28 May 2012

The White Poodle

San Remo Dog Show:

'Please will someone brush my head for me!'

25 May 2012

Alice's Scooter

This is Alice who is a Llasa Apso x terrier.  She lives in Monaco and like many dogs from the Principality, likes to get out of the place when the Grand Prix is on. Too many people and too much noise! Vroom, vroom ...

She arrived here yesterday on a pale blue scooter driven by her owner -  peeping out at me from the safety of his legs. 

21 May 2012


We're back at the San Remo dog show today.  I don't know this little dog's name but isn't she adorable.

17 May 2012

Jackson and 'Eyes to the Right'

This is Jackson, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. With those wavy ears you can really see why they are called Cavaliers.  Jackson is six years old and lives in Paris. 

In the last photo he's with Fanny, the poodle and Daisy, the labrador - all doing their 'eyes to the right' performance ...


14 May 2012

Flying Galinette

Yesterday we saw Boutchette, one of the Restaurant Beausejour dogs in Gorbio - with her bone.  Today, we see Boutchette's friend, the Shih-tzu, Galinette, who saw a dog across the square and decided she could fly!

You can see little Galinette as a puppy (small enough to sit in a mug) by clicking on the link.

She is called Galinette from the book Manon des Sources by Marcel Pagnol.

13 May 2012

Boutchette's Bone

There was a wedding in Gorbio yesterday afternoon and Boutchette, one of the Restaurant Beausejour dogs enjoys her bone whilst the tables are being prepared.  Hope no one tripped over it later ...

08 May 2012

Cutie Pie

How adorable is  this Jack Russell terrier. The first photo was taken at the Monaco dog show and the smaller one in San Remo, where he's standing on a table waiting to go into the ring.

04 May 2012

Valensia for Finn

This is the adorable Valensia, born in Moscow and living in Cannes.  She is 16 months old and we met at both the Monaco dog show and the San Remo dog show, which was a couple of days later.  The first two pics were taken in Monaco and the last one (better light) in San Remo. 

This post is for my friend Candy and one of her dogs, Finn.  Candy lived happily with her Old English Sheepdog, Blue and her Labrador, Big Mac and then - mad fool! - decided to buy an Irish Wolfhound - who of course is adorable. He's called Finn and he's now 12 months old. I rather think Finn and Valensia would enjoy each other ...

01 May 2012

Cuddle Your Dog!

There was an enormous amount of dog cuddling going on at the San Remo dogshow.  Isn't this Irish Setter just gorgeous.

In the last photo, you see a photo posted on Menton Daily Photo a couple of days ago - lady and dog totally content with each other.

28 April 2012

Pretty in Pink

Yesterday we saw Poppy's tail. Here is her adorable face with one dark eye and one blue eye.  In the old days the shepherds called am Old English Sheepdog 'wall eyed' when it had one eye of each colour and believed the dog would never go blind. Maybe /probably a myth.

I have a feeling she knows she's pretty, don't you? As I said, yesterday, Poppy lives in Holland and is on the French Riviera for a series of dog shows known as the Riviera Circuit - Monaco, San Remo and Nice - three shows in three different countries which gives dogs a chance of getting various international titles.

27 April 2012

Poppy's Tail

Today is the first day of Monaco's annual dog show.  This is an Old English Sheepdog's tail getting a little trim.  Come back tomorrow and I'll show you the other end and her beautiful face! She's called Poppy, lives in Holland and won Best Bitch at Crufts this year - no small feat in the dog world.

23 April 2012


My friend Carla and I went for a walk above Gorbio yesterday - she had to vote. Here's a snap of her dog Billie, named for Billie-Jean King or perhaps for the Elton John song, I'm not sure.

Billie is around 7 years old now and lives in Gorbio.

20 April 2012


'Top Marques' is on in Monaco at the moment. This is a gathering of all the latest supercars in the world. Boys' toys is what it's all about. But it's not only cars - there are several motorbike stands including one for Harley bikes, so it's no surprise to know this little 4 year old chihuahua is called Harley. He sat happily on the sofa alongside the bikes all day long. Harley normally lives in Switzerland.

He's so cute and a perfect pure white.

16 April 2012

Whose is it anyway? ...

Ricky, the little black and tan dog, has been trying to break this small branch (or large twig!) off a dead bush for weeks now. Today he succeeded at which point, Daisy the labrador, decided it was her branch.

Both dogs have featured on Riviera Dogs before but just in case you've not met them - Ricky lives in Monaco and Daisy lives in Cannes although she is here for a seven month stay as she is moving to Perth in Australia when all the paperwork is completed. So she thinks she's my dog (for the moment) and so do I! Both these dogs are totally adorable.

11 April 2012


It's not ideal photographing dogs near to a pile of parked cars, which is how it always is in the square above the basilica in Menton.

Meet Thea, a beautiful Siberian Husky who comes from Cuneo in Italy. She's 3 years old.

Aren't those blue eyes amazing...

08 April 2012


Doesn't she look fierce - or wise - or cross! Pugs have the most incredible range of expression on their adorable squashed up faces, don't they?

Meet little Karaly who lives in Mougins, near to Grasse. She's around 10 months old now.

05 April 2012

Right angle

White dog - white line - outside a fish stall at Menton's market this morning.

02 April 2012


This beautiful Pyrenean Mountain Dog lives in Gorbio and is a two and a half year old male. He's called Ice. He wasn't crazy about posing but was very good at doing his job as a guard dog, despite his owner trying to persuade him to smile for the camera. A lovely rapport though, between dog and owner. She absolutely adores him and the feeling is obviously mutual.

31 March 2012

The Pink Ribbon Walk in Monaco

These dogs took part in the recent Pink Ribbon Walk in Monaco - for breast cancer awareness.

The Yorkie with the badge is called Jamie and he's one and a half. I don't know the name of the Chihuahua, so proudly displaying the pink balloon.

To learn more about Monaco's first Pink Ribbon Walk, click HERE.

27 March 2012


This is Oural, a 14 year old Whippet who lives in Toulon. He was in Monte Carlo for the recent 10 kilometre run - hence all those feet clad in running shoes.

He knows he could outrun all of them and is wondering why don't they hurry up so he can get home to his comfortable sofa...


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