17 September 2010

Paloma at the Café de Paris in Monaco

Am I imagining it or are we seeing more and more Chihuahuas? I seem to see them a lot these days or perhaps I just notice their cute little faces more than I used to.

Meet Paloma an adorable 4 year old sitting on her owner's lap on the terrace of the Café de Paris.

14 September 2010


This lovely dog is a mix of a collie, a hunting dog and a setter. He was rescued from an SPA in the Pyrénées and now lives in Monaco. Some dogs have all the luck!

Nager is 4 years old and I met him at the recent garden fair in Menton. In the smaller photo you see him amongst the water lilies!

You might note the rather smart silver bone hanging from his collar. This is a container for small plastic bags that his owner uses to pick up his poop should he happen to 'go' in public.

12 September 2010

Siena, the Maremma Sheepdog

A new breed for Riviera Dogs. A Maremma sheepdog or more correctly, a Pastore Maremano Abruzzese from the Maremma region of Italy. They are guardians of a flock - independent-thinking dogs and incredibly intelligent. You can probably see that this breed was probably related to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Click on link to read more.

This is Siena, who is only 5 months old. She was born in Italy and now lives in Vence.

10 September 2010

Dolly ... again

At the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village I snapped this English setter but forgot to ask her name - but when I looked at the shot on the computer, suddenly I remembered who she is. Almost two years ago I took a photograph of her as a puppy and looking at her markings she identical.

In the smaller photo you see the robes of the priest who conducted the ceremony.

Take a look at Dolly aged 2 months. She was adorable then and adorable now.

08 September 2010

The Jack Russell and the Razor

It's not often a car interests me as much as a dog! This sexy little number is called a Ranger RZR and is made by Polaris. You can read all about it on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.

The little Jack Russell was waiting for his owner who was lunching at Stars n Bars on the port of Monaco.

04 September 2010


These shots don't do justice to this beautiful dog. We are in the veterinarian's waiting room and I wish we'd been outside in the sunlight. No matter - Cheyenne, a two and a half year old Bi-color Standard Poodle is gorgeous regardless.

In the smaller photo she is standing near to Camille, the veterinary assistant, and I've included the last photo where she is shaking her head as the only thing in focus is her eye - her expression makes me laugh.

Cheyenne's owner, Valerie - a well-known 'dog lady' in Monaco - for years she trained guide dogs for the blind - told me that the Caniche Royale Bicolore (the French name) is not recognised in the show ring in France but is in certain other countries. Valerie is the President of the ACBF (Association des Caniches Bicolores en France).

Isn't Cheyenne fabulous!

31 August 2010

Biagio, the Aussie

A new breed for Riviera Dogs - I'm always chuffed when we can add a new breed!

Biagio is an Australian Shepherd Dog - only a puppy - 5 months old. He was walking around the Old Town of Menton where his owners have a holiday home. His main home is in Italy.

28 August 2010

Baby Bijoux

Isn't she just too adorable! Bijoux is a 5 month old Chihuahua who lives in Switzerland. She was walking (whoops, being carried!) in the pedestrian street of Menton.

25 August 2010

Half, the Drooly Newfie of Gorbio

Well, of course, all Newfoundlands drool but this lovely dog had an excuse - it was a very hot day in Gorbio last Sunday and he was waiting for the priest and the Blessing of the Animals. As you can see in the smaller photo, he eventually cooled down in the shade.

'Half' lives just above the village of Gorbio and is 7 years old.

There's a Caption Competition, with a prize, on Menton Daily Photo that features a scene from the Fête Patronale de Saint Barthélémy, of which the Blessing of the Animals was just the beginning. Click on the link to see the chicken on a pole and the Golden Apple!

22 August 2010


Moustique = mosquito! Don't you love it! This little boy is one and a half years old and was found in the Refuge in La Brigue, which is in the mountains above Menton. I met him today at the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village.

Moustique lives in Menton with another dog we've met here before - Willy, who drives around with his owner on her scooter.

20 August 2010

The Flower Dog

More flowers than dogs today!

A hot day at Monaco's market in Place d'Armes and none of the dogs were interested in posing.

This one is doubtless wondering why on earth his owner is taking so long at the flower stall. I've a feeling he might have perked up had it been at the meat counter.

16 August 2010

Romeo's Dreams

Romeo is ten and is paralysed so any thoughts of being a Romeo again will be in his dreams. Presumably, because he's an old sick dog he can't have a 'calmant' so that his teeth can be cleaned.

He's a much-loved dog though who lives in Grenoble and was with his owner in Gorbio village for the Flamenco Festival yesterday.

13 August 2010


This adorable bundle is a miniature shih-tzu. I'd not heard of a miniature before. She is of course only a puppy - 8 weeks - and is the new companion of Boutchette, the Bassett Hound, who you've met before and they absolutely adore each other.

She is called Galinette from the book Manon des Sources by Marcel Pagnol. Perhaps you saw the film. And the reason for her name is that she was an anniversary present from Naila to Yvan (owners of the Beausejour restaurant in Gorbio) and their beautiful daughter is called Manon.

Beautiful daughter, beautiful puppy!

Read a review of Le Beau Sejour in Gorbio.

11 August 2010


This is Pixie. She lives with two Bedlington Terriers who we'll meet another time. Pixie is epileptic so has to have medication every day. She also has medication for her heart but she is on good form and you'd never know anything is wrong. And if anyone arrives she doesn't bark, she screams and you'd better believe it! She has one loud voice for such a tiny dog. Pixie lives at Haut de Cagnes which is a beautiful hill village along the coast from Nice - she lives way up the top.

You can see Boutchette, the Bassett Hound, playing with Gorbio village children HERE.

07 August 2010


Meet Daisy. In these photos she is 6 months old. Daisy was born in England and came to France when she was around 4 months to live in Cannes.

Like most labradors, she is beautiful but sheds hair everywhere and as she got older she got naughtier and naughtier - at one point she thought it the best fun to chew my walls! Now she is older - around 18 months and things have settled down ... a little! I have to say tho I have a very soft spot for Daisy.

05 August 2010


The truth is that this dog at Port Hercule in Monaco was really far too hot to photograph. His owners were happy for him to pose and he wanted to please but he was one hot dog.

Woody is a cross between a Husky and a German Shepherd Dog. He's two years old and lives in Berlin. As you can see he only put his ears up on one occasion - all the time asking 'Do I really have to do this?' Such a lovely kind dog.

02 August 2010

Noisette and Piaf!

This cute bundle was walking around Monaco's market yesterday morning. Apart from the usual shopping, we had the added treat of watching street theatre and a show called 'Pourquoi du Piaf!' Click on Monte Carlo Daily Photo to see what was going on.

Noisette is a little Pomeranian (or Spitz Nain as the French would say) and she is 13 years old. She lives in Cap d'Ail.

30 July 2010

Fifi the Fearless

This adorable Longhaired Chihuaha was walking around Port Hercule in Monaco. She's only 10 months old and was so good. When her owners told her to sit she did, when they told her to look up, she did...but only for them. I couldn't get her to look at me. How well-behaved though for such a baby.

Fifi lives in Holland between Hilversum and Utrecht.

29 July 2010

The Bulldogs?

This was published on Menton Daily Photo a few days ago and it was suggested I should put it on Riviera Dogs.

This guy works on a clothing stall near to the market in Menton and was more than happy to have his tattoos photographed. Left to right - Lady, Churchill and Petula. He insists all three are English Bulldogs but the one on the left looks like a Boxer and the one on the right a bit like a Pit Bull.

Tomorrow - a real dog!

26 July 2010

The Beausejour Dog

Riviera Dogs has featured Boutchette, the Bassett Hound before. Last August she was 6 months old - the resident Beausejour dog - and sitting in the sunshine. Do click to see a better photo than today's because after endless heat and sun, it clouded over and even rained about three drops, but I'm not complaining other than lack of light in photos.

Today she is sitting outside the Beausejour, the great restaurant in Gorbio village and what she doesn't know is that tomorrow she gets a new sister - a miniature shih-tzu.

If you wonder what is on the paving stones behind her, well it's hopscotch - French hopscotch - bright colours and not a child goes by without hop, skipping and jumping on it.


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