29 August 2015

A Saint's slobber

A Saint Bernard I met at this year's Monaco Dog Show.  Yes, I know they slobber but all the same, they are gorgeous ...

20 August 2015


This adorable Jack Russell puppy is called Titoo. He lives in Gorbio village.

19 August 2015


Is she guarding the car ... or hoping for a ride!  (this is Iris, the dog belonging to my friend and neighbour, Agnes)

14 August 2015

Jazz and Jenna

These two pups are called Jazz and Jenna.  They are one year old and live in Menton. I met them and their family when I was photographing a 50s Rock event in Menton. 

13 August 2015

Tess and ball

Tess and ball.  We've met Tess before on Riviera Dogs - she was found at 24 hours old, along with her three brothers and sisters, tied up in a plastic bag and thrown into a rubbish bin. The pups were hand-reared by the kind lady who found them - and look at Tess now. 6 years old and one happy dog.

11 August 2015

Harley the Bloodhound

Bloodhounds are not for everyone (as you see they do drool!) but I, for one, love them.  This is Harley, he's 5 years old and he lives in Monaco.  Harley ended up in a refuge in Belgium and from there he was rescued by his current and forever owners. Lucky boy!

03 August 2015

Maggie in the Blue

Maggie, a beautiful Red and White Irish setter amidst the agapanthus. Maggie lives in Monaco.

31 July 2015

Helline, model

Helline is a Lagotto Romagnolo, an Italian breed.  She lives part of the time in Menton and the rest in Luxembourg. She's three and a half and as you can see enjoys playing 'model.' 

24 July 2015

Granddaughter and dog

This old Yorkie belongs to Alain, who lives in Gorbio village. She is being walked (sort of!) by Alain's granddaughter who lives in Senegal.

22 July 2015


Tess is a pointer mix who had a very bad start in life.  She was put into a plastic bag, along with her three siblings, when she was less than a day old - and thrown into a rubbish bin.  Fortunately the puppies' cries were heard by a kind lady who hand-reared the puppies.  Tess is now eight years old.

20 July 2015


This is a Elfy, a truly cute 6 year old Boston terrier who lives in Paris.  For friends who know Peter Olson (Peter's Paris) this little dog belongs to his daughter.

13 July 2015

Cuba ... from Cuba

This cute pup with amazing eyes is called Cuba, which is no surprise because she comes from Guantanamo, Cuba.  She's a 4 month old hunting dog and lives in Dolceacqua, Italy. She was in Gorbio recently with her owners for the 'vernissage' of art (from Dolceacqua) held in the Chateau Lascaris.

11 July 2015


Tiny button nose, too cute for words, this tiny Yorkie was in Gorbio last night for the opening of the most recent exhibition in the Chateau.

He's only two months old, lives in Menton and is called Luca.

05 July 2015


Weirmaraners are SO expressive. Just love this breed. So of course it was great to welcome Hector and his slaves for a stroll around Gorbio village.  In the main photo, Hector is tucked into a niche at the super Restaurant Beausejour in the village.

Hector's owners are good friends who live in Marseille - a city I hope to visit one day.

30 June 2015

The Perch

A Jack Russell's perch - the best place, in his owner's arms!

24 June 2015

'Ours' after two months

Some of you have kindly asked how 'Ours' = Bear (pronounced Orse) my newly adopted dog is coming along. Well here he is after two months here - he loves the garden, he plays BUT he is still terrified of any visitor and lives in fear of the someone coming through the front gate. But there is progress - and of course I'm in love!

18 June 2015

Fluffing up a Peke

Pekinese 'brush up'  at the Monaco dog show. 

16 June 2015

A pat on the head

A pat on the head by a stranger for this little Cavalier who has been tied up, in the shade.  He is more interested though in watching his owner, who came back for him almost immediately.

13 June 2015

Sheltie X 4

Gorbio village has four new residents ... well, five if you count the owner! These four beautifully behaved Shelties seem at home already on the old cobbled streets.

08 June 2015


This is Iris, the lovely golden retriever belonging to my friend and neighbour, Agnès.  It is Agnès who corrects the French on my Menton Daily Photo blog each day. No mean feat!


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