10 August 2013

Hot Dog!

What a good way to cool down a hot Labrador in a medieval hill village! 

Meet Heli, who is only 9 months old and lives at the top of Gorbio village.  He obviously appreciates the wet tea towel on his back. Of course, it eventually fell off but his vigilant owner kept putting it back again. Isn't he gorgeous - look at those kind trusting eyes.

06 August 2013


Isn't she gorgeous!  This is Maggie.  She's a Red and White Irish Setter who lives in Monaco.

02 August 2013

Abby and Mia

Not the first time I've posted a photo of Abby, the Cavalier and Mia, the Bassett Ariegois, on my coffee table! Beautiful Abby comes to stay from time to time and Mia is one of my rescue dogs.

24 July 2013

Ulka, the Briard

You don't see many Briards in the south of France. Perhaps because it's too hot. Surprising though because they are, after all, a French Shepherd Dog.

Meet Ulka. She's 10 years old and lives in Paris.  I met her in the medieval village of Gorbio.

19 July 2013

Indignant Tess

This is Tess, part pointer - giving me the dirtiest look because she doesn't want her photo taken - thank you very much! 

We've met Tess before on Riviera Dogs - she was one of four puppies found in a plastic bag and thrown in a rubbish bin - aged one day!  A wonderful lady in the Var hand-reared them and eventually they all found great homes. 

15 July 2013

Charlie, the Griffon Bruxellois

This is Charlie and he's one of the sweetest little dogs I've met. He's a Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon which is a breed of toy dog, named for their city of origin: Brussels, Belgium. The Griffon Bruxellois may refer to three different breeds, the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon. Identical in standard except for coat and colour differences, in some standards they are considered varieties of the same breed.  You can see two of them HERE - photographed at the Monaco Dog Show. Sometimes they are called 'monkey dogs' presumably because of their cute expressions.

The little wire-haired dog in the foreground of the Jan van Eyck painting The Arnolfini Marriage is thought to be an early form of this breed.

Charlie is 10 years old, although you'd never know it and he lives in Monaco. Absolutely adorable. 

11 July 2013


This squirming bundle of Jack Russell terrier was at the recent Mechoui in Gorbio village.  I don't know her name.

Here she has leapt into the arms of Fabrice, who was chatting to her owner who is out of the picture to the right and is holding her lead.

08 July 2013

Lola - the White Miniature Schnauzer

This lovely white Miniature Schnauzer is called Lola and lives in Monaco.  She was being groomed in a poodle parlour in Menton.Lola is 4 years old.

Miniature schnauzers come in four colours - black, salt-and-pepper, black-and-silver, and white.  I've never seen a white one before - have you?

03 July 2013

Thaina - the Lucky Dog from Thailand

Meet Thaina.  She is a Thai dog and was run over by a car on the streets of Thailand when she was only a few months old.  Happily for her, she was taken to the vet by a young couple who arranged for her to be treated and eventually tatooed and vaccinated and then brought to France. She now lives in Menton. I photographed her in Gorbio where she was visiting her owner's mother who lives in the village.

29 June 2013

Doreen or Uggie?

You'd think this little dog is a puppy, wouldn't you? In fact, Doreen is 5 years old.

She reminds me a bit of Uggie in 'The Artist' - slightly different markings but that same adorable face. Doreen lives in Monaco - I met her yesterday in the veterinary surgery in Cap d'Ail.

23 June 2013


 This is Tessa, a 4 month old Boxer puppy, playing near the beach in Garavan, Menton.  She lives in Grasse.

18 June 2013

Gunja - and bone

Gunja is a cross between a Boxer and a Golden Retriever. She's the sweetest, gentlest dog and lives in the village of Gorbio.  Here you see her chewing a bone at the recent Méchoui (sheep roast picnic) - yes, the dogs eat as well as the people: there was a large dish of lamb and lamb bones, just for the dogs!

Gunja, is very polite -  here she greets friends at one of the tables. And with her owner and new baby, she says Hello to Gunilla and Alice. 

14 June 2013

Helline - Lagotto Romagnolo

Isn't she absolutely gorgeous! Meet Helline, a 15 month old Lagotto Romagnolo (Italian Water Dog) - she looks somewhat like a large miniature poodle but stockier and with a much curlier coat - really tight curls as you can see. She's cute, intelligent and a ball of energy.

Helline lives in Menton for part of the year and is the first Lagotto Romagnolo on Riviera Dogs. This breed is also known as the Curly Coated Duck Retriever. Click on the link to read more.

11 June 2013

Get Off the Coffee Table!

Get off the coffee table!  This was taken when Abby, the Cavalier was staying here. The other dog is Mia, one of my rescues. 

Once upon a time I had a sofa and comfortable chairs - long gone since they were taken over by the dogs.  Now it looks like the coffee table has gone too.

04 June 2013


Some dogs are just too beautiful for words, aren't they? This stunning Swiss Shepherd Dog lives in the village of Gorbio. He's two and a half years old and is called Ghost. Such gorgeous gentle eyes and such a kind expression.

31 May 2013

Lunch Break

Two well-behaved Jack Russell terriers waiting whilst their owners eat lunch at the fabulous Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio. 

27 May 2013

Doggie Transport

An interesting dog carrier in a shoe shop in Menton...

Later, I saw one of the two Jack Russell terriers walking around the town (see small photo) and so presume that perhaps the other one is paralysed.

There's a cute and spoiled Yorkie on Menton Daily Photo  needing to get away from the crowds ...

23 May 2013

Waiting ...

This little dog was tied up outside the Palais de l'Europe in Menton yesterday.  He didn't seem too bothered. If anything, he was more bothered by me taking his photo - so I didn't stay long. 


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