name. Here she poses at Pension Milou. See her tail wagging in the smaller photo.

11 February 2009


This little Sheltie was a long way from his home in Luxembourg. Here with his owner for the Lemon Festival of Menton, he's 8 years old. Like many Shelties he was a little nervous at being photographed, but in the end we got there - he wouldn't look at me though - you can see in every photo he's anxiously looking at his Mama. Isn't he gorgeous.

09 February 2009


Maya was waiting for her owner outside the veggie shop in Carnoles. She's old and he is too. When he came out I had a chat and he confirmed her breed - a Pyrenean Shepherd Dog, sometimes called a Labrit here. He said she is 12 years old and his second dog of this breed. They obviously adore each other. Dogs are good for all of us but so good for an older person living alone.

See how patiently she waits for him.

07 February 2009

In step

Snapped last summer - hence the shorts. Actually it's pouring with rain at the moment and cold and yesterday we had hail too. This little dog is obviously enjoying his walk along the seafront of Menton.

'All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it'

Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

04 February 2009

Benediction of the Animals

This is a pic I took in October at the Benediction of the Animals in Menton. (It's not t-shirt weather at the moment!) No details on the dogs but isn't this a gorgeous Golden Retriever.

Update on Mama Mia and Mistral on Postcards today.

31 January 2009

The Performing Dogs at the Monte Carlo Circus - 4

This little Papillon or Papillon-mix is sitting at the back of the enclosure, not at all interested in the people looking in. Papillons are, by nature, a little wary of strangers so perhaps that accounts for it although a circus dog must have to meet all sorts, one would think.


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