19 February 2016

Gypsy and Halie

Look at the cuties I met in Gorbio village yesterday.   On the left, Gypsy, a Papillon mix and on the right Halie, a Miniature Pinscher.  They are currently in Menton for the Fete du Citron and come from the Cantal region of France - where the cheese comes from!

17 February 2016

Dachshunds Rule!

Dachshunds rule! Especially dachshund puppies!

16 February 2016

Blue Plastic

Don't you just love the home-made dog walker?

15 February 2016


This is Barilla - she's a terrier mix and is sometimes cared for by my friend Sylvie in Menton, when her owner goes away.  Note: her partially blue eye. You see this sometimes in dogs - even with half a brown eye and the other half blue.

She's named after the Italian brand of pasta!

14 February 2016

Emmanuelle and Joe

So proud that this photo was awarded 2nd place in the '7th Regard Photographique 'Concours Photo de La Rue - Club Photo St. Laurent du Var. Thank you to the judges and congratulations to my friend, Philippe Chiodi, who was awarded first prize.

Congratulations to the Club Photo St. Laurent du Var for the superb exhibition at the Hotel de la Ville, St. Laurent du Var - and for the warm welcome extended to us.

And thank you to Emmanuelle Deleuse and her dog Joe, without whom the photo wouldn't exist. Big hug, dear beautiful Emma. Woof woof to Joe. x

13 February 2016

Scaredy cat

'No chihuahuas were hurt in the making of this photo!' 

Ears back,  this little cutie is a bit scared.  But come back tomorrow and see her in a totally different frame of mind.

12 February 2016


'Please stop texting... I'm trying to talk to you!'

11 February 2016


This is Charlie, a Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon - also known as a Monkey dog.   Charlie lives in Monaco and is a totally adorable character.

10 February 2016

Japanese Chin

Here's a breed you don't often see - a Japanese Chin.  It's a type of toy spaniel and was well-known to the Japanese nobility. It's also known for have a 'strabismus' of the eye. And no, I didn't know what that meant either! Apparently it means it has a squint! I met this little cutie in Menton.

09 February 2016

Armful of Dogs

An armful of dogs!  On the left a chihuahua and on the right a Tibetan spaniel, a breed you don't often see around here.  I bumped into them in Menton yesterday and had to take a quick photo.

07 February 2016

Blow Dry

This old shih-tzu has just been bathed and is in the drying cabinet at a friend's grooming salon in Menton.  Behind the glass, the warm air blows her hair dry.

06 February 2016

Billie and ball

Billie, the Shih-tzu.  She was named after Billie-Jean King, the tennis player so no wonder she is guarding her ball!

05 February 2016

Ted, the market dog

Ted is a market dog.  His owner sells eggs on a stall outside Menton's municipal market. He's a two-year old French bulldog wrapped up against the early morning chill.

04 February 2016


Beautiful Hector, a Weimaraner on a visit to Gorbio last year.  Hector lives in Marseille with his two Daddies, good friends of mine.

03 February 2016

Begging Bouchette

This is Bouchette, the Bassett Hound who belongs to the Restaurant Beausejour in Gorbio.  In fact, she's sitting on the terrace of the bar opposite, Les Terrasses, hoping for a morsel from the table and not getting it ...!

02 February 2016

Can I? Can I?

This is one little dog who adores his owner and just wants to please.  We've met Mr. Mojo before and I know we'll meet him again. Mr. Mojo lives in Monte Carlo with his owner, my friend Nicky.

01 February 2016


Meet Basil, an exceedingly handsome Llasa Apso.  Note the smart animal print container (attached to his lead) and used to hold his 'poop' bags.  I met Basil in Gorbio village yesterday.

31 January 2016

Waiting ...

Dogs queue too! A cute bichon, wrapped up for winter, at the Orange (telecom) shop in Menton.

30 January 2016

Table Dog?

This Jack Russell looks as if he's standing on a table but in fact he is standing on a wall alongside this restaurant in Place du Cap, Menton.   Dogs are part of life in France and if you go to a restaurant, then of course, your dog can go too.  I approve!

29 January 2016

'Fair' dog

There's a Fair on in Menton at the moment and this dog was tied up at the back of one of the rides waiting for his owner to close down for the day.  Note the one blue and one brown eye. 


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