22 December 2010


Is he a Boxer or a Bulldog? This 9 months old pup caught my eye walking through the Christmas Fair in Menton. Legs are too long for a bulldog yet too short for a boxer and right, he's a mix of the two. Isn't he gorgeous?

Spike lives in Genoa, Italy - just along the Ligurian coast from Menton.

19 December 2010

Pink for a Girl, Blue for a Boy...

Two adorable Bichon puppies out for a walk in Menton's pedestrian street yesterday afternoon.

14 December 2010

Fidgie, the Wolfdog

The fishmonger in Carnoles has a new young dog. She's 12 months old and is called Fidgie. He spent most of the time we were talking throwing her heads of fish.

He told me she is a Wolf and he had to wait a long time to get her from a special breeder. He insists she is pure Wolf but to me she looks mostly German Sheepdog Dog with perhaps a bit of Wolf mixed in. He told me she's not an easy breed. He also told me that Wolves only come into season once in their life, hence his long wait for a puppy.

I gather that Wolf hybrids are now classified as Wolfdogs and that would seem to be what Fidgie is and probably what the fishmonger meant, with me misunderstanding his French.

11 December 2010


This lovely dog is giving me the 'do-I-have-to-do-this?' look. Gigi is a 6 year old Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen and lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

07 December 2010


This lovely English Setter was walking along by the sea in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin this morning. He's 3 years old. I love this breed - look at the gentle, trusting look in his eyes.

03 December 2010

Village Dogs

Village dogs have a good life. They can wander anywhere they like, off lead. These two wire-haired dachshunds (teckels in French) live in the medieval village of Castellar, which is in the hills above Menton.

One them, as if to emphasise how cute she is, rolled on her back when I tried taking her photogaph. Yes, I know...submissive behaviour really.

30 November 2010

All the luck...

Some dogs have all the luck, don't they? This little Jack Russell loves his walks - with all the good smells - around Port Hercule in Monaco.

26 November 2010


This adorable Maltese Terrier (bichon maltais in French) was sitting on a bench overlooking Larvotto beach. She's called Ritzy. A good name for a Monte Carlo dog, don't you think. Such a little character and only 3 months old.

23 November 2010

Two Spots

The other day we met Beamish, the Bernese Mountain Dog.  Today, we meet Two Spots, a 7-year old Australian Blue Heeler.

I met Beamish and Two Spots near to Menton's market with their owners - a charming Canadian couple who had flown over from Canada to stay in their Menton apartment and have their baby in the hospital in Monaco.  Following our meeting I looked after Beamish and Two Spots for a few days during which time the baby - a beautiful little girl - was born in Monaco.

So now Beamish and Two Spots have a new baby sister!

18 November 2010


Have you ever met a Bernese Mountain Dog that isn't totally adorable?  They have the most divine temperaments.  I met 7 year old Beamish in Menton one day - out with his Canadian owners and his friend, Two Spots. We'll meet Two Spots in the next post -  and then I'll tell you their story...

15 November 2010


This cute little 3 year old Jack Russell lives in Menton and was watching the display put on by the Newfoundlands last month.

11 November 2010


Dogs are so patient, aren't they? They just want to be with us - doesn't matter if we are texting, reading, watching the television, ignoring them - so long as they are with us, they are happy.

This lovely Sheltie waits quite happily with her owner near the beach at Cap Martin.

06 November 2010


This little Min. Pin is called Portugais because he comes from Portugal and lives with a Portuguese family in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

02 November 2010


Stormy is the name of this lovely Saluki puppy - she is ten months - and it's also what we've been going thru in the south of France. We've had non-stop heavy rain for nearly three days - never seen anything like it.

Stormy was born in Saudi Arabia and lives in Monaco and I suppose because her breed is used to a desert, she doesn't 'do' rain and refused to go out in it! So there was much mopping up of puddles.

She is gorgeous tho and a delightful dog. I took these photos when she first arrived but by the time she left - yesterday - she'd put on quite a bit of weight. Probably the proximity of other dogs got her eating properly. She doesn't have feathering on her ears but her owner explained that not all Salukis have this.

30 October 2010

The Chinese Crested without the Crest!

Ted is an 8 year old Chinese Crested without a crest! His owners explained they keep it trimmed. I met Ted in Menton where he was on holiday from Bordeaux. You can read more about this breed by clicking on the link.

28 October 2010


This leggy pup of 5 months lives in Nice although I met him walking along the old port in Menton. He looks to be what they call a Griffon-type dog in France but perhaps he's a specific breed and I forgot to write it down.

Look how kind his eyes are - he'll grow to be a wise ol' dog one day.

25 October 2010

The Bicycle Dog

Some dogs have it all worked out, don't they? This Yorkie looks perfectly capable of walking alongside his owner but prefers to sit in the basket of her bike. Clever dog!

21 October 2010

Water Dog

This lovely dog was frolicking on the rocks on the day the Newfoundlands were giving their display. I think he wanted to prove it's not just Newfoundlands that love to swim!

17 October 2010


Molly lives with the last little dog we saw - Cashew. She's 12 years old and they live in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

14 October 2010

Cashew, the Oldie

Cashew is an old man. He's 14½ and lives with his sprightly friend, Molly, who is only 12 - we'll meet her in the next posting.

These two much-loved dogs live in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin and I met them out walking in Gorbio village. Well, Molly was walking and Cashew's was in his owner's arms - absolutely the way to go for a walk when you are a little tired...


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