25 September 2012

The Flying Cavalier

There was an Agility competition in Menton recently so expect lots of photos of dogs jumping over fences! 

Isn't this Cavalier amazing - I never knew this breed did agility.

21 September 2012

Plume, the Golden Oldie

This lovely old Golden Retriever lives in Gorbio village and recently attended the Blessing of the Animals.

He's called Plume and is 13 years old. Such a gentle soul. Such a lovely breed.

16 September 2012


Here's a Riviera Dog who happens to be one of mine. This is Mia - some of you know she had a terrible life before she came here three and a half years ago. 

Now, she's in pretty good shape physically, still terrified of strangers and normally gets up and moves when I pick up the camera.  Yesterday was a bit of a breakthrough though because she saw the camera, looked at me through sleepy eyes and stayed where she was. So here she is ...

13 September 2012

Enki, the dachshund puppy and Julien

This adorable dachshund puppy, Enki, had been brought to the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village by his proud owner, Julien.  Julien and Enki, who is 3 months old, live in Gorbio.

In the last photo, Enki is being admired by the owner of Google, the chihuahua we met the other day. Google looks pretty interested too!

It's so good to see a young man like Julien taking such good care of his dog. 

08 September 2012


This little Miniature Pinscher is called D'squard (without the 'e' - as in D'squared) - don't you love it. D'squard is 6 years old and lives in Gorbio village.

Like all Min Pins he's really active - I took two or three shots but it was hard to get him reasonably still and then later, there he was. standing next to his owner and her handbag on a wall. Voila!

Matching handbag too!

04 September 2012

Google the Chihuahua

This adorable little Chihuahua was in Gorbio village recently for the Blessing of the Animals. Dressed for the occasion in a bow-tie, he's called Google, is 18 months old and lives in nearby Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

As you can see, he attracts a lot of attention - here being photographed by both his owner and me!

30 August 2012


This is Freezbee, she's one and a half years old and is a Shiba Inu.  A Shiba Inu is a Japanese hunting dog, in fact 'inu' is Japanese for dog. 

I met Freezbee in the village of Gorbio where she lives. Don't you just love her smile!

25 August 2012


It's so rare to see an Afghan Hound in the south of France - and certainly not one as beautiful and in such wonderful condition as Tiago.  In fact Tiago is the first Afghan to appear on Riviera Dogs. 

This three-year old was walking in the pedestrian street of Menton where he created quite a stir (don't you love the look the little girl is giving him?) but, as befits such a beauty, wasn't bothered in the least by the crowds. But then he's a Saint Tropez dog so is doubtless used to adulation from the 'in' crowd. 

22 August 2012

Off to the Flamenco!

This may look a rather strange way of walking the dog but in fact it's sensible. This lady is waiting to get into the Flamenco Festival in Gorbio village - naturally pooch comes too - and with her own little carrying bag she has somewhere to sit comfortably - and feels secure -  whilst the performance is on.

If you want to see photos of the flamenco dancing please click on Menton Daily Photo.

17 August 2012


Meet Titine, a totally adorable year old French bulldog who lives in the medieval village of Gorbio.  Titine and her owner, Denis, are at the Bar les Terrasses.

Looks like these two are made for each other ... lucky dog, lucky owner. 

13 August 2012



This adorable Cavalier King Charles puppy was at the Monte Carlo Historic Grand Prix earlier in the year. She's called Iggy and at the time was only a few months old. She lives in Monaco and didn't seem at all bothered hanging around near the beautiful old racing cars.

09 August 2012

Ayla - the Black and the White

Meet Ayla.  She's a Bi-Color Standard Poodle or as the owner said, a Harlequin Poodle.  I've only ever seen one other in the south of France and she is on this blog. Ayla is only 5 months old and had travelled with her family from Switzerland for their holidays in Menton.

03 August 2012

Wash and Brush Up Westie

My friend Carla has a grooming salon in Menton - it's near to the market in the Old Town.  I often call in to see her to chat and of course I have to snap any dog on the table. This lovely Westie had been washed, was more or less dry and is about to have a trim.  I forgot to ask his or her name but isn't he an absolute cutie ...

29 July 2012


This tiny Miniature Pinscher is just a handful of cuteness. She's called Greta, is 4 months old and she was running around Menton with her pretty owner.  She lives in Alassio in Italy.

26 July 2012


We've met Prickle before on Riviera dogs but that was four and a half years ago.  Prickle lives with her owner William at one of Menton's famous gardens, Le Clos du Peyronnet.  Here she poses near some of the beautiful old demijohns that appear to float on one of the pools in this magical garden.  

21 July 2012

Pippo, the High-Energy Jack Russell

This is Pippo, a high-energy one year old Jack Russell who lives in Italy. I met him walking through the medieval village of Gorbio where he wouldn't let go of his tennis ball and that is what he is doing here - clinging on to the ball, feet off the ground.  Ideally, I'd have used a different setting on the camera so the background was more blurred but it wouldn't deal with the speed of this little dog.

Perhaps I'll meet him again one day, with his charming owners, Mauro and Dimitri - then we'll settle him down and have another go at a portrait. But then how often is a Jack Russell calm and quiet?!

19 July 2012

Orazio from Lake Como

Is there anything more adorable than a 4 month old French Bulldog puppy?  Meet Orazio (italian for Horatio).  I bumped into him a couple of days ago in the Casino Gardens in Monte Carlo. He lives in Lake Como, Italy.

This post is for Véronique, a fellow-blogger (French Girl in Seattle) who recently visited Menton and Gorbio et moi.   We had such a good time together, putting the world to rights over a good bottle of rosé. (or was it half a bottle!) She adores French Bulldogs and one day wants to have one. I'm sure she will! 

16 July 2012


Camilla is only 10 months old and such a well-behaved dog - well we all know how crazy young labs can be at times.  Her owner (they live in Turin) told me she's always been a calm, well-behaved dog. They are on holiday in Menton.

12 July 2012


Her owner is having a coffee and croissant in Menton whilst she waits patiently.  All our dogs ever ask is to be with us - they don't mind how long they wait.

I wish I was as patient as my dogs ...

09 July 2012

Biscuit, who lives on a Yacht

This is Biscuit. She's five years old and was given her forever home when her owners found her in a refuge in California.  Now she lives on a yacht and shortly after these photos were taken (her summer haircut) was en route for a summer in Turkey. 

Biscuit is an adorable, kind dog who has really landed on her feet - or perhaps one should say 'sea legs.' I wonder if dogs get seasick?


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