21 April 2011

Lord Byron

This gorgeous bulldog is called Bryon (Lord Bryon to be precise...) He's 5 years old and lives in Menton but on the day we met he was outside the market of Ventimiglia, across the border in Italy.

17 April 2011

Luca and his sunglasses

Not hard to see how bright the sun was in Ventimiglia (just across the Italian border) yesterday. This is a very old Yorkie - 15 and a half - and he needs the sunglasses to protect his eyes.

Luca lives in Nice.

15 April 2011

Baki on the Promenade le Corbusier

This is Baki - a beautiful four and a half year old Labrador who lives in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. I met him on the Promenade le Corbusier which is the beach walk from the point of Cap Martin to Monaco. You can follow that walk by going to Menton Daily Photo.

12 April 2011

Lucky Lucy

Lucy is a nine and a half year old Husky/Border Collie mix who was rescued from the Ventimiglia refuge, across the border in Italy. She now lives in Menton and you can see how focused she is on her owner. Normally, I can get a dog to look at the camera - not Lucy - she wasn't going to let her saviour out of her sight. Lucky dog, lucky owner. Isn't she beautiful.

10 April 2011

Zoe, the Monagasque Biker

Don't you just love this adorable Yorkie in her travelling bag fixed on top of a motorbike - quite unperturbed by all the traffic and me taking her photograph.

Later that day I saw her again, parked in a different part of Monaco and with her owner. He told me her name is Zoe, she's six months old and proudly told me she is a Monegasque citizen, which means of course that he is a Monegasque citizen. Monaco has many thousands and thousands of residents but only 5000 are actual citizens.

06 April 2011

Fanny update...

Fanny update 6 days after she was dumped on my doorstep. As you can see her eyes are now pretty much cleared up, ditto her ears. You can see in the last photo the wizened skin on her cheeks - this is also under her chin and around her rear and tail. That skin probably won't change and won't grow coat again.

Otherwise, she is coming along really well - just isn't crazy about having her photo taken and looks rather bothered, especially in the middle photo. I had to put her harness on and fix her lead to the gate as otherwise, she is so stuck to me like glue that I can't get far enough away from her to take a photo. Also she's a bit scared of the longer lens but will doubtless get used to it in time.

04 April 2011

Fanny, the old new dog...

This post is for anyone who hasn't followed the story on my Facebook page...

This little dog was tied up outside my gate 4 nights ago - abandoned. At 9.30 that evening I'd let the dogs out and they had gone bonkers with barking. Once I'd quietened them down I could hear a tiny tiny bark just beyond the gate. I called my neighbour and asked if one of her dogs was out and then she told me that a poodle had been tied up outside since around 6 p.m. when she'd got home. My neighbour assumed I had friends visiting and perhaps they had a dog in season and couldn't come in. Then I realised what was going on. I'd had a phone call earlier in the day asking if my place is a refuge for dogs. I said no. The lady said the dog's owner, from Menton, was sick, in hospital and dying and they didn't want his dog! I explained this is not a refuge and they should call the SPA in Monaco but somehow they found me and left her outside the gate anyway.

The next morning we went to the veterinarian - she is about 13 years old, very thin and is now on antibiotics, two different eye drops, one four times a day, one six times a day - one she will need for life as her eyes don't make tears. There's ear medication, and a special bath every five days. She has a heart murmur and filthy teeth which will be cleaned when she has gained condition. Parts of her skin are hard like elephant hide. When I got her home I scissored off all her fur, she's her had first anti-bacterial bath and she is on all the other treatments. Already her eyes are pretty much better, the inflammation has gone from inside her ears, her skin has calmed down - and she is adorable.

She's very neglected but not abused as such. I think her condition is probably the result of an old person just letting her care get out of control. Perhaps I'm being over-generous here as she is a mess. As the vet said, she's been neglected for years.

On the way home from the vet I stopped off in Monaco to have coffee at the Café de Paris with blogging friends from the UK. It was quite funny to see this mess of ungroomed coat and weepy eyes sitting on a chair alongside the immaculately coiffed Monte Carlo dogs. She sat there as if she's done it all her life.

So now we have another dog as part of the Pension Milou family - she really is a very bright little dog, very needy (of course) but very easy. She's absolutely clean and is stuck to me like glue. She also isn't a yappy poodle, thank goodness. My two big hounds, Beau and Mia, don't give kisses so now I'm so lucky and have this little love who does!

Of course, she needed a name and I asked on Facebook - got an enormous number of replies which was so helpful - reading through them all made me realise she reminds me of an old movie star, fallen on hard times. There were many possibilities, Clara Bow, Norma Desmond and so on. I tried several names on her - when I said 'Garbo' for instance, she looked at me terrified and ran back to her bed!

And so she's called Fanny - named for Fanny Brice who was the inspiration for the Broadway show and later the film called Funny Girl. Fancy Brice was also the first person to sing Second Hand Rose when she starred in the Zeigfeld Follies of 1929 - and this little dog is very much a 'second-hand rose.' She seemed to approve of Fanny and ran towards me when I said it.

And so Fanny she is!

31 March 2011


Look who I met amongst the sunglasses in the pharmacy. Don't you just love Airedales that are fluffy like this...

Meet Croquette who is 4 years old and lives in Menton. She was born on the 07/07/07 which I'd think is very lucky, wouldn't you?

26 March 2011

Pocket in a Bag

We all get older and here's a Yorkie sitting comfortably in his very own carrying bag. Meet Pocket who is 12 years of age and was in Menton on holiday from his home in the Tarn.

20 March 2011


Meet Fanny who is 15 months old and lives in Menton. See how tenderly how owner strokes her.

No need to mention that it was a windy day when I took these photos. Isn't she adorable!

16 March 2011


Walking home from the Fete du Citron I saw this lovely dog asleep under a table. He posed with his special training lead but later his owner removed it for photo but then he wouldn't keep still. A lovely dog and active like many Brittany Spaniels.

Rouky is 2 years old and was on holiday in Menton from his home in Belgium.

09 March 2011

Pepsi the Ratter

Pepsi has been fixed to a post alongside her owner whilst the family watch the Corso (parade) at the Fete du Citron in Menton.

She's ten years old - her owner told me she's a good ratter. She lives in the Luberon, a beautiful part of Provence.

Emmie at the Corso

Two year old Emmie was having a lovely time at the Fete du Citron parade on Sunday. Lovely alert Yorkie and proud owner.

They come from a village in Normandy called Sainte Mere Eglise. The village was made famous by the paratrooper John Steel and by the film "The Longest Day". John Steel managed to land on the church and his chute caught on the steeple. He hung there for two hours while the fighting continued on the ground before being cut down by the Germans, taken prisoner and later released by the Americans.

06 March 2011

Foxy Roxy

Roxy is only eleven months old but already knows how beautiful she is. In the main photo she looks as if she's hatching a plot to steal all the dog biscuits - but of course she wasn't. She was quite shy with the big dogs until she got used to them but later shared a bed with a Labrador.

Roxy lives in Monaco.

02 March 2011


Look at this adorable confident little Pomeranian. He's called Niky and he's 4 years old and lives in Monte Carlo. I met him walking along by the yachts in Port Hercule.

27 February 2011

Hettie, the Border Terrier

In the last post we met Harry, the Golden Retriever. This is Hettie, his house-mate and friend. Hettie is a Border Terrier, a breed I find adorable. She's 18 months old.

24 February 2011


This gorgeous two and a half year old Golden Retriever lives in Menton - and in England. His other half is Hettie, a Border Terrier and you'll meet her in a couple of days.

I've never met a more polite and kind Golden. He is so gentle and for a young dog, incredibly calm. When he is excited he picks up a dog bed in his mouth and brings it to you! In my place, this meant an awful lot of dog beds got moved around!

21 February 2011

Enough shopping, already!

Do you get the feeling this animal-print-clad chihuahua could live without going into a shoe shop in Menton?

And if you've nothing better to do tell me ... is this the most beautiful dog loo in the world?

19 February 2011

All tied up...

What is it about dachshunds? They are just so entrancing... even if their leads do get wound around your leg.

14 February 2011

Loona and the Late Photo...

Sometimes I take a photograph of a dog and the photo isn't good enough, so I don't use it and occasionally - mea culpa - I forget. So last Saturday, when I took the photo of the three guys below - the one on the right asked why I hadn't put the photo of his Yorkie pup on the blog and then I remembered. It is one of the last pics I took before I got my new camera and somehow, with all the learning processes, I forgot.

So here - rather late - is little Loona, who was only four months old at the time. Adorable eh? How could I have forgotten!

Click on Menton Daily Photo to read about Philippe (left) who grows organic fruit and veggies in Gorbio.


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