12 October 2015

Mama and puppies.

Mama and puppies in Gorbio village.  

11 October 2015

On guard

A long-haired dachshund guarding his apartment in Gorbio village.

08 October 2015


This is Rocky.  His owner tells me he is a Bichon Havernais (Havernese) although his coat doesn't seem curly enough. Perhaps Havernese pups are like this when tiny and then the coat curls later?  Rocky lives in L'Escarene which is in the hills above Nice.

07 October 2015

Fashion statemernt with dogs ...

Fashion statement at the Fête de la Branda in Gorbio village.

06 October 2015

Refuge dog Diego

This pretty little dog had been given his forever-home only two days before I met him,  yet seems full of confidence and happy.  He's got one blue and one brown eye and is called Diego. He now lives in Villeneuve Loubet.  He and his new owner were at the Fete de la Branda in Gorbio. Lucky dog, lucky owner.

05 October 2015


This beautiful English setter is called Ascot and lives in Gorbio village with his owner, Rénée - a well-known local lady who used to run the village shop.

04 October 2015


Another puppy today.  Isn't she pretty! This is 4 month old Lilou who is a mix between a Beagle and an English cocker spaniel.  Lilou lives in Menton.

03 October 2015


Don't you just love the intensity of a puppy!

30 September 2015

Pup (lic) transport

Who knew a 7 week old puppy could ride a bike?


Qui savait qu'un un chiot âgé de 7 semaines pouvait faire du vélo?

28 September 2015

Mika and puppy

Gorbio. This is Mika with one of his 10 adorable puppies.  They are a mix of American Bulldog, Ipso (that's Dad) and Mama, who is called Gandja, and is a mix of Boxer and Golden Retriever.

Not long now and they'll be looking for their forever homes.


Gorbio. Voici Mika avec un de ses 10 adorables chiots. Ils sont issus d'un Bouledogue américain, Ipso le 'papa' et de Gandja la 'maman', un mélange de Boxer et Golden Retriever.

Bientôt, ils seront à la recherche de leurs foyers définitifs.

26 September 2015


Rough Collies used to be a really popular breed. I suppose from the days of 'Lassie come Home' but nowadays they are rarely seen.

I met this beauty in Ravello, on the Ligurian coast of Italy.  He's called Sacha and he's 3 years old.

24 September 2015

'Ours' and the photography magazine

This is my rescue dog 'Ours' displaying a French photography magazine, Chasseur d'Images, which features an article on Laure Agneray. Laure photographs her three children and has recently published a beautiful book, ''Confiance et Reves Eveilles.' Totally inspirational and gorgeous photography.

23 September 2015

Santa Margherita puppy

This very young puppy was being led along a street in Santa Margherita, near Portofino in Italy.  The young owner didn't know what breed he is. She said 'pastoral' but that's all she knew.  He looks as if he might have had his ears and tail cropped. Hopefully not.

Thank you to a reader who suggests he is a  Caucasian Ovcharka and indeed it is a breed who has its ears cropped.

16 September 2015


This little dog, who lives in Rapallo, Italy, wasn't too happy at being photographed. He's certainly cute though.

15 September 2015

Galinette and Bouchette

Galinette, the Shih-tzu and Bouchette, Bassett Hound, outside their restaurant, Le Beausejour in Gorbio village.

13 September 2015

Pooch in Portofino

A pooch in Portofino, Italy.  Couldn't resist this boy and his dog outside his parents' gallery in the port. The Jack Russell terrier is called Marquis.

09 September 2015


Joe, the cocker spaniel, lives in Nice. 

The beautiful legs belong to his owner, Emmanuelle, who kindly agreed to ruin a pair of shoes posing for photos in the Coulée Verte in October last year.

I owe you a pair of shoes, Emma!

08 September 2015

A Handful ...

You could say a handful!  A chihuahua and a Yorkie who live in Nice. 

06 September 2015


Larry looks guilty! Bulldogs are so expressive, witness this look!  Larry lives in Menton with his buddy, Haston.

05 September 2015

The Russian Toy Terrier

This is Hysathis, only 15 months old.  She is a Russian Toy Terrier.   It seems the breed was bred from the English Toy Terrier, now known as the Manchester Terrier.  Click link to read more.


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